Sunday, February 13, 2011

Female Doctors Checking Mens Testicles

published by Eva Gambardella the day Friday, January 28, 2011 at 20:20
My father's name was Conrad, and his mother, Eva Barendson was of French origin, his father, Tito, was a great lawyer in the 30's and 40 ... Dad was in 1910, when World War II broke out in Benghazi was , then Italian colony.
was taken prisoner by the British and the imprisonment lasted as long as the end of the war ... pretended to be dumb, and after seven months, was sent home. It was the seventh of twelve children ... good of the family of a good time ... Naples after returning from war, his father's house he met mum, a friend of one of his sisters were married ... after a few months and made the honeymoon in Ischia.
A Dad liked women, he was gallant, that gentility natural, not ostentatious, just mentioned by kissing ...
do not know if he betrayed my mother ... she never said that you just do not know ... it was fun, elegant, a little 'cocky.
From small, we smacked If we make mischief, but was unable to hold a grudge, just a minute and we hugged and laughed ...
He gave us a lot: a life of welfare, working time, the ability to have fun, the joy of seeing the best in life and enjoy it.
daughters gave to us freedom, a precious gift, where no girl in the 60's and early 70's taught us that it was free ... not the opinions of others what we have to be afraid ... we taught do not be jealous of anyone, because no one can boast about property rights ... including spouses and children ... even said that 's love of children toward their parents is not granted, it is the latter that should earn it, otherwise, he said The fourth commandment has no reason to be ...
... He had many friends when he died a few weeks after my marriage, after a long illness and much suffering, appeared at the funeral a lot of strange people, shopkeepers, a cobbler, people that he, without saying it at home .. . had helped, had gone to visit at 'hospital ...
He loved playing cards ... had friends and fixed tables and mother ... but he did not play for money or stakes were high ... above all to be together ...
A friend of fb (and I thank him) ... I said I know how to open the valves of the heart and say the things I have inside ... this is one of the gifts that my father left me ...
We had the same character and often fought ... a moment of time which culminated laughing ...
He taught us to show others, if possible, a smiling face, to hide, if possible, the pains and sorrows, put them aside and enjoy the rest ... I made a philosophy of life and has benefited me and who was around me ... including her husband and children.
He loved a lot of people ... for dinner, anyone at home, was invited to stay ... it was not a person without flaws, in fact, but he was much loved by his friends for fun ... its always face life lightly.
Mom was the one dictating the rules in the field of study, for freedom, she was d 'Agreement ... Dad was what the night would give you if you had the cough syrup ... it was one to which You could tell the sufferings of 'love ... we were always safe, my sister and I that we could tell him anything ... he would have helped, never judged ... he knew the human foibles and taught us the highest degree, the virtue of tolerance.
friends, years after death, I remember the jokes, the jokes, the comic episodes that could describe so well ... we had a lot love of reflection, thanks to him ...
I remember a 'last thing that I think sums up how he was and how, thanks to him, we are today ... in 73, my sister and I with our boys (unthinkable for that' time), went to summer 's Spain ... he took us to 'air, happy, happy and carefree as ever ... I do not know if he was told by mom or he himself, after he had left us, came the' car to the curb and began to weep for the sadness he felt seeing us go away.


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