Saturday, January 30, 2010

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The Italians opposed the removal of crucifixes from schools

was revealed in a report Eurispes
Rome (AP) - The crucifix in schools should remain under the 60.1% of Italians. More than half believes that it should always be displayed in schools or institutional state. Favorable exposure of this symbol is also 12% of those who think that is fair, provided it is not bumped the sensitivity of people who profess other religious faiths. Lower the percentage of those who believe that the presence of crucifixes in public places would not respect the other faiths in our country (10.1%) or otherwise would limit the Freedom of worship (7.1%). The report notes the Eurispes in Italy 2010. The share of the defenders of the crucifix does not decrease compared to 2006. Although the previous survey, the proportion of those who express their consent strongly decreased exposure of the crucifix, moving between those in favor but only if this does not offend the sensibilities of people who belong to other faiths (8 , 5% in 2006 compared with 12% in 2010). The contrary, overall, increased from 10.5% in 2006 to 17.2% in 2010. In general, the Italians consider and declare men and women of faith. Among these, one must distinguish between practitioners, 24.4%, and who admits, however, are not practicing (52.1%). Much smaller percentage of those who call themselves agnostic (10.7%) and those who consider themselves atheist (7.8%). 55.8% of respondents believe in miracles, compared to 37.4% who does not believe. The figure explains the Eurispes, is in line with that of the 2006 survey, when the percentage of those who believe in miracles stood at 54.3%. Half of the sample firmly believes in the reconciliation of faith and science (51.3%). It is the opposite opinion, however, 39.8%, and prefer not to answer on this subject on 8, 9%. .
Michelangelo - Crucifix (Florence, Holy Spirit, 1492-93)


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