Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How To Change A Master Lock Combination

Sandro Botticelli, Venus and Mars

Wanderings Sacred and Profane .
The scene depicts Venus intent to contemplate one's spouse, Mars, abandoned in his sleep. This imagery is taken from Lucian and, given the size and shape of the painting, it is plausible that it was planned to furnishing the wood and is fixed to a room, it was also hypothesized that it was intended for a member of the Vespucci family, given the presence, behind Mars, a nest of wasps. The painting was in fact also read as an allegory bed, where Love, played by Venus, would have the power to tame even the warlike spirit, which appears to be the personification of Mars. The composition takes the form of happy opposition between the two characters: the goddess fully dressed and coiffed, with the folds of that ripple and fall gently on the body as the hair moves haired, god, hand, nude sculpture. Between the two lovers, small satyrs play with guns, as told by Luciano in Dialogues. The views expressed by two gods could be derived from an ancient sarcophagus, in which were depicted Bacchus and Ariadne such an attitude. A reading key Neoplatonic iconography in recognizing in the Venus' Humanitas, which is the highest degree of human evolution, which exercises its control over the power of discord.
Chiara Basta (ed.), Botticelli. The life and art - masterpieces , Rizzoli - Skira 2003, p. 130.
Sandro Botticelli, Venus and Mars
Tempera on panel, 69 x 173 cm (1483)
London, National Gallery


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