Thursday, January 13, 2011

How Do I Block A Number With A Samsung Reclaim

The class of Cosimo --- An unforgettable moment

Because when I think of that class, perhaps the most beautiful of my life, I think as always the "class of Cosimo." Who knows there 'were other children, equally dear ... but remember this match is ... Perhaps it was because Cosimo
I chose, in the sixth grade, as its sole teacher of literature can ... or me or not.
The older sister had been my pupil some years earlier, she was very good and today is a professor of letters in the same school back then ... Cosimo was the youngest of four brothers and sisters ... when it was his turn, he decided that HAD to be writing in my section.
the first two years ... I can not remember when they were first born and I assentai Paul for a few months ... c 'was a guy who calls himself the last name D' Emilio ... my colleague Mathematics said, "With Gambardella is fortunate to call it" meant that protected him a little ... there were three brothers, his father was porter at the 'Cardarelli Hospital in Naples.
With great sacrifice had built a small house ... strictly illegal (and so c 'were the pardons) for a long time were without electricity because they do not get there in the country and made me think of a tenderness' s winter, go early to bed, no TV ... then I closed an eye on some homework not done ...
In that class c 'was also Stefano had as a classmate in class for three years ... the deluded and the testing we realized why ...
In the third, in fact, came to the exams as a private the father of Stephen ... were so many, then the adults who need a license to continue working media, He was in the Provincial Tramways ... Stephen exams operated a strategic change of the counter, he placed first in the class next to his father and asked her to help him ... she was in love with him and his father was promoted without much effort. In third was added
John I mentioned elsewhere ... that 'years, 1985-86, went on a school trip to Lignano and there, unfortunately, we were joined by the news of the tragedy Cernobyll ... so we studied and prepared as stated in year-end "Poverty and Nobility."
was an immense task: to transform the text in ancient Neapolitan modern italianised a little c 'were those who read, who suggested, who took care of costumes scenes and more.
colleagues and parents helped us so: first prepare backdrops and scenes with the boys, the latter providing furniture, chairs, costumes, and helping to sew the same ...
the morning it was like to be hard for the lessons and because the theater was a kind of natural caves which is overlooked by the classes of three floors and disturbed, then I, after lunch, the stroller with her young son and older children ( 8 years old) in tow, I returned from Naples and it worked.
The dress rehearsal, to hear the employees of the municipality that took us to the microphones, it was a disgusting ... we hope you will kindly come true the saying that if the rehearsal is a disaster, the representation will be a triumph ... and it was ... everything was miraculously in place ... the boys gave their best and it was a triumph.
There were some little things, like the mushy noodles and cool at the end of the first act, when you throw all the food with greed (remember the scene with Toto) and even the macaroni, put in ice cream out of spite that some of them (the false nobles) had to eat in the second act ... but it was still a wonderful evening.
's year ended (and the' seven years there were "very good" about 22 students) studied, and how ...
The day before the exams, which began with the theme, there was a chain of phone calls between them and me ... they wanted to spend the afternoon together, all us ...
... We went to the house of Cosimo's father had a nursery, c 'was around the house garden, a pergola ... someone brought cupcakes, cookies and some cocaine ... there were tables, chairs, a few chairs. ..
not anything we did, we talked, but little short sentences ... a word here and there ... I remember the smell, the chirping of cicadas, the sense of absolute peace and bliss ... as we were suspended between a past of adventures and journey together and an unknown future, yet to be invented, to know, explore ... no one spoke of examinations, we were just there, happy to be there and share with those hours, all was as it should be ... we left at dusk ...
After I spent many joyful moments, touching, beautiful with the classes ... but the perfection of that ... never again.


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