Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Vegetable Center Pieces

A historical triptych

last three Sundays with three races: two half-marathons and 10 km.
Sunday, October 3: Marathon City of Barletta. A race not only participants but also lots of special effects. A hot summer and a pretty seafront rather breathtaking I uploaded like a rope of a clock. A perfect watch that came in my legs and I was traveling at 4 and 40 seconds for each of the 21 km. Almost 900 people from the city center, and after returns to the point of departure - arrival, we dove in the quiet sandy beach of the coast to reach the indwelling campaigns and then go back on our feet. A race well run, despite the lack of training of the previous two months. A ninth enviable place (there were about 40 athletes belonging to my class) and equally enviable final time: 1 hour 38 minutes and 45 seconds.
Sunday, October 10: Run Mola 2010. A race of 10 km regional dall'AVIS promoted. Third category with an end result that in a long time: 41 minutes and 20 seconds, at an average just over 4 minutes and 15 seconds per km. He had not traveled this distance in a race. I only had to suffer in the last two miles to keep an athlete belonging to my category, useless tactics as a friend (who passed me in the sprint) has proved to be a category less than mine.
The pace, however, gave me a high resentment at the right Achilles tendon. The injury seemed to be passed in two successive sessions. But apparently the stress was lurking. So I approached the second half marathon Arnesano (Lecce) with the hope of having to bear the discomfort.
Sunday, October 17: Half Marathon Valle della Cupa. Morning heel elevator to reach the place in good time. Usual painstaking preparations for the dressing. Serious error in having used worn socks just once (I have brought a nail or black, for those who want to speak polished, hematoma sottungueale). Turnip head for following the rhythm of his team in the first 3 -4 km (4:30 per km), with the result that the 10th was already in crisis because of the pain now to the tendon during exacerbation. Despite everything I continued to run a decent pace, finishing the 21 km and 98 meters in 1 hour and 41 minutes, practically living on a pension. Despite the gentle pace of the last kilometers, I wanted to reach as soon as the goal step by step only for the annoying heel pain. Almost a minute and 15 seconds of Barletta. And, after hearing after hearing, the second category. Consequences?: A vagal syndrome due to light stress appeared long after the arrival of which continued during the trip back home.
How about a little slow?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Alberta Dental Guide 2010

The early years. .. I

My first years as a deputy were all characterized by a common denominator: fear. During the summer 'Victor and I fill out applications, then he could make as many as you wanted and schools in the province of Naples were three hundred and there were so many questions that we wrote. We used the stencils and stamp to make more soon ... then by 'start of' school year the wait. The schools were in need of temporary substitute the telegram sent to several of the list ... you went there and found an unknown number of people for a temporary ten-day, one month ... if it was a pregnancy was the free ride. The first or the person who was first passed or failed and the others ... at home.
Today will be even worse, but then it was terrible ... I did the rounds of schools with my 500 to make sure that there was cheating, that the appointments should occur regularly. When, in the last years of school in Milan, started thinking about retirement and to rebuild his career, I have noticed that my peers in the north, in those dark years, had always taught to wait ... all those months, I have them from years of gnawing 'University ... in conclusion, I retired with 36 years of service, although taught 38 years ... it is pure gobbledygook, and it is impossible to explain, but it is.
Fear ... fear of not having substitutes, not afraid that after we met an 'other, fear of not being able to do the' year that meant 6 points and the summer salary: c 'were two ways or teach for 180 days Effective February 1 or uninterrupted.
L 'I said elsewhere: I had an easy life and well-off but the school have me sweating ...
Winter 1971-72: the 'year went on stage "Alleluia good people "who devoted great actor Gigi Proietti young and lean to the left of Rascel, replaced Modugno all that 'last minute packages .. and was declared a triumph, in the cast c' was also a very young Mariangela Melato. A Sanremo Marcella Bella singing" I remember green mountains "on the radio ... c 'was a good afternoon, Feltrinelli blew up the trellis Segrate
... In January I had a substitution of one month .. Michelangelo School in Bagnoli. I found myself with a second average female and a third male were still in force on the infamous double shifts for which my mother many years before, had preferred to join the Sisters
... With the girls, no problem ... the young girls become attached to alternate with ... males was more difficult on a Saturday afternoon ... I noticed in the class of different faces, to make me a joke had brought in four older boys who were not of school called the janitor who drove them all ... 'output was the twilight, I attacked in the 500 ... I closed in and the machine them to shake off ... when they saw that I did not make a turn, got bored and went away, do not think I've ever been afraid, I was beginning to make me the bones ... now it comes to bullying, violence in schools ... things always happened in a minor key, it gave them less weight, you had to earn the job on the field ...
In February '72, thanks to a recommendation I got a substitute for the whole 'year ... we wanted in a small town in Molise 98 km away from Naples ... we went to shipping: mom, dad, me and Victor ... 's only hotel in the country was occupied by a mob in confinement, with his court, where we went to Isernia Victor had some distant relatives ... referred us to a nunnery ... This could keep me out in the evening ... no pension, no television and lights out at nine .... I do with my life I was free Vittorio desperate ... but resolved the situation: I organized the daily itinerary, based on school schedules and the media.
few days of the week left Naples at 5:30 in the morning and returned in the afternoon at the same time. My return (recklessness of youth) were based on the mercy of a bus driver of the Lancaster-Naples line, I waited forever to 'cross between the road leading to the country and the provincial ... and on the kindness of a colleague who went to fetch me, coming from the neighboring country to take me to the station Venafro. My colleague was never absent THAT 'winter, I took a train to Venafro post that started at 9 am from Rome and arrived in Naples at 5 pm the next day ... it started again. Once a week I accompanied Vittorio, being still at 'University, during my three hours of lessons left to study in the car.
Nothing, after it was worse than 'per year, so wherever I touched, I thought we were nice and close ... Caivano, Pozzuoli, Melito (where he returned as a starter), Arzano, Quality, Herculaneum, which was then still called resin, where I had my first job at the 150 annual hours, the night school for workers.
In '77 I went back to Melito, where I had been as a substitute, with permanent contracts ... I chose the final seat ... it was my great love, the only left for Milan, with a heavy heart.
From now on, every year, more or less similarities as appearance, do not tell them one by one, but most proceed to memories pupils or particular episodes, events that were particularly impressed me and so I'm going to zig- zag, in the time space pr ... then ... there will be the part devoted to Milan.