Monday, December 14, 2009

How Many Calories In A Chow Mein Take Away

year-end. Deserved podium.

will close the year with a flourish 2009 with a good result and a good time.
Pieces of Greek, a fraction of Fasano-Brindisi. Sunday, December 27, a race to the Christmas classic. A journey of 10.5 km track in the countryside at the foot of Selva di Fasano. Atmosphere does not just winter, as the sirocco and the intense humidity makes you think of a dull autumn day. As usual
birth without having clear ideas. With three sessions during the week of 50 miles (half of which in the long routes on Sunday 20) and a triptych of 3 km race pace paths on Christmas day, I approached the race with ease. Not knowing the way I left without force, slightly uphill and with some difficulty to get the rhythm. A first transition from the point of departure-arrival at the 4th km. Perfect organization and eventually an audience participant. On the second lap I realized that my legs are better and less short of breath. I find the right rhythm and proceeds smoothly. A long stretch of flat and smooth road makes me want to stretch. WARNING Any gain positions so constantly attending to my own class. The last 3 km provide a slight descent leading to the finish line. Check my Casio each kilometer and despite the natural difficulties of concentration I can do my calculations. I walk a couple of miles at an average of 4:05. The 10th I reached him after 43 minutes and 30 seconds. The last 500 meters are a straight line to the finish line. Through them with ease and close to 45 and 35, or an average of 4 minutes and 20 seconds per km. Knowing
opponents usually are placed before me, I smell the podium.
I decide to wait for the ceremony. Second place. Great.
I receive compliments from my teammates. He could not finish better this year.


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