Saturday, January 30, 2010

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The dialogue between science and faith can

The Chair of the Non-Believers of Reggio Calabria is home to the prof. Cirotto.
's still possible to dialogue, with practical consequences, between science and faith? "And
' This is the topic addressed by prof. Carlo Cirotto participated in a meeting organized by the Chair of the Non-Believers of Reggio Calabria at the Church of Santo Cristo Via Miraglia. Science and faith are both gifts of God, "said John Paul II, and be comfortable in this lies the Chair, born right to ask for reflection, open dialogue between believers and unbelievers, the ability to be queried.
But how science can help resolve the many ethical issues that animate the debate for decades public?
Introduced by Professor Antonino Spadaro, and Carlo Morabito Mediterranean University, Cirotto, professor of molecular biology at the University of Perugia, it was first talked about the change in the last century there was the view of the universe, whose " current status "was defined by the French astronomer Pierre-Simon Laplace" the effect of its past and the cause of its future. " In fact, nothing is firm and final in the cosmos, still unpredictable in many aspects. Man defends himself against these uncertainties, preferring everything you know the epilogue and taking refuge in religion to address that is not totally dominated by the right - said Cirotto - which was then focused on the meaning of faith, understood as an attitude is that as the content, or is reasonably confident as given by the man who preceded him, and then the other God Himself, and as theology. And by the fact that the aspects of man's inner life are inevitably involved in biological research, has opened the debate on bioethics and the need to foster dialogue between those who have different faiths, united by faith in the inadvertently. "The more points of view - concluded Cirotto - the better." - Anna Briante, RTV News

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The Italians opposed the removal of crucifixes from schools

was revealed in a report Eurispes
Rome (AP) - The crucifix in schools should remain under the 60.1% of Italians. More than half believes that it should always be displayed in schools or institutional state. Favorable exposure of this symbol is also 12% of those who think that is fair, provided it is not bumped the sensitivity of people who profess other religious faiths. Lower the percentage of those who believe that the presence of crucifixes in public places would not respect the other faiths in our country (10.1%) or otherwise would limit the Freedom of worship (7.1%). The report notes the Eurispes in Italy 2010. The share of the defenders of the crucifix does not decrease compared to 2006. Although the previous survey, the proportion of those who express their consent strongly decreased exposure of the crucifix, moving between those in favor but only if this does not offend the sensibilities of people who belong to other faiths (8 , 5% in 2006 compared with 12% in 2010). The contrary, overall, increased from 10.5% in 2006 to 17.2% in 2010. In general, the Italians consider and declare men and women of faith. Among these, one must distinguish between practitioners, 24.4%, and who admits, however, are not practicing (52.1%). Much smaller percentage of those who call themselves agnostic (10.7%) and those who consider themselves atheist (7.8%). 55.8% of respondents believe in miracles, compared to 37.4% who does not believe. The figure explains the Eurispes, is in line with that of the 2006 survey, when the percentage of those who believe in miracles stood at 54.3%. Half of the sample firmly believes in the reconciliation of faith and science (51.3%). It is the opposite opinion, however, 39.8%, and prefer not to answer on this subject on 8, 9%. .
Michelangelo - Crucifix (Florence, Holy Spirit, 1492-93)

Friday, January 29, 2010

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Atheism purifier

Simone Weil
case of true contradictions. God exists. God does not exist. Where's the problem? I am completely sure that there is a God, in that they are completely sure that my love is not illusory. I am completely certain that there is a God, in that they are completely confident that nothing real is like that I can conceive when I pronounce that name. But I can not conceive what is illusion.
There are two forms of atheism, one of which is a purification of the concept of God
Perhaps all what is evil is another aspect of self purification that is in progress towards the good, and third aspect is the greater good.
Three aspects distinguish clearly between them, confuse them because it is a great danger to the thought and the conduct of their own emotional life.
Between two men who have no experience of God, he who denies it is perhaps the closest.
The false God that looks at all true - except the inability to touch it - forever barred access to the truth.
believe in a God who looks around at the real one, not in existence, it is not in the place where God exists.
errors of our age is Christianity without the supernatural. Secularism is the cause - and, above all, humanism.
Religion as a source of consolation is a hindrance to true faith. This atheism is a purification. I must be an atheist with the part of myself that is not made for God among men in whom the supernatural part is not awakened, the atheists and believers have reason wrong.
A man whose family had died in torments, which had been long tortured anche'egli in a concentration camp. Or an Indian of the sixteenth century that only he survived the extermination of his people. Such men, if believed to have mercy of God, or no longer believe or conceive so completely different from before. Have not gone through similar things. But I know they exist, then where is the difference?
should aim to have a conception of God's mercy that is not cleared, that does not outline any event, the lot will run over me, and that it may be to any human being.

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Covegno of the journal "Vivarium" Calabro Theological Institute "St. Pius X" The Age of Innocence

"The priesthood is the love of Jesus 'heart'
Catanzaro - The priesthood is the love of Jesus' heart is the theme of the annual conference of the journal Vivarium Calabro Theological Institute "St. Pius X" of Catanzaro, published by Edizioni Ursini.
Presided over by Bishop Antonio Ciliberti, Archbishop of Catanzaro, Squillace, participate in the conference teachers, priests and seminarians in the district. At the table
Bureau, for this first session on the theme "Jesus Christ the High Priest," the professors: Lopasso Vincent, director of the magazine, Don Pino Silvestre, Mgr. Christmas Colafato, director of the Theological Institute, and Msgr. Armando Augello.
After the greetings of Bishop. Colafato and Don Pino De Simone (Vice Director of Vivarium), introduced the work of Bishop. Antonio Ciliberti, with a wide report on the conference theme.
"This conference - said the Archbishop of Catanzaro-Squillace - is a significant moment of reflection and prayer that today we live with our intensity in the communion of priests."
They, therefore, related to Don Pino Silvestre, Mgr. Armando Augello, p. Michele Mazzeo and Don Serafino Parisi. In the second session, chaired by Msgr. Luigi Cantafora, and moderated by Don Vincenzo Lopasso have instead related p. Don Enrico Cattaneo and John Mazzilli.
"As for the magazine - said Don Pino De Simone - I would remind you that this is the 30th year of life. The first issue was printed In fact, back in March 1980. A long journey between enthusiasm and moments of stasis, uncertainties and peaks of creativity started many years ago, the first editorial was signed by the unforgettable Mgr. Serafino Sprovieri, then auxiliary bishop in the Church of Catanzaro and Squillace, former rector of the seminary which indicated the reasons for founding and the future of work and whose first director was Don Francesco Milito, Rector of the time. The new series of the magazine, which began in 1993, certainly has seen a fast pace and systematic so far and are grateful to the editors that have occurred over the years, the directors and publisher Vincent Ursini, who was also present.
"Thank you - said De Simone, yielding the floor to the distinguished speakers - for your presence and especially for your attention and sensitivity to our Regional Seminar on" Pius X ", MP for decades to the formation of future priests of our land" .
The work will resume tomorrow with the third session entitled "The ordained minister, to be attended by, among others, Mgr. Ignatius Schinella and Don Fortunato Morrone. The conclusions will be drawn by Msgr. Christmas Colafato.
Lodovico Pogliaghi Studio Sacred Heart of Jesus (1921) ca.
charcoal on paper - Private collection

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Sir Joshua Reynolds, The Age of Innocence (1788)
"The age of innocence."
more you look at the paintings of Reynolds
more I became convinced that there is only one failure:
cease to be a child.
projects in the past that stage of our lives,
comforts us of our childhood gone.

Look at that gentle hand that holds the child against his chest, as
timidly defend their own happiness!
Reynolds has really understood all this? Or

pensive eyes express a vague fear
before what will be necessary to lose?
Children, like lovers,
have a premonition of the limits of happiness.
(Emil Cioran)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

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Sandro Botticelli, Venus and Mars

Wanderings Sacred and Profane .
The scene depicts Venus intent to contemplate one's spouse, Mars, abandoned in his sleep. This imagery is taken from Lucian and, given the size and shape of the painting, it is plausible that it was planned to furnishing the wood and is fixed to a room, it was also hypothesized that it was intended for a member of the Vespucci family, given the presence, behind Mars, a nest of wasps. The painting was in fact also read as an allegory bed, where Love, played by Venus, would have the power to tame even the warlike spirit, which appears to be the personification of Mars. The composition takes the form of happy opposition between the two characters: the goddess fully dressed and coiffed, with the folds of that ripple and fall gently on the body as the hair moves haired, god, hand, nude sculpture. Between the two lovers, small satyrs play with guns, as told by Luciano in Dialogues. The views expressed by two gods could be derived from an ancient sarcophagus, in which were depicted Bacchus and Ariadne such an attitude. A reading key Neoplatonic iconography in recognizing in the Venus' Humanitas, which is the highest degree of human evolution, which exercises its control over the power of discord.
Chiara Basta (ed.), Botticelli. The life and art - masterpieces , Rizzoli - Skira 2003, p. 130.
Sandro Botticelli, Venus and Mars
Tempera on panel, 69 x 173 cm (1483)
London, National Gallery

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

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Middle East - the Synod of Bishops, in Islam there is no secularism in Turkey except

growing attacks against Christians.
Vatican City -''Islam is not secular, except Turkey: Islam is, in general, the state religion, the main source of legislation, inspired by the 'Sharia''. And 'what the bishops wrote in the Middle East,''''Lineamenta, the preparatory document for the upcoming Synod of Bishops in October, mostly just to the situation of the Catholic Church in the Middle East.
In the preparatory document, presented today at the Vatican, claims that both with regard to freedom of religious conscience that''they are unknown in the Muslim mentality, which recognizes freedom of worship but not to proclaim a religion other than Islam, much less to abandon Islam. Also - still denounce the bishops in their document - with the growth of Islamic fundamentalism, increasing almost everywhere the attacks against Christians.''
As regards, however, the situation of Christians in the Middle East,''in the chapter on general conclusions''on''what future for Christians,''says that''this is linked to an issue of policy than a matter of faith.'' For
'' the moment - it says - this faith is wavering and perplexed. Our attitudes ranging from fear to despair, even among some pastors. This faith - ends - must become more mature and confident while we ourselves must take charge of our future.''