Monday, November 9, 2009

Ubisoft Wont Let Me Register

Altamura - The perfect race

feared a resounding setback after the aftermath of the contracture in the left calf. But with the test Sunday, November 8, I found an unexpected confidence.
Altamura, 21 Trophy Auxilium, 10.500 km far from easy. The name of the place where the course seems to have at least guessed because you're already a precise idea of \u200b\u200bthe path. A place very hilly and full of pitfalls.
But the right concentration and the experience of someone who "knows what to expect" has resulted in a very satisfactory result.
The race started at 10 am with a punctuality worthy of the best organizers, it is now channeled into the narrow streets of the center of Altamura. We were over a thousand. An inevitable initial fall due to the usual sgomitoni has touched half a tragedy. Fortunately, I had to avoid a bunch of athletes that has saved me before making me lose precious seconds.
The large group has expanded only after a heavy kilometer. Difficult to overcome the most stubbornly denied the slow track. I therefore had to find the correct step down only when a light has ginned the crowd.
A descent that I have faced endless sparingly.
figured that sooner or later the road would take a turn for the worse.
Among the other was the first time that I stood before this classic.
I memorized every kilometer route (marked very visibly). The pace in the first 4 will be around 4 minutes and 10 media. Sometimes I have definitely slowed down when the road became steeper, with the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to face the second half of the race with enough freshness.
the fifth ... an alarm. A slight cramp in the usual place. I feared that would return the damn contracture. I slowed down a few seconds of the sixth miles. I did well.
Then ... a wall, or rather a ... high wall, appeared before showing a long trail of athletes who climbed with difficulty. It 's been so right here. I faced a real climbing by exploiting the freshness preserved during the first half of the tour.
I passed a large amount of carefully watching those athletes that could belong to my category. To earn so few places in the standings.
I even met and exceeded one of our definitely in better shape than me.
End time: 46 minutes flat. The average of 4 minutes and 23 seconds per kilometer. An eighth-grade unexpected but deserved (the MM60 had a total of 61). Good race.