Sunday, February 14, 2010

Playthe Old Poptropica

historian Franco Cardini presents "Cassiodorus the Great

Saturday, February 20, 17:00
Auditorium "Sancti Petri"
Bishop Street, 13 - Catanzaro
SQUILLACE - An effective portrait of a crucial figure in European history, Cassiodorus. Franco Cardini submit it with his latest book, "Cassiodorus the Great. Rome, the barbarians and monasticism ", published by Jaca Book, edited by the Institute Cassiodorus Cassiodorus Cultural Center Association, the City of Squillace and the region of Calabria.
Calabrese Squillace, Flavius \u200b\u200bMagnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator (c. 490-583 approx.) Was a great hero of Christian history, between Italy and the Mediterranean Antiquity and Middle Ages of medieval culture and a founder of the "fathers of history," along with Benedict of Norcia, Western monasticism; a classic of Latin literature of an age difficult and complex, yet simplistic and wrong are too many to describe as "dark." Cassiodorus went through with its long life the entire sixth century, that in the "pars Occidentis" Empire, deprived of its sovereign, opened with the courageous and generous offer of co-existence of Latin-Gothic Theodoric and closed with the great innovator and Pope Gregory the Great. The Age of Justinian, St. Benedict and extreme strife on the border between the Syrian-Byzantine and Sasanian Persian, while the distant caravan city of Mecca, the emporium on the "spice route" that linked the ports of the Indian Ocean in Damascus, was quietly gaining the prophetic experience of a camel that would change the face of the world: Muhammad. Politicians and officials at the court of Theodoric, deeply engaged in the work of public administrator, Cassiodorus was disappointed, but not carried away by the failure of government experience cheek and sad events that followed the war and that we are accustomed to calling "greek- Gothic. " His government experience and wisdom of the powerful adviser are preserved in the famous collection that has captured the 'other', published in 537. Unfortunately, little of its remaining work as a writer has been directly handed down to us, but also by what there remains vivid picture emerges of a protagonist of the culture of his time. His work was an indispensable guide to the work of later generations of monks and scholars. The monastic center he founded, the Vivarium at the native Squillace, remains, along with Monte Cassino, a beacon and model of the culture from which arose the Latin Middle Ages, and Europe.
The author of the book is an essayist and historian Franco Cardini, professor of Medieval History at the Italian Institute of Human Sciences do Florence. Among his many publications, the subject of translations in various foreign countries, we must remember "the roots of medieval chivalry" (Rizzoli-Samson) "That old party cruel" (Knopf), "Europe and Islam. The Story of a misunderstanding "(Yale University Press)." The book hinges on the Great Cassiodorus - write in the presentation Don Antonio Tarzia and Guido Rhodium - is a work of spreading easy and exciting reading on scientifically proven plant serious historian and passionate study to read for knowledge and power to communicate. A series of considerations on the timeliness of a thought that crosses the centuries and the modernity of a character who speaks to us from contemporary and many lights in the gray light of the Italian cultural situation that, overwhelmed by scandals and political fights, he risks losing his identity. "


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