Monday, May 4, 2009

Raised Ast And Alt Levels

Rirorno to my ... times.

Who would have thought? A year so do not enjoy it for years. High half-marathon that fills me with satisfaction. An encore that pays my sacrifices after two months of the Barcelona Marathon and 15 days half of Villanova Ostuni. Yet my training methods do not seem to be too absurd! In Bari
I started with the idea of \u200b\u200bcollecting the same result as the first 15 days. But I have done better: 1 hour 33 minutes and 44 seconds. A minute before half Ostuni ... forever!
the sixth best time of my class (out of 42) ... just 10 seconds from the fifth position.
Started in 1200 at a glance that the race is devoid of tread with their beautiful colorful balloons that indicate the rhythm of the final time. Patience ... I would do without a reference point that I would suggest the pace en route.
Solita press in the first 200 meters, barely when putting in a corridor free from dangerous traffic jams. A mishap that makes me lose at least 20 seconds in the first 5 minutes of running. Full recovery over the next 3 miles running at a pace of 4 minutes and 20 seconds per km. I feel however that it did not give up the voltage because I realize that I run with little fluidity. Casio systematically control my every 1000 meters of road sign, noting a time that makes me think seriously about whether to keep or less: 4 'and 20 to the first refreshment.
The route of the race winds up a circuit to be repeated twice along the entire waterfront. After 7 km you pass the first time under the banner of the start / finish, then you head for the longest part of the circuit. After the tenth km (44 ' and 35 ") I clearly had the feeling to make rubber band. I could not find the right pace until an athlete Bari Society Friends of the Treasury has given me a hand. His step similar to mine and his size helped a shelter from the mistral winds moderate.
last turning point (favorable wind) I had the feeling of beating the time of the half of Ostuni. Three kilometers to the finish. ... On the 18th 1:20:20. I had absolutely get under the hour and thirty-four! So I can give more grit to my strengths and speeds.
Real time: 1:33:44. Another result to be envied!
Note: My time is officially 1:34:02 - equal sixth grade. The Real Time instead of the fifth me!
the next.