Friday, December 17, 2010

How To Keep White Coat Clean

Melito di Napoli

came into my life on January 10, 1975: I had been called to a temporary and as soon as I arrived, I found a phone booth (there was an 'era without cell phones) and called home to tell Mom that the country was easily accessible ... is a municipality in the northern outskirts of Naples after Secondigliano ... and he still has the most, I suspect, its share of crime and the Camorra, has been ruined, like so many places from the post-earthquake ' 80, that of 'Irpinia, which devastated large areas of Naples. There were built barracks dormitory for people of the streets whose homes were uninhabitable.
When I went there, that first time ... c 'was a main road which opened up all sorts of shops, especially food ... the school was in a side street, of course residential house converted into a school. .. only we had one in 79 new, beautiful, out of the country, the guys already ruined after a year ... in '80 to 35 bathrooms, I do not know how many were out of order.
That first time I was granted the first male I sez ... c 'was everything. I, who already 'taught for four years, I tried to impose some discipline, but with little success, a colleague of mine went to worse. He taught mathematics and the first day the boys said: "I will not be for you a 'teacher, but a' friend '... the pulled behind anything.
After a while the dust settled, c 'was Enzo, from the face of a blond angel' son of a pharmacist, I know he became mayor of the town in recent years. C 'was the son of' gardener: I did not know what was said in Naples dialect gardener "Parul" I felt that his companions called him and I thought they were referring to the fact that he spoke very well ... one day I called him with this nickname, he stood up, was a species of bison, and I thought, "Now hit me." He did not do much but was offended. From that day I treated both the dialect that still know him more than if I were born in the English quarters.
C 'was then the first of four to ten brothers De Leo five of them over the years have been my students, this was terrible, but the sisters, who came later, were delicious and the father was the custodian of the school, a good and gentle man, the caretaker mother.
She was nice and intelligent person suffers from a disease due to blood sugar issues, so that alternating periods of absolute normality others to depression or excitement, and she noticed it when he was about to happen and it did bring in a psychiatric hospital. .. always alternated between these times ... now I have said that they are both dead.
One of the daughters married a nickname for my child who was called Joe ... Cicchi tremendissimo, mate that Franco's raids, said "longhair" who is now dead, but basically a good guy and honest ... at least ... I think I left them they were going to get married when I was in Milan.
's economy was based mainly on nursery stock and the construction of barrels ... the craft was handed down cooper from father to son and the barrels are exported to Europe. As dean
c 'was a terrible teacher, an ogre who taught me almost everything that I have used to be a good teacher, the' year after I left because I had the 'office by the Superintendency for the night schools for workers, , 150 hours, then two years later I went to charge ... I was bewitched, was my second home, the place I lived the best moments from the teacher and colleague ... I left reluctantly in '87 to follow, with their children, my husband in Milan.


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