Monday, February 1, 2010

Making Your Voice Sweet

The interpretation of dreams is always possible? The thought of Gaston Bachelard

"The dream of the night did not belong to us. It is our good. It is, for us, a kidnapper, the most puzzling of the kidnappers kidnapped our being. The nights, the nights do not have a history. Not coalesce with each other. And when you have lived a lot, when you have lived twenty thousand nights and more, you never know which night in far, far away we started to dream. The night did not happen. There are, no doubt, of all nights will not be merged in the day when our lives enough to manipulate his memories.
psychoanalyst explores these semi-nights. In these semi-nights have our being its human drama, all the weight of lives lived badly. But in this life already sunk, it opens an abyss of non-being which sank some nocturnal dreams. In these dreams, absolutes, we returned to a pre-subjective. Become elusive to ourselves, because we give ourselves to spare anyone, no matter what. The dream night dispels ghosts of our being to be anomalous that are not even shadows of ourselves. The words, ghosts and shadows of the words are too strong. They belong to reality too. Prevent us from being clear to the bottom of obscure to dissolve into the night. The sensitivity of the metaphysical poet helps us to move closer to the abyss at night. I believe that dreams are trained, says Paul Valery, "somewhere else to sleep, as if in the night, wrong person." Away in beings who turn away, it is the absolute escape, the withdrawal of all the powers of being, the dispersion of all the beings of our being. So we sink into absolute dream.
What can recover from this destruction being? There are still a source of life in this non-life? How many dreams you should know, in depth and in surface outcrops to determine the finalists! If the dream comes down deeply enough into the abyss of being, as you may believe, with the psychoanalysts, who maintains, always, systematically, of social meanings. In the nightlife, there are depths in which we bury, where we have the will to live no longer. In these depths, intimately, all close to nothing.
recover a little life when nothing is filled with this water. Then we sleep better, saved from the ontological drama. Immersed in water of good sleep, we are in balance to be with a world at peace. But to be in equilibrium with a universe of being, you be really? The water did not loose our sleep be? In any case, entering the realm of Night Without history, we become beings without history. When we sleep in the waters of deep sleep, we know of sucks sometimes, but not current. We live the dreams of living. They are not dreams of life. For a dream that we tell on our return in the light of day, than we have lost the plot! The psychoanalyst does not work at this depth. She thinks she can explain the gaps, without paying attention to the fact that these holes blacks who dreams of breaking the stories are, perhaps, the sign of the death instinct working in the depths of our darkness. Sometimes, only a poet, we can restore the image of this stay away, an echo of the ontological drama of a dream with no memory, when our be was perhaps tempted by the non-being.
Nothing in the dreams or in the water there are no history, only in dreams that might clarify the prospect of cancellation. It must therefore be obvious that in such dreams, the dreamer will never guarantees necessary for his existence. The nocturnal dreams, dreams of the night profound, can not be the experience which a formula cogito . The subject you ceases to be, are not subject of dreams.
What is the philosopher who will give us the Metaphysics of the night, the metaphysics of human night? The dialectics of black and white, yes and no, disorder and order, not enough to frame anything that works at the bottom of our sleep. What distance need to travel from the shores of Nothing, nothing that we've been up to this one, for it can be bizarre, and finds that his being through sleep. Ah! risks that may be incurred by the Spirit into a sleep. "
Gaston Bachelard, The poetics of reverie , Daedalus Publishing, Bari 1993, pp. 157-159.


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