Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Is My Tongue Bar Too Short?

Annalisa Scarrone - The Beautiful Game

beautiful game
Annalisa Scarrone

natural starting
would put to the test and found that only an appearance
this be your distant
that invariably makes you go
and on time I remain your
without realizing that escape is a way to start
and instead want to continue
continue all

Walk the afternoons curled
better embraced to hurt us
trying to find a balance between what is
saying and what is doing this and our sweet
disease that makes me keep up with your trail
too busy courting
a bit of your mental space
not understand if you really
from what I can do

E 'little
is just not enough
the beautiful game the impossible
sure to find you when I get back
to fly standing still
and have the world all around

E 'is just a little
but do not cry
was what was
there is still room for hope
and only start
still time to make mistakes
the solution to be invented
among us this beautiful game
between us

The material there is no solution to incurable weariness
I'd imagine that your love is resistant
you on time but I
and promptly leave you I remain your
give up without realizing that
is a way to be saved and instead want to continue
continue all

E 'little
is just not enough
the beautiful game the impossible to find when certainty
I return to fly standing still
and have everything all around the world

E 'is just a little
but do not cry
was what was there is still
room for hope
and only start
still time to sbalgiare
the solution to be invented
among us this beautiful game
between us
beautiful beautiful game

E 'is just a little
but do not cry
was what has been
there is still room for hope
and only start
still time to make mistakes
the solution to be invented
among us this beautiful game
among us in this beautiful
great game between us


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