Friday, December 31, 2010

Protocol Luggage Review

last race of the year 2010

Pieces of Greek - Fasano di Brindisi. Last performance of the year 2010 dedicated to the holidays.
Sunday, December 26, in full binge the day before, there could be no better than a race to stabilize your biorhythm. 10 km and a half of country air, cold day, wrapped up, returned from a week of profound constipation, in 48 minutes and 20 seconds I checked the last race of the year. Gait quiet but careful to avoid disfiguring.
Departure perfect time. Sightseeing in the center of the village. First lap. Then to the beautiful countryside of Puglia. Flat road with gentle slopes at times disconnected. An initial difficulty to find a groove and then stretch them onto the slightly downhill. Especially during the long straight stretch of the final sprint strongly urged.
Organization perfect without any confusion. A sponsor of prestige: Gatorade (we could fill up at will). Cake and champagne as race packet (it could not be otherwise) and the final prizes of great value.
The 7th-grade was worse last year (45 'and 36 "- 2nd place). I could not do better, due to lack of preparation for The recent ill health.
Nevertheless the race was exciting and enjoyable. I could easily control the pace without breathing difficulties due to a recent tracheitis.
With this close race in 2010 with assets of 12 races, one marathon (Rome) and 4 mezzemaratone.
Now would be the case given the numbers.

Friday, December 17, 2010

How To Keep White Coat Clean

Melito di Napoli

came into my life on January 10, 1975: I had been called to a temporary and as soon as I arrived, I found a phone booth (there was an 'era without cell phones) and called home to tell Mom that the country was easily accessible ... is a municipality in the northern outskirts of Naples after Secondigliano ... and he still has the most, I suspect, its share of crime and the Camorra, has been ruined, like so many places from the post-earthquake ' 80, that of 'Irpinia, which devastated large areas of Naples. There were built barracks dormitory for people of the streets whose homes were uninhabitable.
When I went there, that first time ... c 'was a main road which opened up all sorts of shops, especially food ... the school was in a side street, of course residential house converted into a school. .. only we had one in 79 new, beautiful, out of the country, the guys already ruined after a year ... in '80 to 35 bathrooms, I do not know how many were out of order.
That first time I was granted the first male I sez ... c 'was everything. I, who already 'taught for four years, I tried to impose some discipline, but with little success, a colleague of mine went to worse. He taught mathematics and the first day the boys said: "I will not be for you a 'teacher, but a' friend '... the pulled behind anything.
After a while the dust settled, c 'was Enzo, from the face of a blond angel' son of a pharmacist, I know he became mayor of the town in recent years. C 'was the son of' gardener: I did not know what was said in Naples dialect gardener "Parul" I felt that his companions called him and I thought they were referring to the fact that he spoke very well ... one day I called him with this nickname, he stood up, was a species of bison, and I thought, "Now hit me." He did not do much but was offended. From that day I treated both the dialect that still know him more than if I were born in the English quarters.
C 'was then the first of four to ten brothers De Leo five of them over the years have been my students, this was terrible, but the sisters, who came later, were delicious and the father was the custodian of the school, a good and gentle man, the caretaker mother.
She was nice and intelligent person suffers from a disease due to blood sugar issues, so that alternating periods of absolute normality others to depression or excitement, and she noticed it when he was about to happen and it did bring in a psychiatric hospital. .. always alternated between these times ... now I have said that they are both dead.
One of the daughters married a nickname for my child who was called Joe ... Cicchi tremendissimo, mate that Franco's raids, said "longhair" who is now dead, but basically a good guy and honest ... at least ... I think I left them they were going to get married when I was in Milan.
's economy was based mainly on nursery stock and the construction of barrels ... the craft was handed down cooper from father to son and the barrels are exported to Europe. As dean
c 'was a terrible teacher, an ogre who taught me almost everything that I have used to be a good teacher, the' year after I left because I had the 'office by the Superintendency for the night schools for workers, , 150 hours, then two years later I went to charge ... I was bewitched, was my second home, the place I lived the best moments from the teacher and colleague ... I left reluctantly in '87 to follow, with their children, my husband in Milan.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What Year Will Tahoes Body Style Change

From Selva to Trulli

Two races in three days.
The first, Sunday, Dec. 5 a cross ... my passion. This year's Regional Championship Mountain Running along the mule path was that Fasano climb up to reach the area Selva. A drop of 400 meters in 11 kilometers with asperity that was sometimes impossible run, but walk. Never had that experience. However meravigliosa.Partenza near a gym that gave us a good shelter from the first cold season. Impeccable organization and very hospitable. Start at half past nine o'clock. A tour of the historic center of Fasano and then a real dip in the Mediterranean. From here the ascent is endless, increasingly impassable terrain, to reach a real tunnel dug between olive and oak trees. Tortuous climb rocks and bushes. Very nice. Until he reached the summit of the Village Forest and then fall along a curve and sometimes paved dirt roads. That's right ... Dash! Can not let go of the reins to gain the lost time going uphill. Yet my direct competitor passed me keeping the distance to the end. It seemed to roll. I could not do better, I risked a nasty fall or serious injury to the leg if not curbed in tempo.Ritornato my pace in the last two flat miles, I tried to retrieve other items.
For fifty yards I did not win the first place and therefore the regional title.
not to throw away a "silver" deserved. Final time for the 11 km run: 55 'and 10 ". There remains the beauty of the route. Certainly to be repeated, despite a nagging soreness in my legs the next day.
I brought the video camera (which I mentioned in another post ) to record some clips. I enclose a picture captured from video to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe path.
The other race: Wednesday, December 8, Corripuglia in Alberobello.
A classic not to be missed.
Back from muscle pain, decreasing slowly, I approached the race without much purpose. Fun with the friends of those jokers team. More than 10 km in 46 'and 50 ".
seventh grade (it was almost 80, MM60 - 1300 all pertecipanti). Not bad though.
Needless to describe the enchanting landscape of Trulli.
Too bad because excavations in progress has not crossed the center of the village. But on the other hand there was crossing a trullo.
Again, inseparable with my video camera in tow, I captured a snapshot of the race.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Karaoke Po Polsku Do Pobrania

Vico Equense, July 2006

A day of July, we are in Lichtenberg, a country village of Vico Equense Sorrento.
Every summer I come here, from which I was a child, even after I moved, many years ago in Milan.
Today, my sister invited me to a literary meeting, Roberto Saviano, who is presenting his book "Gomorra" just released, but already a "case" of literature. I 've read in these days of vacation: beautiful, powerful, punch in the stomach.
We are in a square: on the one hand, a country church, those painted in pink and blue colors naive, from 'the other a balustrade overlooking a breathtaking panorama. Arriva
the author. Young age of my children, a backpack on his shoulder, the air of one who is not yet accustomed to popularity. She joins us, pleasant conversation, I say that, for many years I have taught in a country of the Camorra, I offer my copy of the book for a signature, he wrote "Vico Equense '06. Eva knows that this truth! With consideration. Roberto Saviano "
Sergio Lambiase, a friend, a journalist of" Corriere del Mezzogiorno "presents it, he talks about the book with skill, passion and precision. Following the debate, someone asked him if he is afraid, says no, that while the book will be conveyed and this will be discussed, he feels comfortable. Many of us, but it's like a meeting between friends, the afternoon became dusk, then night.
I reviewed from a distance, two months ago, the fats in Milan to present his wonderful monologue from "The beauty and 'hell' on a stage of a theater armored armored. From chairs, we saw where we were behind him, his five bodyguards.
on facebook, in addition to the official website maintained by the staff, new ones are arising every day: "An ice cream for Saviano", "Saviano Governor of Campania" and so on.
Also, in articles or on television, he reiterated to feel and to want to be, above all, a writer.
appears often in public places such as theaters, television, explained that the higher the 'attention and there is less risk, in an' interview with an Italian journalist in December 2009, she tells him that the Camorra has a long memory, he says yes, she asks him when the danger will be greater, he says, "When will fall silent." In
'immediate post-war neo-realist cinema Andreotti criticized because, he said "wash your dirty linen at home." Today, someone very high up, said that books like " Gomorrah 'hurt' s image of 'Italy in the world to make it appear as a country of the Mafia and the Camorra.
Saviano has often said that for many in his condition worse than death is the fear of stigma, the de-legitimization of defamation: "It 's smart ... S' has become 'deaf and speaks ill of his country ... ... "I
often liken to Dante, and many points they have in common: first of all the 'obsession (the one already that day, I can see it in your eyes) to explain, illustrate, make it clear to all evil, then the' urgent need to describe a whole cosmos, a universe in a 'work, then again the' use of an art form: the poem by one, the novel for the 'other. Finally, the high price, too high to pay in life, exile and escape.
Today it seems that he begins to exist when the darkness of a stage or a television studio, comes into the light and the people, so many people, and then back into the darkness of non-life, never, for him, it seems today that appear to live and identify themselves.
When, last week, there was a meeting in Perugia with Al Gore and the debate that ensued, was tense, touched by the applause of the audience.
The next day the newspaper "La Repubblica" Mala Leonardo wrote, "Roberto Saviano has been a little more 'for some autograph, then the seven agents have exchanged the signal Roberto Saviano ... He goes to a destination unknown, and an uncertain fate. The fate of a man with seven shadows. "
More than ten years ago I attended a refresher course, was on the interpersonal relationships between teachers and students, how to deal with the 'other. C were the psychologists who always used the words "here and now." Each of us, change over time and space in relation to others, the change is affected by countless variables.
Roberto Saviano has experienced, young and in a short period of time, to experiences that others would take a lifetime: he had fame, success, hate, hate, admiration, idolatry and threats. People who do not know they have an idol, an 'icon, and lifelong friends turned away from him. E 'was invited to speak in Stockholm in the room where the Nobel Prizes are awarded and homes for rent have been rejected because people, when they knew it was him, he was afraid. He lived in barracks dark and inhospitable, has also moved house every ten days, her family and her escort, the other, the real one, he said that he lives in the North, under protection, in ways different from his. He said it was painful for his loved ones feel powerless delegitimize come forward to defend him.
The people love him: people are a blur but you know you do not know, the real one has a face and a name, is the newsstand where I buy the newspaper, the doorman who greets you when you leave and return, the butcher, the friend, neighbor, colleague, waiter, pizza.
I, in these years, I thought of him with affection and tenderness of mom, I would cherish my copy of "Gomorrah" with his dedication, not anybody soon, and when the 'I saw in the theater, I have not tried the desire to overcome barriers to try to say goodbye, I keep in my heart, as a privilege, the 'know him that day when all the best and the worst was yet to happen, that sunny day in July when the summer afternoon while chatting quietly became dusk and then night.

Milan, May 8, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

Build Your Ownchampionship Belt


John has 40 years, is my friend on facebook
When I met him, had maybe 12 or 13, it was not my student, was as beautiful as the sun, face d 'angel and I think it terribly bored at school ... I met him in the hallways, had always hunted and wandered off ... you should never chase the boys, but keep them in class, and possibly interest them in class. .. but I have seen many of these stories ... John was a chronic repeating, do not know what middle class has repeated several times between the first and second.
One year, one prior to my departure for Milan, I had a third, the most beautiful of my life and, on the first day, I found John in class and listed on the register. The secretary, who then also became mayor of the town, he asked me and my colleague in mathematics to try ... the boy was a good family, we had taken on the students in our course is working well, which means that pay attention to the needs of individuals ... we were the 'last hope.
What mattered to me, as it always was, was that the boy be reconciled with the school ... averages are beautiful, they are a continuous discovery, every day, lived as an 'adventure is exciting and full of surprises.
I called him and gave him a nice speech, I reminded him that it was more greatest of his comrades, and especially girls, who did not want emotional problems, I would be happy with minimum ... it was important to learn to be in class to socialize, whether or not it was really studying the 'least of the problems. It was delicious ...
exemplary behaved very well throughout the 'year ... made friends with classmates, he was friendly and responsible with the girls. When did he just can not stay in class, ask her out, but after a quick spin, fell away.
participated in the school trip, and what's more, says the year-end ... that 'years by staging "Poverty and Nobility" of Scarpetta and played an important part, had to learn, participate evidence, to adapt to a working group the day of the performance ... I remember that my mother did not believe that his son had been able to play with such ease and fluency ... one of the last day of school, John told me that of all the years of the medium would remember with joy that only a few months ago ... asked me 's friend on fb ... is married, has two stores, two children ... it is good as then, every time I send a greeting , share my link ... it's as if time had not passed, reach out and everything is still there ... this is the magic of the school by John ... you were one of my greatest joys.