Friday, February 12, 2010

Clf2( ) Lewis Structure

The preeminence of charity

"Love is the only criterion for judging what should be done or not done, changed or not changed."
From 'sermon of the blessed Isaac, abbot of the monastery of Stella
(Sermon 31, PL 194, 1292-1293).
"Why, brethren, we are not anxious to seek opportunities for mutual salvation, and we do not lend mutual aid where we see most needed, bringing fraternally one another's burdens? Loving us remember this, the `Apostle says:" Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ "(Gal 6: 2). And elsewhere: Bear one another in love (cf. Eph 4, 2). This is undoubtedly the law of Christ.
What my brother for any reason - or by necessity or infirmity of body or lightness of costumes - I see they can not fix, because it can not bear with patience? Why do not I care lovingly, as it is written: Their children will be carried in her arms and caressed his knees? (Cf. Is 66, 12). Maybe because I miss all the love that suffers, that is patient in bearing and `benign in love according to the law of Christ! With his passion has taken on our problems and his compassion is on our pain (see Isaiah 53: 4), loving those who took and bringing those who loved him. But to him that hostile attack his brother in need, or which undermines the weakness of any kind is, it imposes no doubt the law of the devil and puts it into practice. Usiamoci so understanding and practice brotherhood, fighting and persecuting the weak only vice.
conduct more acceptable to God is that, although varied in form and style, follows with great sincerity, the love of God and for him the love of neighbor. The charity is the only criterion for judging what should be done or not done, changed or not changed. It is the principle which must direct every action, and their goal is to strive for. Acting with respect to it or inspired by it, nothing is unseemly and everything is good.
You deign to grant, this charity, which without it he can not please, the one without which we can not do anything, who lives and reigns, God for ever and ever. Amen.
Photo: Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Charity (1634)


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