Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Karaoke Po Polsku Do Pobrania

Vico Equense, July 2006

A day of July, we are in Lichtenberg, a country village of Vico Equense Sorrento.
Every summer I come here, from which I was a child, even after I moved, many years ago in Milan.
Today, my sister invited me to a literary meeting, Roberto Saviano, who is presenting his book "Gomorra" just released, but already a "case" of literature. I 've read in these days of vacation: beautiful, powerful, punch in the stomach.
We are in a square: on the one hand, a country church, those painted in pink and blue colors naive, from 'the other a balustrade overlooking a breathtaking panorama. Arriva
the author. Young age of my children, a backpack on his shoulder, the air of one who is not yet accustomed to popularity. She joins us, pleasant conversation, I say that, for many years I have taught in a country of the Camorra, I offer my copy of the book for a signature, he wrote "Vico Equense '06. Eva knows that this truth! With consideration. Roberto Saviano "
Sergio Lambiase, a friend, a journalist of" Corriere del Mezzogiorno "presents it, he talks about the book with skill, passion and precision. Following the debate, someone asked him if he is afraid, says no, that while the book will be conveyed and this will be discussed, he feels comfortable. Many of us, but it's like a meeting between friends, the afternoon became dusk, then night.
I reviewed from a distance, two months ago, the fats in Milan to present his wonderful monologue from "The beauty and 'hell' on a stage of a theater armored armored. From chairs, we saw where we were behind him, his five bodyguards.
on facebook, in addition to the official website maintained by the staff, new ones are arising every day: "An ice cream for Saviano", "Saviano Governor of Campania" and so on.
Also, in articles or on television, he reiterated to feel and to want to be, above all, a writer.
appears often in public places such as theaters, television, explained that the higher the 'attention and there is less risk, in an' interview with an Italian journalist in December 2009, she tells him that the Camorra has a long memory, he says yes, she asks him when the danger will be greater, he says, "When will fall silent." In
'immediate post-war neo-realist cinema Andreotti criticized because, he said "wash your dirty linen at home." Today, someone very high up, said that books like " Gomorrah 'hurt' s image of 'Italy in the world to make it appear as a country of the Mafia and the Camorra.
Saviano has often said that for many in his condition worse than death is the fear of stigma, the de-legitimization of defamation: "It 's smart ... S' has become 'deaf and speaks ill of his country ... ... "I
often liken to Dante, and many points they have in common: first of all the 'obsession (the one already that day, I can see it in your eyes) to explain, illustrate, make it clear to all evil, then the' urgent need to describe a whole cosmos, a universe in a 'work, then again the' use of an art form: the poem by one, the novel for the 'other. Finally, the high price, too high to pay in life, exile and escape.
Today it seems that he begins to exist when the darkness of a stage or a television studio, comes into the light and the people, so many people, and then back into the darkness of non-life, never, for him, it seems today that appear to live and identify themselves.
When, last week, there was a meeting in Perugia with Al Gore and the debate that ensued, was tense, touched by the applause of the audience.
The next day the newspaper "La Repubblica" Mala Leonardo wrote, "Roberto Saviano has been a little more 'for some autograph, then the seven agents have exchanged the signal Roberto Saviano ... He goes to a destination unknown, and an uncertain fate. The fate of a man with seven shadows. "
More than ten years ago I attended a refresher course, was on the interpersonal relationships between teachers and students, how to deal with the 'other. C were the psychologists who always used the words "here and now." Each of us, change over time and space in relation to others, the change is affected by countless variables.
Roberto Saviano has experienced, young and in a short period of time, to experiences that others would take a lifetime: he had fame, success, hate, hate, admiration, idolatry and threats. People who do not know they have an idol, an 'icon, and lifelong friends turned away from him. E 'was invited to speak in Stockholm in the room where the Nobel Prizes are awarded and homes for rent have been rejected because people, when they knew it was him, he was afraid. He lived in barracks dark and inhospitable, has also moved house every ten days, her family and her escort, the other, the real one, he said that he lives in the North, under protection, in ways different from his. He said it was painful for his loved ones feel powerless delegitimize come forward to defend him.
The people love him: people are a blur but you know you do not know, the real one has a face and a name, is the newsstand where I buy the newspaper, the doorman who greets you when you leave and return, the butcher, the friend, neighbor, colleague, waiter, pizza.
I, in these years, I thought of him with affection and tenderness of mom, I would cherish my copy of "Gomorrah" with his dedication, not anybody soon, and when the 'I saw in the theater, I have not tried the desire to overcome barriers to try to say goodbye, I keep in my heart, as a privilege, the 'know him that day when all the best and the worst was yet to happen, that sunny day in July when the summer afternoon while chatting quietly became dusk and then night.

Milan, May 8, 2010


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