Friday, May 14, 2010

Brands Names Of Bbq Potato Chips

What bad luck!

Sauté half of fulminant Barincorsa cause low back pain the day before, last Sunday (after healing just as lightning) is touched to the absence of my name in the charts ViviBarletta of Sunday, May 9
But us proceed in order.
after 10 consecutive stakes to the classic half-marathon of Bari, This year I spent all my energy to get prepared and focused the race, convinced that the podium and upgrade the performance of last year (1:33:44). In hindsight, looking at the standings of the race, with the same time I would have placed 3rd. But, guess who was hiding behind the corner? A witch who cursed with his infamous blow me matched the day before. So all I have to attend as a spectator at the event, basking in the wings like a poor little canary in a cage.
A Barletta, however, happened to the absurd. What an athlete participant's could never happen: to disappear from the final standings!
Better not comment on the organizational inefficiency the event. Pectoral with chip ... but non-existent electronic surveys (departure, arrival and during): How did they then publish the list with the times on the site TDS ... remains a mystery. The fact is that the judges wrote down the number of my chest on arrival, but what happened to that record ... remains another mystery.
Not to mention the traffic that hindered the way! Even without car parked with the engine running ... and even a tunnel! Not to mention that the tractor and wanted to cross at all costs! A little 'there was peace on the waterfront. The
last but not least was the mess that you created the withdrawal of the goody bag upon arrival!
Organizers apologized for the inconvenience by giving all this to the massive and unexpected participation of athletes.
That the undersigned is ... I joined the race to test the site thoroughly in the right chest on the tank top (you might think of a number upside down ... why not?). That he arrived at the finish line I could not put into question in the most absolute way. Whether in a case in the other ... you want a proof? .. Here it is --->

Quell'atleta that passes under the banner of the arrival, I assure you, it's me. As you can see ... TDS of the pad is missing the compiling of the chip.
Another irrefutable evidence to the participation in the race I could give thanks to video recordings made during the entire race uninterrupted with my mini video camera I brought with me (you can see in the picture that the string between the fingers of his left hand).
For the record: 9 km and 700 meters in 41 minutes and 50 seconds, an average of 4 'and 20-km. Not bad right? Considering the 5 days of forced rest due to injury.
What bad luck!


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