Sunday, March 13, 2011

Brother Love Shotacon

De breeze Romaratona

Missing a week and then the appointment of the Rome marathon. A decision made in time for adequate preparation. Last year, in fact, (March 21) I joined a few days before the deadline. This time the timing of training sessions planned, there were no hesitations and interruptions. Weekly releases systematic and long lenses on the beach (between coplanar and Mola di Bari Monopoli) certainly have my physical well-formed to address peacefully the Roman path. Although familiar with the roughness of the track.
The most intense moment of the preparation was the day when I'm done with the very long. Two weeks ago. 36 km at a steady pace in the company of my iPod and rhythms involving Goran Bregovic.

View Preparation Rome Marathon in 2011 in a larger map
the map the location of the training of 27 February last long
equal periods training, compared to last year, from 1 January to date, I have walked 516 km compared to 496 in 2010.
3 hours and 17 minutes last long last year, compared to 3 hours and 11 minutes this year.
Three were the extenuating superlunghi above 30 km for both years.
To refresh your memory as I wrote last year in my blog about the topic of Rome Marathon:
" ad vobis participation in the Rome Marathon on Sunday next March 21. Yes, it is the pure and sacred truth. It 'was a decision troubled. Since last December I was filled with doubt as to participate in Marathon during this first half. Back in Barcelona? ... Paris? ... Follow my teammates in Salsomaggiore? Wait ... best time to raise in a new foreign city? I finally Rome. "
How did it go last year? ... browse here!
While here you will find some nice photos of the competition 2010 .

We instead propose again, in this post, the video of the move to Fontana di Trevi.


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