Monday, December 14, 2009

How Many Calories In A Chow Mein Take Away

year-end. Deserved podium.

will close the year with a flourish 2009 with a good result and a good time.
Pieces of Greek, a fraction of Fasano-Brindisi. Sunday, December 27, a race to the Christmas classic. A journey of 10.5 km track in the countryside at the foot of Selva di Fasano. Atmosphere does not just winter, as the sirocco and the intense humidity makes you think of a dull autumn day. As usual
birth without having clear ideas. With three sessions during the week of 50 miles (half of which in the long routes on Sunday 20) and a triptych of 3 km race pace paths on Christmas day, I approached the race with ease. Not knowing the way I left without force, slightly uphill and with some difficulty to get the rhythm. A first transition from the point of departure-arrival at the 4th km. Perfect organization and eventually an audience participant. On the second lap I realized that my legs are better and less short of breath. I find the right rhythm and proceeds smoothly. A long stretch of flat and smooth road makes me want to stretch. WARNING Any gain positions so constantly attending to my own class. The last 3 km provide a slight descent leading to the finish line. Check my Casio each kilometer and despite the natural difficulties of concentration I can do my calculations. I walk a couple of miles at an average of 4:05. The 10th I reached him after 43 minutes and 30 seconds. The last 500 meters are a straight line to the finish line. Through them with ease and close to 45 and 35, or an average of 4 minutes and 20 seconds per km. Knowing
opponents usually are placed before me, I smell the podium.
I decide to wait for the ceremony. Second place. Great.
I receive compliments from my teammates. He could not finish better this year.

How To Change Combination Lock Number Eminent

Salento Half Marathon in Greece ... and 6

This is the sixth Half Marathon this year I put in the archives. Half Marathon Corigliano d'Otranto was an important goal for me, but it was a result that satisfied me in all respects. The enforced break after the small cap-Altilia (the previous half-marathon) I was not able to prepare adequately for long lenses. So do not I demanded a lot from the service on Sunday 13 December.
The final time of 1 hour 38 minutes 54 seconds and I placed seventh grade (from 32 to MM60). From the charts of the times that the initial gap, due to the participation of the very numerous competitors (there were over 1000) did not allow me to climb one position.
Again, I did not have any results to be achieved in this race. I left without making a clear objective. But mindful of the good use that I do in following the pace-maker, just to start I decided to add the balloons and forty time. I chased them, side by side and passed several times. Friends also because balloons do not always maintain the correct speed.
After a few hundred meters I lost sight of even two teammates that I had promised to finish the race with the same time. In the sense that they were more galvanized me.
race with a few rough edges and very flat with long stretches of straight road.
Departing from Corigliano d'Otranto (town of Salento in the center of the two seas) The route takes in four other centers: Melpignano, Castrignano, Martha and Zollino. Every city welcomed us with cheerful music bands. But the low participation of the public.
Definitely very cool.

View Path Corigliano in a larger map
km memorize the 10th time: 46 'and 30 ". A bit faster than the final target. I continue pursuit of peace-maker without being drawn from the office of endorphins, which usually tries to challenge me. I nice peace-man told us that they are going faster than average and hamper the group recalling that the last 5 km are uphill. At that moment I thought I would stretch, but I took this decision to the 18th km. With a steady pace I unplugged the group of peace-maker and I got to the end past several athletes.
Perfect organization that has assisted us in an enviable location. Ricco also the final race pack and the rest is very important after the stress of the race.
With this new Half Marathon think I've closed this year for the long distance races. Never in 25 years of interrupted activity, I did so many races in a year. Especially the half-marathon.
Of the 18 half marathons in recent years played, six I made this year: Ostuni - Bari - Turin Brakes - Rome - Altilia. Fastest: Bari with a time of 1 hour 33 minutes and 44 seconds.
My best performance in this event: Putignano - National Championship - with 1 hour 24 minutes and 25 seconds in 1990 (yes ... I ran a 4 minute km!).

Monday, November 9, 2009

Ubisoft Wont Let Me Register

Altamura - The perfect race

feared a resounding setback after the aftermath of the contracture in the left calf. But with the test Sunday, November 8, I found an unexpected confidence.
Altamura, 21 Trophy Auxilium, 10.500 km far from easy. The name of the place where the course seems to have at least guessed because you're already a precise idea of \u200b\u200bthe path. A place very hilly and full of pitfalls.
But the right concentration and the experience of someone who "knows what to expect" has resulted in a very satisfactory result.
The race started at 10 am with a punctuality worthy of the best organizers, it is now channeled into the narrow streets of the center of Altamura. We were over a thousand. An inevitable initial fall due to the usual sgomitoni has touched half a tragedy. Fortunately, I had to avoid a bunch of athletes that has saved me before making me lose precious seconds.
The large group has expanded only after a heavy kilometer. Difficult to overcome the most stubbornly denied the slow track. I therefore had to find the correct step down only when a light has ginned the crowd.
A descent that I have faced endless sparingly.
figured that sooner or later the road would take a turn for the worse.
Among the other was the first time that I stood before this classic.
I memorized every kilometer route (marked very visibly). The pace in the first 4 will be around 4 minutes and 10 media. Sometimes I have definitely slowed down when the road became steeper, with the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to face the second half of the race with enough freshness.
the fifth ... an alarm. A slight cramp in the usual place. I feared that would return the damn contracture. I slowed down a few seconds of the sixth miles. I did well.
Then ... a wall, or rather a ... high wall, appeared before showing a long trail of athletes who climbed with difficulty. It 's been so right here. I faced a real climbing by exploiting the freshness preserved during the first half of the tour.
I passed a large amount of carefully watching those athletes that could belong to my category. To earn so few places in the standings.
I even met and exceeded one of our definitely in better shape than me.
End time: 46 minutes flat. The average of 4 minutes and 23 seconds per kilometer. An eighth-grade unexpected but deserved (the MM60 had a total of 61). Good race.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Phrases To Write To On Baby Congrats Card

Classical Alberobello

year in Alberobello October 18th last I was there to make the holiday and tourist. In fact, the 15 th test Corripuglia of 2009 ("Running between Trulli) was for me a real walk. Still plagued by Given the contraction left calf, which is now haunting me for over a month, I wanted to run a race and tapascione bland, as well as outputs for training. A run of extraordinary beauty. A climbing the narrow streets surrounded by the strange stone houses with cone-shaped tip up. Seemed to run a national competition. Chinese, Germans, Americans, all who followed the show a warm, charming and along a winding path that winds through the countryside and Trulli just over 10 km. Running at a rate of 5 '15 ", I could finally enjoy the view of the race. I have granted a final extension past 1500 meters only after having ascertained to avoid a relapse. Being a meticulous collector of data, my statistics show that since 2003 this was the sixth time to present this classic. It was not disputed the 2005 edition. All of the above I have all races at a pace of 4 '40 "km.

Monday, September 28, 2009

How Should My Cervix Feel Just Before My Period?

comeback - from a half to the other: Tappino-Altilia

A damn right leg injury (haunting me for about a month) did not allow me to close the half Tappino Altilia marathon with a time-that could rank among the top 10 of class! E 'was my fifth half marathon this year. A classic well-organized. Sepino From Campobasso, an area of \u200b\u200bgreat archaeological value, but strangely ignored.
Chronicle: 9 am on Sept. 27. Quick start, the first 3-4 km down slightly to an average of 4:15. Maybe too much. But the pace did not seem critical cause for concern. The injury to his right calf appeared to be overcome. Time to 10 ° km ... 46:10. But on time, to 12 km in full descent, when the legs seemed to go crazy here that is re-stretching. Great despair. I felt now that the goal of the first 10 was impossible. I slowed down to bring up a pace of 5:45 per km. I exceeded all. At 16 °, thanks to the Emergency, I did spray a local anesthetic. Slowly so I could finish the last 5 km uphill fearfully.
A path through woods and valleys and a goal in the middle of the archaeological Altilia have amazingly beautiful setting for the event. Congratulations to the organization.

End time: 01:46: 23 average of 5:03. If we want to be picky ... I could also remove the minute break for the emergency. However, a commendable 14th place in category.

Monday, September 14, 2009

How Long And Thick Is A Scarf

Marius ... But what have you done?

Tranquilli ... There were half a holiday. Without abandoning the format and without having played one game in the meantime.
350 km of training since the last race (half marathon in Rome), Too hot ... too sea ... and a long way on 4 wheels.
Some examples ...
Florence - Ponte Vecchio

Florence - Piazza della Signoria

Pisa - Piazza dei Miracoli

Torre del Lago

Siena - Piazza del Campo

If you want to learn more ...
Login to write ... Of course I am a passionate about photography ... with all the related techniques. The photos in this post were taken and processed with HDR.
the next (not gara. .. photo gallery).

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Free Program Similar To Jibjab

BARI-ROMA 217 km ...

Many were the miles I have traveled from May 3 to Barincorsa Half Marathon Rome on June 20. In the space of 50 days three half marathons and mountain running.
But first things first. After Barincorsa a nagging injury forced me to slow down the pace, but the will to continue and enjoy the shape of Barcelona after he took over. Anyway I put in a yard short race (Fasano di Brindisi), the Half Marathon Turi, valid as regional champions, and half in Rome. These
Fasano May 31: Tight race for 9.3 km to a location more than a hilly dirt road. Time 44:47 (4 'and 48' per km) - 8th grade.
Just two days later (June 2) I ran the half of Turi, a path traced between the Apulian countryside, which provided a return from a village near the city. The race was not easy and I felt heavy in the early miles. I obviously felt the fatigue performance of the first two days, partly because the problem is re-charged immediately after the May 3 Barincorsa. The time of 1 hour and 39 minutes, the time and 33 minutes far from Bari, speaks clearly about the physical conditions at that time I had. However, a sixth-grade quite acceptable.
I had to cut to the bone your schedule to come and be physically affixed securely to face Roma with no consequences.
So, desperate times - desperate measures, with the desire to make a unique experience never repeated, I wanted to enroll and participate in RomaMezzamaratona to live a fantastic night.
With the determination to enjoy the show, accompanied by two friends riding and almost 4 thousand other participants, I ran almost track stand.
Departure at 23. A wonderful starting point with the Arch of Constantine and the Colosseum centuries behind.
a picturesque dip in the Via Appia Antica lit by torches in the dark spots. Thrilling the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving the same cobblestone ricalpestare traveled by barefoot Abebe Bikila at the 1960 Rome Olympics.

Despite the difficulties of the path (dark streets and uneven, sometimes very close) was the effective organization that has made a great effort to place participants in good conditions to compete .
stuck in the middle of the large group, was the very slow start. Two kilometers away my time trial reported 12 minutes and 20 seconds. A 11 km recorded an interim 59 min. and 50 sec. (Position 1495 to 27 ° range). The second part of the race, thanks to the more expeditious route, I sped up the closing 10 km in 50 'and 58' (position 1236). Final time of 1:49:20 (real time) and 16th grade (out of 94 competitors). I've just spent the first two hours of June 21, the day of soltice summer.
A result on the whole acceptable.

Won Nicodemus Biwott and blue Maraoui

Monday, May 4, 2009

Raised Ast And Alt Levels

Rirorno to my ... times.

Who would have thought? A year so do not enjoy it for years. High half-marathon that fills me with satisfaction. An encore that pays my sacrifices after two months of the Barcelona Marathon and 15 days half of Villanova Ostuni. Yet my training methods do not seem to be too absurd! In Bari
I started with the idea of \u200b\u200bcollecting the same result as the first 15 days. But I have done better: 1 hour 33 minutes and 44 seconds. A minute before half Ostuni ... forever!
the sixth best time of my class (out of 42) ... just 10 seconds from the fifth position.
Started in 1200 at a glance that the race is devoid of tread with their beautiful colorful balloons that indicate the rhythm of the final time. Patience ... I would do without a reference point that I would suggest the pace en route.
Solita press in the first 200 meters, barely when putting in a corridor free from dangerous traffic jams. A mishap that makes me lose at least 20 seconds in the first 5 minutes of running. Full recovery over the next 3 miles running at a pace of 4 minutes and 20 seconds per km. I feel however that it did not give up the voltage because I realize that I run with little fluidity. Casio systematically control my every 1000 meters of road sign, noting a time that makes me think seriously about whether to keep or less: 4 'and 20 to the first refreshment.
The route of the race winds up a circuit to be repeated twice along the entire waterfront. After 7 km you pass the first time under the banner of the start / finish, then you head for the longest part of the circuit. After the tenth km (44 ' and 35 ") I clearly had the feeling to make rubber band. I could not find the right pace until an athlete Bari Society Friends of the Treasury has given me a hand. His step similar to mine and his size helped a shelter from the mistral winds moderate.
last turning point (favorable wind) I had the feeling of beating the time of the half of Ostuni. Three kilometers to the finish. ... On the 18th 1:20:20. I had absolutely get under the hour and thirty-four! So I can give more grit to my strengths and speeds.
Real time: 1:33:44. Another result to be envied!
Note: My time is officially 1:34:02 - equal sixth grade. The Real Time instead of the fifth me!
the next.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Shingles In The Hip Area

Barincorsa. Half a Half Marathon Route

right now I do not stop. Next rendez-vous: Bari half marathon May 3. A classic Apulian not to be missed. The tenth to attend. Not deny to repeat the wonderful result of Ostuni last April 19. The preparation continues on the wave of enthusiasm, the desire is not lacking, the objective is to reach 1 hour and 35 legs! The only unknown factor: a possible hot over here and suddenly bursts seems to be already at the door. An entire season marked by humidity, rain and low temperatures have not yet given me the opportunity to train with the sun beating.
I said, this will be the tenth Barincorsa in which I participate (the 2001 edition I have not completed an injury in stroke). These previous:
12-May-96 1:36:00 0:04:33
30-Apr-00 1:34:00 0:04:27
06-May-01 xxx
28-Apr-02 00:04 1:38:51.
41 27-Apr-03 1:38:22 0:04:40
02-May-04 1:42:29 0:04:51
01-May-05 1:39:31 0:04:43
30-Apr-06 1:44:02 0:04:56
01-May-08 1:44:10 0:04:56
morning, early, medium slow one and a half with a slightly hilly course. Five stretch from 500-1000 meters at a rate of 4 and 20 for a total average of 4:50 per km. In
week are provided for three other dedicated outputs to the rhythms and progressions race Medium length (10-12 km). I insist: we would like the Garmin.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Cellular Respiration Ap Biology Essay Questions


I recovered the half marathon route map of Ostuni, 19 April, thanks to the availability of a runner in possession of Garmin. The track has been imported on (Map your Running Routes) that provides excellent services to the holders of SAT-surfers. Unfortunately Google Maps does not publish on a blog tag created directly or imported from an external source. The tag MapMyRun instead allows. Among other things, once registered, the site allows you to create personalized calendars, import and export routes, plotting elevations, as well as the interface to Google Earth in 3D. Try to discover all its functions and leave a comment.
Here it is:

The measured path on the map was 21.41 km ... something is not right!
These new technologies available on the Internet are enticing and convincing me to buy a Garmin. I love the new interface with my PC and the software that allow the processing of data.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

How To Know If My Monitor Is Hd

Back on the podium

A perfect half marathon! And 'what is true of the Marathon of olive trees (national competition) held Today in Ostuni. I never imagined a time to make: 1 hour 34 minutes and 42 seconds. The average of 4 minutes and 29 seconds per km, and a ranking of fourth in the M60 category.
After years of peaceful slumber back to step on the podium. All thanks to the remarkable athletic office released with the preparation and participation in the marathon in Barcelona on March 1 last year.
I wanted to keep the shape of the last 50 days long running average, on-time rates of progression from 8-10 km race and repeated from 1-2 km.
I leave with the intention of trying to follow in view of the pacemaker hour and 35 minutes. Like the idea of \u200b\u200busing front-runner in a half. Only the atlteta the balloon was traveling with 1-2 minutes before the final time.
In fact, after 7 km, damaged by a slow climb superbly designed on the ancient Via Traiana, I had to detach myself a hundred meters from the nice little group which pursued the goal. At the 10 km mark, however, turning to look at my clock, I realized that once marked the end of the day exactly 45 minutes (perfect 4:30). Excellent rhythm whereas the path until then it was all climbing fairly steeply.
The next two kms were winding-down for me: a plain and a long dirt road, which practically invited me to a wedding (the terrain is my passion), I have regained my breath. After passing along a road parallel to Ferrovie dello Stato (curious coincidence was the passage that was heading for the Eurostar Brindisi greeted passengers as to what), I traveled almost single-six miles of downhill that compensate for the previous climb. Only in those moments I realized that I had dealt with the discrete gradient in the first half of the race. The 13th and then I reached the balance of the rhythm that made me believe strongly in the final time that was materializing: 1:35 '. Although the pacemaker was still ahead of me 100-200 meters away. But, do not hide it, I feared a crisis that could blow up the program: doubts about the pace set so far for me to fit in a race from 10-12 km. After
the itinerary through the beautiful countryside of Ostuni back on the long coplanar Adriatica, monotonous and sunny. We go back in time and Villanova as the tread 35 'notices to be considerably in advance of the assigned destination. So he decides to slow down 500 meters before the finish, becoming joined by stragglers, myself included. The final extension of the last kilometer, perhaps for the progressive proximity of the pacemaker, he gave me the last charge to close the half 15 seconds before the programmed time. Definitely a perfect race.