Thursday, February 18, 2010

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New evidence on the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin?

continues the old debate between science and faith.
Now, some traces of inscriptions engraved on the cloth of the Shroud as evidence in the light re-emerge, according to researcher Barbara Frale, which dates back to the old shroud beginning of the first century and had been wrapped a man named Jesus of Nazareth.
In the essay "The Shroud of Jesus of Nazareth," the official of the Vatican Secret Archives, Frale, reconstruct and decipher the written in greek, Latin and Aramaic, which emerged in 1978, examining some photographic negatives. In the book, the scholar moves in the soil of archeology and paleography, with a work of comparison and deductions, to detect a statement about a man, "Jesus of Nazareth," that in 16 of the Empire 'Tiberius 'once' laid on the evening ', after being sentenced' to death ', a Roman judge, "because found" guilty of something, it starts to grave with the obligation to be handed over to family members only after a full year. "According to Jewish law at the time - said the scholar - for the most serious cases, after the crucifixion, a punishment was in force even post mortem according to which the deceased had to go into exile for a year and could not be placed in the tomb family because it would have contaminated the other corpses. "
This explains the need for an officer to compile a sort of "tag" to the body to find it at the end of the sentence. In creating it, "a man who writes with a write archaic - has stressed the Frale - then already old at the time." While the language mixing Latin, greek and where the Aramaic and dicitur, is explained by recalling that "in Jerusalem in the first century only the Roman governor knew Latin, but the actions of the processes had to be in Latin. The official language, however, was the greek and the population spoke Aramaic. "

The scholar, always professing not want to "enter into questions of a religious nature such as the authenticity of the Shroud in relation to the mystery of the Resurrection, a problem which I leave to theologians," but only as a 'historian and archaeologist " , also offers other suggestions that lead to scientific identification of the veil as the shroud of Jesus Christ. "Man of the Shroud's hands arrived on the pubic as to Jewish custom, but flipped, as if to say that he may even without asking for mercy because he is a right, "concluded the Frale. According to Pierluigi Baima
Bollone, among the major scholars of the Shroud and emeritus professor of forensic medicine at the University of Turin, "that there are written on the Shroud is known since the 70s. From when they were noticed by a pharmacist in Stratford who went to a famous professor, a specialist in ancient writings from the University of Milan: the professor noticed the markings around the face INNECE (in death) and Nazarenus. But other scholars have recognized the Shroud different letters and are many interpretations, so that the Frenchman André Marion called them "ghost written". The Frale has now offered its interpretation, one of many written on this. All we hope is true, but in reality they were written had already appeared in some photos of 1931. But no one has ever asked the test chemical. There is no evidence of anything about it. But there are many other elements that make up the Shroud at the time of Jesus Beginning with the three types of pollen found on the Shroud that grows in one place in the world at the same time: the mountains around Judea. Funeral of any other person on the fabric there are traces of the Passion, as reported by the Gospel.
The only evidence to the contrary would be the date on which it was recovered with the carbon, but also the Ramsey Professor of Oxford, who carried out the examinations, is back on his feet admitting he was careless in defining the Shroud one of the many false medieval relics. "

Photo: Holy Shroud ( Jesus from the Shroud covered - illustration of Giambattista della Rovere,
Palace Academy of Sciences - Gallery Savoy - Torino)


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