Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cruising Glory Hole Gay Spot, Bergen County Nj

school trips

Anyone by pupil or teacher, was on a school trip, remember how they ... As there is more immutable in school ...
Many teachers and parents, I sincerely believe that the term "educational journey" corresponds to reality ... nothing could be more false!
For years, especially in Milan, I hoped to save families money and time to colleagues who organized the trip, suggesting that the day should take place as usual ... school and home would be enough to book a bus for three or four nights in a row (as it was determined the tour would last) and a hotel, which, considering the savings on travel, visits to museums and much could be close and luxurious .. . For boys, of every time and the latitude trip or journey 's education is to make a noise at night in the hotel, mingling in the hotel rooms for the girls go by the boys and vice versa, make pajama party, to commit unthinkable acts, but not bad, to despair of the staff' hotel sleeping little or nothing (this is mandatory).
For these reasons, the trip, the day is generally useless ... the students are asleep or nod or pretend to have any discomfort and do not walk to catch up on sleep lost at night ... I tried ... but there I could never ...
Melito di Napoli 1980-81, the 'year of the earthquake, ranging in Montecatini Terme, stop for lunch, arrival, accommodation in rooms, dinner. walk through the town and then to bed ...
I have always had an agreement with the kids: When you slept, I do not fuss or noise, I slept ... I was not invasive ... yes, I came in her sleep, and all sound like a galloping horse, but the 'agreement was always ... in Montecatini, the' year, a colleague, Miss, and found four guys on a modest wardrobe: how they did to get into a closet and sit on, I do not know ... but they were there, the poor thing wanted to tell them to go to bed, went "I want to see you stripped" provoking laughter and screaming by themselves.
He surrendered and went to his room almost in tears asking me to go in the rooms of my to check that everything was fine.
I went and found, in the first room, four boys from the faces d 'angel with reference to yawn ... something I alerted and asked that they were all out in 23 ... ... they were out of the bathroom, from wardrobes, under beds ... as did a double d 'hotel to contain many, I laughed ... we wish you good night, everyone returned to his room ... I think for the moment.
few years later, the spring of '84, a fellow priest and I stayed all night in the lobby of' hotel because a girl in eighth grade, he had made friends with a local (as they did this, I swear , not the 'I never understood), expected dormissimo to exit all running with the new friend ... the scene was repeated throughout the night and he was, she went down, we stopped, she came back in the room .. and so on ...
One year, a boy, by the prophetic name of Adam began to run, naked, always at night, in the courtyard of 'any inhibition of their collapsed hotel ... ...
We had a deputy, delightful person that now there 's more, the boys called "lemon spremm" I wonder why ... they threatened dire punishment if he heard them make a noise at night ... after a while he snores so that was a wake 'business. B
a third came on a trip only a boy, that Vincenzo Mele, nice guy during ... 's last round the deputy continued to knock on his door and, receiving no answer, he thought it was out and as he was an athletic, despite the' age, and being the ground floor room ... came through the window.
Poor Vincenzo Mele slept ... noises and seeing a man enter the window in the room began to lanciagli him anything, starting with the shoes ... it ended with general laughter.
There were always those who vomited ... it was a relief that I could not handle, but I always found a 'caring pupil who was a nurse ... one year we went to Solfatara: Stefano De Rosa announced that he vomited and had him diligently throughout the time ... At c
trips 'were always surprises girls in class were out casual became timid, crying, other than during the' years were quiet and peaceful and enterprising spirit is revealed. In Milan
remember two trips, both in France ... we had a French colleague is very strict with the kids with us teachers: a general ... we had a year, instead of 'hotel promised the agent' s a motel for those truckers ... I and the girls and boys on the ground floor on the first floor the girls climbed from the balcony to go to the boys, my colleague was terrified by this and ordered the mandatory Paolini, music teacher, to run a patrol.
The poor, sleepy, entered in the room and shouted "Get out" ... inadvertently ended up in the rooms occupied by a high school namely "broke" a loving conversation between a teacher and a young fellow Latin ..
Also on this trip was a boy 's influence and demanded that some prof's put the supposed because he said, his mother did ... was not satisfied.
the Pont Du Gard, a joke, we asked the Italian soldiers that we met there, pretending to arrest a student ... those who had at least three different stories with classmates, we became frightened and fell between the laughter of all us ...
Two years after we made the same trip, spring 2001, I think ... and it was fun, but not the first time ... was not one of classes that I lived with more joy, although I have some good memories and many, I have news ...
With a grade, spring 2002 ... we went to Tuscany ... a trip that was delicious and beautiful ... a class were not particularly good, but it was d 'Agreement ... well ... we wanted to have created a site on fb entitled "Those who on Thursday were not a c ... because they had the Cineforum with Gambardella, "that I ...
's last evening, after returning from a trip, in' bus you put songs are disco, the couples were formed during those days you sit down, gradually approaching the time to come, increases the sadness ... the day after it comes only the trip ... even I, as a professor, I felt almost alien in my house, we wanted to be together ...
I was a privileged, I really loved the students, but I was gratified ... the last two years I did not want to go on a trip ... the students called me from a distance by mobile phone to tell me everything real-time ... and return, then, dwells in particular ... I missed them and vice versa ... they are precious gifts.


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