Friday, January 29, 2010

Monocular Scope Bourne Ultimatum

Covegno of the journal "Vivarium" Calabro Theological Institute "St. Pius X" The Age of Innocence

"The priesthood is the love of Jesus 'heart'
Catanzaro - The priesthood is the love of Jesus' heart is the theme of the annual conference of the journal Vivarium Calabro Theological Institute "St. Pius X" of Catanzaro, published by Edizioni Ursini.
Presided over by Bishop Antonio Ciliberti, Archbishop of Catanzaro, Squillace, participate in the conference teachers, priests and seminarians in the district. At the table
Bureau, for this first session on the theme "Jesus Christ the High Priest," the professors: Lopasso Vincent, director of the magazine, Don Pino Silvestre, Mgr. Christmas Colafato, director of the Theological Institute, and Msgr. Armando Augello.
After the greetings of Bishop. Colafato and Don Pino De Simone (Vice Director of Vivarium), introduced the work of Bishop. Antonio Ciliberti, with a wide report on the conference theme.
"This conference - said the Archbishop of Catanzaro-Squillace - is a significant moment of reflection and prayer that today we live with our intensity in the communion of priests."
They, therefore, related to Don Pino Silvestre, Mgr. Armando Augello, p. Michele Mazzeo and Don Serafino Parisi. In the second session, chaired by Msgr. Luigi Cantafora, and moderated by Don Vincenzo Lopasso have instead related p. Don Enrico Cattaneo and John Mazzilli.
"As for the magazine - said Don Pino De Simone - I would remind you that this is the 30th year of life. The first issue was printed In fact, back in March 1980. A long journey between enthusiasm and moments of stasis, uncertainties and peaks of creativity started many years ago, the first editorial was signed by the unforgettable Mgr. Serafino Sprovieri, then auxiliary bishop in the Church of Catanzaro and Squillace, former rector of the seminary which indicated the reasons for founding and the future of work and whose first director was Don Francesco Milito, Rector of the time. The new series of the magazine, which began in 1993, certainly has seen a fast pace and systematic so far and are grateful to the editors that have occurred over the years, the directors and publisher Vincent Ursini, who was also present.
"Thank you - said De Simone, yielding the floor to the distinguished speakers - for your presence and especially for your attention and sensitivity to our Regional Seminar on" Pius X ", MP for decades to the formation of future priests of our land" .
The work will resume tomorrow with the third session entitled "The ordained minister, to be attended by, among others, Mgr. Ignatius Schinella and Don Fortunato Morrone. The conclusions will be drawn by Msgr. Christmas Colafato.
Lodovico Pogliaghi Studio Sacred Heart of Jesus (1921) ca.
charcoal on paper - Private collection


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