Sunday, September 26, 2010

Acrostic Poem Examples Forgiveness


Each of us has a destiny, I was happy and lucky, I loved her husband and children, I had a fun life, wealthy, peaceful. I loved the school el 'teaching and I enjoyed it so much from the first to' last day of the 38 years that I have done this work ... but often I had this pleasure sudarmelo, earn overcoming obstacles, accepting substitutes in underprivileged places, starting over head when I was stable for years at a school ... so I have lived in beautiful. I was rewarded by the richness of human relationships, by 'huge collection of lives that I have met and with whom I have compared, by a sense of adventure that has always accompanied me and transmit to my students, almost every day brings new discoveries, new challenges ... how many memories, faces, names ... it seems like yesterday ... I could reach out and I seem to be there for my first day as an alternate.
That first day was like my life as a teacher, a little crazy and unpredictable.
In the spring of 71, I graduated a few months ago, I managed to get a substitute for fifteen days in a technical high school: I had to replace a 'French teacher (at the time we graduate in literature could also teach French).
I think, not the 'I never knew that was one of those old maids, with the register set, it took him at home and I missed the 'primary weapon of power ... but I made less and this characterizes all my future ...
I found myself on the first day of my life as a teacher, having to bring a class of boys who did not know and then, in the crowd did not recognize, Albricci stage for a military parade or something, and I think only that the 'unconsciousness saved me: I had no way of identifying and supervising the children who were entrusted to me.
When we entered the stadium a soldier sat on 'attention and saluted me: I looked at him, I recognized it, was my colleague at' University until the 'year before this meeting, at 23, few months after graduation as an adult, at work, made us burst out laughing like crazy, but I think that made us also understand that a period had ended forever.
Apart from that first day, the substitute was how it was almost my whole life as a teacher: nice, they were boys from fourteen to eighteen years, and a fifth were slightly smaller than me, French was much if I remembered the one studied by the sisters, we talked about life, study in a general sense of them and my experiences of them and my projects. Those were different times, the 'early 70s, do not even want to think about what would meet today, a naive girl with a mass of teenagers went savvy ... well and it was nice.
When, in later years, completed my service was (el 'I have done many times) I put that fortnight on top of the list and we always thought as a good start .. .


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