Saturday, January 30, 2010

Remove A Sentinel Pile

The dialogue between science and faith can

The Chair of the Non-Believers of Reggio Calabria is home to the prof. Cirotto.
's still possible to dialogue, with practical consequences, between science and faith? "And
' This is the topic addressed by prof. Carlo Cirotto participated in a meeting organized by the Chair of the Non-Believers of Reggio Calabria at the Church of Santo Cristo Via Miraglia. Science and faith are both gifts of God, "said John Paul II, and be comfortable in this lies the Chair, born right to ask for reflection, open dialogue between believers and unbelievers, the ability to be queried.
But how science can help resolve the many ethical issues that animate the debate for decades public?
Introduced by Professor Antonino Spadaro, and Carlo Morabito Mediterranean University, Cirotto, professor of molecular biology at the University of Perugia, it was first talked about the change in the last century there was the view of the universe, whose " current status "was defined by the French astronomer Pierre-Simon Laplace" the effect of its past and the cause of its future. " In fact, nothing is firm and final in the cosmos, still unpredictable in many aspects. Man defends himself against these uncertainties, preferring everything you know the epilogue and taking refuge in religion to address that is not totally dominated by the right - said Cirotto - which was then focused on the meaning of faith, understood as an attitude is that as the content, or is reasonably confident as given by the man who preceded him, and then the other God Himself, and as theology. And by the fact that the aspects of man's inner life are inevitably involved in biological research, has opened the debate on bioethics and the need to foster dialogue between those who have different faiths, united by faith in the inadvertently. "The more points of view - concluded Cirotto - the better." - Anna Briante, RTV News


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