Sunday, September 26, 2010

Acrostic Poem Examples Forgiveness


Each of us has a destiny, I was happy and lucky, I loved her husband and children, I had a fun life, wealthy, peaceful. I loved the school el 'teaching and I enjoyed it so much from the first to' last day of the 38 years that I have done this work ... but often I had this pleasure sudarmelo, earn overcoming obstacles, accepting substitutes in underprivileged places, starting over head when I was stable for years at a school ... so I have lived in beautiful. I was rewarded by the richness of human relationships, by 'huge collection of lives that I have met and with whom I have compared, by a sense of adventure that has always accompanied me and transmit to my students, almost every day brings new discoveries, new challenges ... how many memories, faces, names ... it seems like yesterday ... I could reach out and I seem to be there for my first day as an alternate.
That first day was like my life as a teacher, a little crazy and unpredictable.
In the spring of 71, I graduated a few months ago, I managed to get a substitute for fifteen days in a technical high school: I had to replace a 'French teacher (at the time we graduate in literature could also teach French).
I think, not the 'I never knew that was one of those old maids, with the register set, it took him at home and I missed the 'primary weapon of power ... but I made less and this characterizes all my future ...
I found myself on the first day of my life as a teacher, having to bring a class of boys who did not know and then, in the crowd did not recognize, Albricci stage for a military parade or something, and I think only that the 'unconsciousness saved me: I had no way of identifying and supervising the children who were entrusted to me.
When we entered the stadium a soldier sat on 'attention and saluted me: I looked at him, I recognized it, was my colleague at' University until the 'year before this meeting, at 23, few months after graduation as an adult, at work, made us burst out laughing like crazy, but I think that made us also understand that a period had ended forever.
Apart from that first day, the substitute was how it was almost my whole life as a teacher: nice, they were boys from fourteen to eighteen years, and a fifth were slightly smaller than me, French was much if I remembered the one studied by the sisters, we talked about life, study in a general sense of them and my experiences of them and my projects. Those were different times, the 'early 70s, do not even want to think about what would meet today, a naive girl with a mass of teenagers went savvy ... well and it was nice.
When, in later years, completed my service was (el 'I have done many times) I put that fortnight on top of the list and we always thought as a good start .. .

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Good Way To Sign A Wedding Card

holidays ... we ended up running seriously again

After a long silence due to holidays ... I am yet to comment on the misadventures of Marius took a thousand projects.
We stayed at the podium in Cisternino, 13 June. On July 4, was also present at the "Run Puglia" in Mottola. Unfortunately, just when we had to leave ... hath been jammed the start of the judges. In 1200 we returned home without having competed in the race. Indiscipline of the participants ... this was the official reason why there has not been the start.
So ... race canceled and repeated on August 8. In full vacation. Of course there are returned, preferring a moisturizing swim to the sea.
Thus, competition between leisure and missed more than a weekly training has failed.
also annoyed by the usual bilateral Achilles injury, which occurs systematically in the summer (use of flat shoes and slippers?), Topped with the steady recovery of the training (weird right?).
So I took just two weeks to resume good pace, but far from those of later Rome.
In anticipation, September 19, I ran the classic Run Stramaxima of Puglia. So after a few sessions of stretch one mile, two or three and as many progressions of long lenses from 15-18 km for the eleventh time I showed up to race Puglia's most famous and numerous of the year. We were in 1500. Numerous. Especially my category, almost 90 people.
A hot and muggy day has characterized the race. But thanks to the usual experience and the linear path and fast that I knew by heart, I walked the 10.2 kilometers in 45 minutes and twenty seconds, 14th place in category, however, my best time of the last five editions.
Excellent organization, perfect manual detection of arrival time, the full race package. Well ... a competition to imitate.
The program now half-marathon Sunday, October 3 Barletta. With the hope of not finding myself in the same plight of ViviBarletta of 9 May. But that belonged to another organization.
Now is the case of enriching the spoils of participation in competitions, because this year was thinner last.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Walmart Greeter Clipart

Years of 'The University

always, I wanted to attend law school, my mother was convinced that, for a woman, the only possible profession was the 'insegnamento.Mi worked according to the hips her gently, but relentlessly insistent, throughout the summer 'that followed the maturity ... What can I say ... I knew better than I knew I said I thought her happy and walked towards the that was the most fun of my life ... but I speak of this later ...
It was not an 'easy one summer of' 65 ... started later because of exams ... maturity at the time: the theme of the Italian version Italian - Latin, Latin version - Italian version of greek and two days of oral with all matters of the year most of the topics of previous years ... if he came out exhausted and, if lucky, promoted in June. I finished exams on July 23 ... I was promoted and then ... Vico, but the 'summer already started, fatigue ... I was not in top form.
Two years before I got my first big crush, what do you say "the first love you never forget" I remember the date with an absolute Precision: April 21, 1963, party at a 'friend for her birthday, a nice guy, great, 23 years invited me to dance, the song was "I Love Only You" by Sergey Lazarev .. . I think the naivete of my sixteen year old pushed him to joke with me, I think you said or bet with your friends or other ... after 'interval' s summer, during which there was also a story with a boy Vico, on his return to Naples we got together ... which meant seeing once in a while and fell in love kissing in the car ... well, for a while, but it was kind of a womanizer and a few months after I left: I suffered like a dog , pages and pages of diary, confidences with anyone who would listen to me ...; He continued to see him, studying for exams to 'universities with my friend upstairs who was in love, he managed to marry him years later, he was cornificata to life and, despite three children ended up divorcing.
The fact is that in 'summer after high school, the nice guy, for which I had shed tears' s first year, appeared in Vico, one evening, he took me dancing, dancing kissing us "slow" at the end of the evening he announced that he was engaged to one of the upstairs and it was a serious thing ... it was like a vaccination, I took off the head: how many times in my life I have thought how lucky I was, and perhaps , unlucky that he happened to a woman jealous and possessive ... but he was the vice of those who betray the lead for good ...
At the end of summer 'I left my home in Vico free and one of my friends older than me to keep me' s eye ... in fact we had fun like two crazy, with a third girl, my school friend that there ... reached my friend in those days of September-October he met what is still her husband, I had the 'illusion of freedom and feel great and prolonged vacation until October. Then return to Naples, the 'inclusion in the faculty of letters el' beginning of the most insane and beautiful years of my life.
Then, when you came from freshmen to 'c universities' students were older, generally those of the law, undergoing a lot bigger than us girls to torture of any kind, before releasing the infamous "papiello" a pass that testified that they had crossed the barrier and you were given leave, a similar ceremony was held, usually in form of celebration, at home, where friends later in life, close to graduation were a kind of process, there was a lawyer who appealed for clemency of the court, we took into unfortunate head eggs used as shampoo, flour, in the end, was drafted and read this parchment in which it was covered with insults and then he was officially admitted to the academic world.
's University, in terms of 'organization and study, not the' I never loved her I was too accustomed to a study headed, so I was always a bit bewildered by the fact of having to manage alone exam preparation, I generally reduced to last few days, I put the alarm at times awful as five in the morning, I studied little and badly, sometimes at the time of 'concerned feel they are not prepared and sent him. My mother begged that at least I did two tests in the session, and overall ratings without taking the highest, I was able to graduate in four years and two sessions as well as with 110 degree mark.
For the fun was all a 'else: call it a life without rules is also little: it was all partying, dining out, dancing (clubs back then). C 'were days when I went out in the morning and return late at night. I had two friends: Paola and Anna together and organize outings, each presented to the other and his friends formed committees unpredictable and unlikely.
I, at parties I used to lure big boys with cars, proposed to go dancing all the evening after a local generally poverinodi turn consented thinking of doing a "catch", as was said in Naples. The next evening we went into the room and set the other friends I did the "wall" around, that is, any anticipated advances the boy trapped, but the 'trick was used when it was necessary a machine more ... I remember one evening when three of our friends' University with whom we had very close, at a party, I think drunk, they pee from a balcony in Piazza Cavour, with people looking at them from below.
I remember one night when it snowed in Naples and I was a boy, cute, a friend, we ran under the snow in the Vomero and we kissed there, in front of everyone. Made friends with some of the cadets' academy of Pozzuoli, one of them for months I made a short constant, slow dances, kisses, promises of letters, and then, after his military service, he returned to Rome and learned that his girlfriend was there: the that he never knew was that as he had used me, I had also used I: if I think about it we were cynical enough hours, we were interested in having fun and that's it. One evening at the home of Paola drank like sponges; me back a guy who had to help me for ten minutes to put the key in the lock of the door, while at home I vomited all night ... it was great and I think the only hangover of my life.
In the spring, we went home with bathing suit bag, went to class and then to the sea at the Sea Garden ... Mergellina were wonderful years. Meanwhile, in 68 there was the context and 'university was occupied. The context and the 'employment have only one precise memory: one morning in the courtyard of Minerva held a' meeting which lasted for hours, talked a fellow Trojan, the point at issue 's Assembly was to vote on a motion. The motion was which should take place, compared to those who voted staircase for the motion as the ones that voted against it. Two years ago, when I saw the film "My Brother is an Only Child" some scenes reminded me of that far-off episode. We became politically engaged after 70.
L 'summer of 70, when there were a few months to graduate to' fly to Vico, I saw Vittorio Siravo, a friend of my sister for two and a half years younger than me, so I never considered before, I noticed he had grown his beard and thought it was really nice. Quell 'same summer we became engaged, even now, as I write this I am just 40 years. It was the evening of August 30, 1970: we went to eat pizza all together, all 'out of the pizzeria, maybe drink a beer too many, I bet kiss ... we kissed and it was sempre.Ci married five years later, when he graduated in engineering and we are still together.
27 November of '70 I graduated, I was soon asked to do a thesis on the history of 'art, with a professor, he gave without making a fuss, do not follow nor did you monitor servers, then the day of the debate, usually gave no more votes. I chose the title "The Fansago sculptor."
Fansago Cosimo was a Baroque architect, perhaps the most important in Naples, despite being born in Clusone, near Bergamo, I had to only deal with shares of his sculptural works. Between visits to the library, notes, drafting and typing of the thesis took me less than three months. The day of graduation session I was very nervous because on the average of 27 and knew that the professor did not give grades. I did not want none of my family except my sister and Victor Pina and it fell to 'sudden and I did not dare to hunt. It will be perhaps the view was pretty, also because of my own, I had added a final chapter that today we would say "gossip" that: "The Fansago in the trial of his contemporaries," I will cast well and vividly, the professor gave me eleven points and I graduated with 110. Were telephoned to my parents because of the proclamation, but soon after they arrived, my mother has reproached me for ever.
From that day on a piece of my life ended and began what is perhaps for me was the 'most beautiful experience, entertaining important:' education.