Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Soul Eater Doujinshi Read

Umberto Veronesi, when science and faith can not go together

News: Focus
ROME - Those who thought that the era of the Enlightenment had given his best in the eighteenth century, must think again after reading the interview Thursday, February 4 by Professor Umberto Veronesi Sky TG24.
In the interview, our most famous doctor even stated that: "Science and faith can not go together because it requires faith to believe blindly in something that was revealed in the past, a kind of legend that persists even now, without criticism, without the right to question the mysteries and dogmas to be accepted, or rather suffered. " According to Veronesi
religion, by definition, fundamentalist, while science lives in doubt and the search for truth, the need to try to criticize itself and try again. In essence - is his argument - they are two worlds of thought and concepts very far from each second, that can not be embraced them both.
Now, it is undeniable that we all benefit of the incredible progress that science has made in recent centuries, this does not automatically mean that we should limit all human experience only areas to which science may occupy. In fact, no empirical science can never verify the existence (or nonexistence) of God, no science will ever see the love that a person says to try for another.
Science is, by its very nature, based on empirical and repeatable while God is for believers, pure Spirit, and therefore absolutely not reduced to categories of analytical and systematic. Similarly, the man of science - pure body - is "measurable", while the man of faith - spirit, soul and body - has a transcendental dimension that can never be exhausted by any merely human logic.
Science and faith are placed on two different levels; metaphysics is - by definition - beyond the physical (ta half physik, "beyond the physical things), which is why the argument of the opposition between science and faith "by definition" is simply false, as indeed testify, as well as the sense of fine scientists of today and yesterday.
If they exist, as there are unfortunately, religious fundamentalists, this is never to be attributed to religion tout court, which, if true, lives with the Spirit before the letter. Similarly you can not blame the science, if they exist, as there are unfortunately, scientists fundamentalists who claim to explain reality only with analytical and experimental methods transforming, despite themselves, in religion and science in themselves idolaters.


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