Friday, January 29, 2010

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Atheism purifier

Simone Weil
case of true contradictions. God exists. God does not exist. Where's the problem? I am completely sure that there is a God, in that they are completely sure that my love is not illusory. I am completely certain that there is a God, in that they are completely confident that nothing real is like that I can conceive when I pronounce that name. But I can not conceive what is illusion.
There are two forms of atheism, one of which is a purification of the concept of God
Perhaps all what is evil is another aspect of self purification that is in progress towards the good, and third aspect is the greater good.
Three aspects distinguish clearly between them, confuse them because it is a great danger to the thought and the conduct of their own emotional life.
Between two men who have no experience of God, he who denies it is perhaps the closest.
The false God that looks at all true - except the inability to touch it - forever barred access to the truth.
believe in a God who looks around at the real one, not in existence, it is not in the place where God exists.
errors of our age is Christianity without the supernatural. Secularism is the cause - and, above all, humanism.
Religion as a source of consolation is a hindrance to true faith. This atheism is a purification. I must be an atheist with the part of myself that is not made for God among men in whom the supernatural part is not awakened, the atheists and believers have reason wrong.
A man whose family had died in torments, which had been long tortured anche'egli in a concentration camp. Or an Indian of the sixteenth century that only he survived the extermination of his people. Such men, if believed to have mercy of God, or no longer believe or conceive so completely different from before. Have not gone through similar things. But I know they exist, then where is the difference?
should aim to have a conception of God's mercy that is not cleared, that does not outline any event, the lot will run over me, and that it may be to any human being.


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