Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why Have I Got An Ulcer On My Gum

The scientific method and experimental is the sole criterion of truth?

"We are witnessing the spread of a knowledge model that aims to be more accurate and rigorous as empirically verifiable or falsifiable.
The task of the intellectual against the simplistic criterion of truth is to understand what in fact lends itself to this type of control through scientific instruments, and what, however, should not be subjected to this type of verification and therefore has its profound truth and his being. The critical question is to replace the experimental scientific knowledge to the proper level.
Consider, for example, the humanities, where the application of reason merely instrumental means significant consequences for the understanding of man himself. By the way, I had the opportunity to express myself during the delivery of an honorary doctorate in science education vested in me by the Pontifical Salesian University, pointing out the ways and limits of some methods of pedagogical knowledge and the horizons that you should strive for.
We recognize that we are in a company which is very rich in technology and intelligence we have and we have largely instrumental for this must arise and be cultivated a fundamental question about the purpose and the sense of this huge accumulation of information resources. In Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, Pope [John Paul II] claims that the problems and that he places make our society the subject of anxious consideration, can not be reduced to technical problems. What we, as technical development, affects the dignity of man and of peoples, although subject to all sociological surveys and all forms of detection technology, is not a mere technical problem.
A proper anthropological investigation therefore has the duty to maintain this deviation from the claim of the sciences.
When you forget that man, just for being at the border of the subjective and objective, can not only be the subject of exact science and experimental but it is also the person responsible, you lose the possibility of a proper understanding of ' man same. "
Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini


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