Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Supplies Need For Models

Cisternino - Regional Race - Podium Again!

course, it stands out more than any other Sunday, June 13 in Cisternino Brindisi was the heat! Scary ... a nerve. But probably 35 degrees of sunny June afternoon they gave me a load more. 7 ยช test Corripuglia 2010. 800 participants. 45 people of my class. Path of 9.1 km completely hills. Without a moment's breath. A continuous seamless top of the hill, can not be recovered after just having recovered his breath. But I got away with an excellent performance: 40 minutes flat and no less second category. An unexpected result in view of the worrying conditions atmosferiche.Al out at least the lack of a sponge during the journey (one refreshment provided) the organization was impeccable. Check regularly and in full path sometimes crowded with cheering from the stadium.
decide to set the starting ranks among the top ranks. The race is long and not lose even a few seconds is an eternity in the media at the start of the final time. Bagarre initial the conquest of the lane more advantageous. After two kilometers I feel out of breath already. Natural! Travel to an average of 4 minutes and 15! Slow down, I concentrate on my usual pace and recovery right away. I have no difficulties in hot weather. I compare myself with my friends team that usually precede me. Continuously over the pass on a trail surrounded by the Mediterranean. I rest on the 5th km moisturizing thoroughly. Just as well: it was the only path. Easily overcome the last climb to the finishing straight. The warm cheer of my family members also appointed me to do a sprint in the final few meters from traguardo.Tempo: 40 minutes flat at a rate of 4 minutes and 24 seconds per km.
For a path so difficult and due to harsh weather conditions ... excellent performance!
Here I am on the Park awards (second from left) ...


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