Friday, December 31, 2010

Protocol Luggage Review

last race of the year 2010

Pieces of Greek - Fasano di Brindisi. Last performance of the year 2010 dedicated to the holidays.
Sunday, December 26, in full binge the day before, there could be no better than a race to stabilize your biorhythm. 10 km and a half of country air, cold day, wrapped up, returned from a week of profound constipation, in 48 minutes and 20 seconds I checked the last race of the year. Gait quiet but careful to avoid disfiguring.
Departure perfect time. Sightseeing in the center of the village. First lap. Then to the beautiful countryside of Puglia. Flat road with gentle slopes at times disconnected. An initial difficulty to find a groove and then stretch them onto the slightly downhill. Especially during the long straight stretch of the final sprint strongly urged.
Organization perfect without any confusion. A sponsor of prestige: Gatorade (we could fill up at will). Cake and champagne as race packet (it could not be otherwise) and the final prizes of great value.
The 7th-grade was worse last year (45 'and 36 "- 2nd place). I could not do better, due to lack of preparation for The recent ill health.
Nevertheless the race was exciting and enjoyable. I could easily control the pace without breathing difficulties due to a recent tracheitis.
With this close race in 2010 with assets of 12 races, one marathon (Rome) and 4 mezzemaratone.
Now would be the case given the numbers.


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