Sunday, March 13, 2011

Brother Love Shotacon

De breeze Romaratona

Missing a week and then the appointment of the Rome marathon. A decision made in time for adequate preparation. Last year, in fact, (March 21) I joined a few days before the deadline. This time the timing of training sessions planned, there were no hesitations and interruptions. Weekly releases systematic and long lenses on the beach (between coplanar and Mola di Bari Monopoli) certainly have my physical well-formed to address peacefully the Roman path. Although familiar with the roughness of the track.
The most intense moment of the preparation was the day when I'm done with the very long. Two weeks ago. 36 km at a steady pace in the company of my iPod and rhythms involving Goran Bregovic.

View Preparation Rome Marathon in 2011 in a larger map
the map the location of the training of 27 February last long
equal periods training, compared to last year, from 1 January to date, I have walked 516 km compared to 496 in 2010.
3 hours and 17 minutes last long last year, compared to 3 hours and 11 minutes this year.
Three were the extenuating superlunghi above 30 km for both years.
To refresh your memory as I wrote last year in my blog about the topic of Rome Marathon:
" ad vobis participation in the Rome Marathon on Sunday next March 21. Yes, it is the pure and sacred truth. It 'was a decision troubled. Since last December I was filled with doubt as to participate in Marathon during this first half. Back in Barcelona? ... Paris? ... Follow my teammates in Salsomaggiore? Wait ... best time to raise in a new foreign city? I finally Rome. "
How did it go last year? ... browse here!
While here you will find some nice photos of the competition 2010 .

We instead propose again, in this post, the video of the move to Fontana di Trevi.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Replacement Antennae Boom Box

E 'time to give the numbers

As a professional disciplines in the field of statistics.
careful and systematic collection of events.
Expert in development of the database, using computer applications (Access - SPSS - Excel).
I am finally externalize all (or most) issues dedicated to my passion:

24 years dedicated to the race (see chart below)
30,500 kilometers covered in the training and race
171 races held
2 marathons
3h 41 ' the fastest time in the marathon (Rome 2010)
22 half-marathons
1h 24' the best time in half (1989 )
2 ° cat. the best place in a half (2010)
3:34 / km in my speed record in the 10,000 (1988)
2501 the total expenditure so divided in Km:
Mon 1116
Tues 1648
Wed 3690
Thurs 4096
Fri 2700
Sat 3325
Sun 13,995


Is My Tongue Bar Too Short?

Annalisa Scarrone - The Beautiful Game

beautiful game
Annalisa Scarrone

natural starting
would put to the test and found that only an appearance
this be your distant
that invariably makes you go
and on time I remain your
without realizing that escape is a way to start
and instead want to continue
continue all

Walk the afternoons curled
better embraced to hurt us
trying to find a balance between what is
saying and what is doing this and our sweet
disease that makes me keep up with your trail
too busy courting
a bit of your mental space
not understand if you really
from what I can do

E 'little
is just not enough
the beautiful game the impossible
sure to find you when I get back
to fly standing still
and have the world all around

E 'is just a little
but do not cry
was what was
there is still room for hope
and only start
still time to make mistakes
the solution to be invented
among us this beautiful game
between us

The material there is no solution to incurable weariness
I'd imagine that your love is resistant
you on time but I
and promptly leave you I remain your
give up without realizing that
is a way to be saved and instead want to continue
continue all

E 'little
is just not enough
the beautiful game the impossible to find when certainty
I return to fly standing still
and have everything all around the world

E 'is just a little
but do not cry
was what was there is still
room for hope
and only start
still time to sbalgiare
the solution to be invented
among us this beautiful game
between us
beautiful beautiful game

E 'is just a little
but do not cry
was what has been
there is still room for hope
and only start
still time to make mistakes
the solution to be invented
among us this beautiful game
among us in this beautiful
great game between us

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cruising Glory Holes Gay Spots, Bergen County Nj

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How Long Does Skin Take To Healwaxing

remember ...

Then excuse me for saying so but at this point ....... you with all those comments "I do not insult Dr." Alberto seemed crazy in love and now you do not consider more ', as it does not consider any other six passed to Fraticelli.
I state that is not my statement now you know why, but it is what it seems in the eyes of others, and many, even naming names, so why FB is something that is born and dies at the same point, also because I like to live nn in a virtual world.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Best Pediatrician In Ontario


published by Eva Gambardella the day Friday, February 18, 2011 at 22:01
days ago former student, my friend on fb, I asked when I would talk about them in my blog ... as it's been so many years of teaching and many are the memories that resurface, then the Cineforum talking now. When he began
? ... In Milan, in the late 80's, early 1990, just at the turn of the decade ...
were years of Japanese cartoons, years of Happy Days ... I realized that the boys saw a lot of television, but rarely stop to listen carefully .... comimciammo to watch movies, and then, over the years, I coded all el 'I continued until his retirement ... in fact, the school where I taught, had become a real preogetto school and I ran it ... talk about a few years ago and it seems a life ... VCR and cassette ...
The project consisted of this: a series of films, changed, divided by subject. l 'friendship, family, school, society, history, films adapted from novels, and so on ...
In sixth grade, I had a few hours (now Professor of the letters have even less) and saw only a couple of movies, usually on the story and then "Lady Hawk" who always liked the guys who, without realizing it , learned so much about the medieval world ...
In the second, then, were films that focused mainly on 'adolescence, on' friendship, family and the tensions and relationships within it ... how strange ... there are films that are always present and others who, while being beautiful, no longer work after a few years, two examples for all: "Mignon Game" and "Stand by me".
The first came when he was wonderful: the story of a boy's transition from children 'to' adolescence ... beautiful, well acted ... and yet, a few years later, the company was changed so that the film, while remaining valid, was dated, "Stand by me", instead, how many years may have, is irreplaceable as an example of the initiation rite of a group of kids and their entry into the 'teens ... moved, amused, involved many classes ...
The day before the film (I saw one a week and lasted around three hours), distributed and read a card ... my first experiences with my computer ... children and their patience tab c ... 'was the title, director, actors, plot and special notations, like the soundtrack or interesting things to remember ...
The day the film was a great party ... The matter was serious and was studying, but want for my character, because you have always succeeded in getting things set for fun ... entertaining ... well I for one in class c 'was everything: pop corn, chips, snacks various ... everyone would sit where he liked, some lying on the ground ... and you could see the film in an atmosphere of pure class A Goduria ... The 3 B in 2002-2003, even before I entered on fb, had created a site "Those who were not a c. .. or Thursday because they saw the Cineforum with Gambardella "... then that was not true, we learned all right ... but there 'was also fun ... I understood that he was late for a job ... I remember some
title:' The Man Without a Face "with Mel Gibson," Fried Green Tomatoes, "which we read the book, like most people ..." The Shawshank Redemption, "based, like" Stand by Me "from" Different Seasons "by Stephen King and many others ... Sometimes we had two or three cycles of small film about an actor like Harrison Ford ... remember, kids "Regarding Henry "?...
In the third c 'movies were on' social work, history, the 'holocaust ... saw in a day of remembrance Rai documentary called" Memory of Auschwitz "shot in '92 or '93 by the Italians survived ... it was beautiful and awesome ... worth the ten lessons of history today ... those who have interpreted it were just a few ... Even
"Schindler's List" was very exciting ... now, if I post a few scenes, I arrive on the fb "I like" so many of them ...
's last film, the one that closed the period was "Music Box" by Costa Gavras where it merges themes such as' love and family with the' political and social commitment ... a lawyer learns that his father , which she loved much, is accused of being a Nazi criminal ... I do not believe it, defends it, then, thanks to the photos found in a music box, a "music box", he discovers the terrible truth about his father ... he'd rather not see it anymore. but, seeing that he is not repentant, and fearing that, by his grandfather, could influence his son, the complaint ...
The film followed the debate, but a year that involve parents, has never been very successful ...
I had formulated a questionnaire, according to whom, but more broadly in the form of discourse, the children reported on the plot, characters, episodes, and particularly important message the film wanted to convey ... that did it for the books they read ...
They loved all the movies a lot of 'horror and more horror was the better ... this applies to all the guys ... and this we we were bulging ...
I was always struck by the maturity with which the children of the medium faced difficult issues, such as the 'abortion in the film, the beautiful "The Cider House Rules" ...
In the third book as fiction, read "The Leopard" and saw the movie, but not everything to pieces insiene ... ... in this case all my charisma was useless ... everyone has always hated the book and film , but then think again as adults, but not always ... when it happened, with courtesy, I have communicated ...
Eventually, in a 'messy atmosphere ... thank you Matt for your class, was made the Top Ten later that it was always for a greater number of films because I really saw many ....
Each gave a vote of films seen and adding the results ... I felt a bit "dismantled" because, sometimes, at the top there 'was a low level of artistic stuff like "It", which, in the film version , is a home video and really put to 'film last place in the level of' C 'we were so loved "the drainage is often considered among the finest films of the 900 ... after all, those were really tough issues, and it was understandable ...
the film for excellence, however, was, is and always will think: "The Green Mile" ... but I love him very much ... but the kids love it ... and the book is very sad ... but also has a fascinating ... I 's I have reviewed and re-read an 'infinite number of times ...
few days, if you had done well, on Thursday, market day in Tonezza Street, to 'last hours, with the permission of the principal, we went out, did the rounds of the market ... then took them to the bakery, I bought some cake all, we went back to class and ate ... what a wonderful sense of freedom and transgression ... how many poems from memory I have imposed on them in exchange for this ... as it was beautiful ... (C 'is also this site ... "or did not do a c. ..") ...
One year, while we saw a horror film entitled "Village of the Damned," a film about aliens with the features of blond children all the same, I had to back out ..., a joke you did find all lying on the ground, pretending to be dead ...
What can I say to all you boys, now young adults, who have shared these moments with me ... thanks for the fun that we get each other, excuse me for some "beeestia 'too I ran away in the most messed up, but ... what a lovely adventure we experienced together!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Female Doctors Checking Mens Testicles

published by Eva Gambardella the day Friday, January 28, 2011 at 20:20
My father's name was Conrad, and his mother, Eva Barendson was of French origin, his father, Tito, was a great lawyer in the 30's and 40 ... Dad was in 1910, when World War II broke out in Benghazi was , then Italian colony.
was taken prisoner by the British and the imprisonment lasted as long as the end of the war ... pretended to be dumb, and after seven months, was sent home. It was the seventh of twelve children ... good of the family of a good time ... Naples after returning from war, his father's house he met mum, a friend of one of his sisters were married ... after a few months and made the honeymoon in Ischia.
A Dad liked women, he was gallant, that gentility natural, not ostentatious, just mentioned by kissing ...
do not know if he betrayed my mother ... she never said that you just do not know ... it was fun, elegant, a little 'cocky.
From small, we smacked If we make mischief, but was unable to hold a grudge, just a minute and we hugged and laughed ...
He gave us a lot: a life of welfare, working time, the ability to have fun, the joy of seeing the best in life and enjoy it.
daughters gave to us freedom, a precious gift, where no girl in the 60's and early 70's taught us that it was free ... not the opinions of others what we have to be afraid ... we taught do not be jealous of anyone, because no one can boast about property rights ... including spouses and children ... even said that 's love of children toward their parents is not granted, it is the latter that should earn it, otherwise, he said The fourth commandment has no reason to be ...
... He had many friends when he died a few weeks after my marriage, after a long illness and much suffering, appeared at the funeral a lot of strange people, shopkeepers, a cobbler, people that he, without saying it at home .. . had helped, had gone to visit at 'hospital ...
He loved playing cards ... had friends and fixed tables and mother ... but he did not play for money or stakes were high ... above all to be together ...
A friend of fb (and I thank him) ... I said I know how to open the valves of the heart and say the things I have inside ... this is one of the gifts that my father left me ...
We had the same character and often fought ... a moment of time which culminated laughing ...
He taught us to show others, if possible, a smiling face, to hide, if possible, the pains and sorrows, put them aside and enjoy the rest ... I made a philosophy of life and has benefited me and who was around me ... including her husband and children.
He loved a lot of people ... for dinner, anyone at home, was invited to stay ... it was not a person without flaws, in fact, but he was much loved by his friends for fun ... its always face life lightly.
Mom was the one dictating the rules in the field of study, for freedom, she was d 'Agreement ... Dad was what the night would give you if you had the cough syrup ... it was one to which You could tell the sufferings of 'love ... we were always safe, my sister and I that we could tell him anything ... he would have helped, never judged ... he knew the human foibles and taught us the highest degree, the virtue of tolerance.
friends, years after death, I remember the jokes, the jokes, the comic episodes that could describe so well ... we had a lot love of reflection, thanks to him ...
I remember a 'last thing that I think sums up how he was and how, thanks to him, we are today ... in 73, my sister and I with our boys (unthinkable for that' time), went to summer 's Spain ... he took us to 'air, happy, happy and carefree as ever ... I do not know if he was told by mom or he himself, after he had left us, came the' car to the curb and began to weep for the sadness he felt seeing us go away.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Brent Corrigan And Brent Eve

remember two special people

You came to me one day and told me: "I met a girl and I'm loving it ... I knew it was important, those words were not Random ... But you, you came into my life brought to him and I thought, 'Com' is beautiful ... but look, you look like! "
I speak of you as one of the two parties 'unity ... and so are at the same time are two different persons with different personalities ... it combines the' love and a life plan.
you, I loved you from the first moment when I had an inkling that you were me, I have loved you from the first moment I met you ... because you loved him ... and this is already enough ...
you, I loved you so much the day after your birth, when we were the only two persons in hospital ... I had brought in the room, you were on my lap, I was napping, sleeping ... and I thought, until the day before and now you were in me at that time were still so close, but real ... it was a 'wave that swept over me ...
you, I love him .. no matter if I could find plenty as a child, or friend, I would have done ... You
two distinct, yet I think of you as a "one" because the 'love that unites you is palpable ... you are friends, lovers, and accomplices ... just happy ... with the perfect your work, home, birds, friends, families who love you and whom you love ... I do not say: "I hope this is so, then I know it will ...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cruising Glory Hole Gay Spot, Bergen County Nj

school trips

Anyone by pupil or teacher, was on a school trip, remember how they ... As there is more immutable in school ...
Many teachers and parents, I sincerely believe that the term "educational journey" corresponds to reality ... nothing could be more false!
For years, especially in Milan, I hoped to save families money and time to colleagues who organized the trip, suggesting that the day should take place as usual ... school and home would be enough to book a bus for three or four nights in a row (as it was determined the tour would last) and a hotel, which, considering the savings on travel, visits to museums and much could be close and luxurious .. . For boys, of every time and the latitude trip or journey 's education is to make a noise at night in the hotel, mingling in the hotel rooms for the girls go by the boys and vice versa, make pajama party, to commit unthinkable acts, but not bad, to despair of the staff' hotel sleeping little or nothing (this is mandatory).
For these reasons, the trip, the day is generally useless ... the students are asleep or nod or pretend to have any discomfort and do not walk to catch up on sleep lost at night ... I tried ... but there I could never ...
Melito di Napoli 1980-81, the 'year of the earthquake, ranging in Montecatini Terme, stop for lunch, arrival, accommodation in rooms, dinner. walk through the town and then to bed ...
I have always had an agreement with the kids: When you slept, I do not fuss or noise, I slept ... I was not invasive ... yes, I came in her sleep, and all sound like a galloping horse, but the 'agreement was always ... in Montecatini, the' year, a colleague, Miss, and found four guys on a modest wardrobe: how they did to get into a closet and sit on, I do not know ... but they were there, the poor thing wanted to tell them to go to bed, went "I want to see you stripped" provoking laughter and screaming by themselves.
He surrendered and went to his room almost in tears asking me to go in the rooms of my to check that everything was fine.
I went and found, in the first room, four boys from the faces d 'angel with reference to yawn ... something I alerted and asked that they were all out in 23 ... ... they were out of the bathroom, from wardrobes, under beds ... as did a double d 'hotel to contain many, I laughed ... we wish you good night, everyone returned to his room ... I think for the moment.
few years later, the spring of '84, a fellow priest and I stayed all night in the lobby of' hotel because a girl in eighth grade, he had made friends with a local (as they did this, I swear , not the 'I never understood), expected dormissimo to exit all running with the new friend ... the scene was repeated throughout the night and he was, she went down, we stopped, she came back in the room .. and so on ...
One year, a boy, by the prophetic name of Adam began to run, naked, always at night, in the courtyard of 'any inhibition of their collapsed hotel ... ...
We had a deputy, delightful person that now there 's more, the boys called "lemon spremm" I wonder why ... they threatened dire punishment if he heard them make a noise at night ... after a while he snores so that was a wake 'business. B
a third came on a trip only a boy, that Vincenzo Mele, nice guy during ... 's last round the deputy continued to knock on his door and, receiving no answer, he thought it was out and as he was an athletic, despite the' age, and being the ground floor room ... came through the window.
Poor Vincenzo Mele slept ... noises and seeing a man enter the window in the room began to lanciagli him anything, starting with the shoes ... it ended with general laughter.
There were always those who vomited ... it was a relief that I could not handle, but I always found a 'caring pupil who was a nurse ... one year we went to Solfatara: Stefano De Rosa announced that he vomited and had him diligently throughout the time ... At c
trips 'were always surprises girls in class were out casual became timid, crying, other than during the' years were quiet and peaceful and enterprising spirit is revealed. In Milan
remember two trips, both in France ... we had a French colleague is very strict with the kids with us teachers: a general ... we had a year, instead of 'hotel promised the agent' s a motel for those truckers ... I and the girls and boys on the ground floor on the first floor the girls climbed from the balcony to go to the boys, my colleague was terrified by this and ordered the mandatory Paolini, music teacher, to run a patrol.
The poor, sleepy, entered in the room and shouted "Get out" ... inadvertently ended up in the rooms occupied by a high school namely "broke" a loving conversation between a teacher and a young fellow Latin ..
Also on this trip was a boy 's influence and demanded that some prof's put the supposed because he said, his mother did ... was not satisfied.
the Pont Du Gard, a joke, we asked the Italian soldiers that we met there, pretending to arrest a student ... those who had at least three different stories with classmates, we became frightened and fell between the laughter of all us ...
Two years after we made the same trip, spring 2001, I think ... and it was fun, but not the first time ... was not one of classes that I lived with more joy, although I have some good memories and many, I have news ...
With a grade, spring 2002 ... we went to Tuscany ... a trip that was delicious and beautiful ... a class were not particularly good, but it was d 'Agreement ... well ... we wanted to have created a site on fb entitled "Those who on Thursday were not a c ... because they had the Cineforum with Gambardella, "that I ...
's last evening, after returning from a trip, in' bus you put songs are disco, the couples were formed during those days you sit down, gradually approaching the time to come, increases the sadness ... the day after it comes only the trip ... even I, as a professor, I felt almost alien in my house, we wanted to be together ...
I was a privileged, I really loved the students, but I was gratified ... the last two years I did not want to go on a trip ... the students called me from a distance by mobile phone to tell me everything real-time ... and return, then, dwells in particular ... I missed them and vice versa ... they are precious gifts.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How Do I Block A Number With A Samsung Reclaim

The class of Cosimo --- An unforgettable moment

Because when I think of that class, perhaps the most beautiful of my life, I think as always the "class of Cosimo." Who knows there 'were other children, equally dear ... but remember this match is ... Perhaps it was because Cosimo
I chose, in the sixth grade, as its sole teacher of literature can ... or me or not.
The older sister had been my pupil some years earlier, she was very good and today is a professor of letters in the same school back then ... Cosimo was the youngest of four brothers and sisters ... when it was his turn, he decided that HAD to be writing in my section.
the first two years ... I can not remember when they were first born and I assentai Paul for a few months ... c 'was a guy who calls himself the last name D' Emilio ... my colleague Mathematics said, "With Gambardella is fortunate to call it" meant that protected him a little ... there were three brothers, his father was porter at the 'Cardarelli Hospital in Naples.
With great sacrifice had built a small house ... strictly illegal (and so c 'were the pardons) for a long time were without electricity because they do not get there in the country and made me think of a tenderness' s winter, go early to bed, no TV ... then I closed an eye on some homework not done ...
In that class c 'was also Stefano had as a classmate in class for three years ... the deluded and the testing we realized why ...
In the third, in fact, came to the exams as a private the father of Stephen ... were so many, then the adults who need a license to continue working media, He was in the Provincial Tramways ... Stephen exams operated a strategic change of the counter, he placed first in the class next to his father and asked her to help him ... she was in love with him and his father was promoted without much effort. In third was added
John I mentioned elsewhere ... that 'years, 1985-86, went on a school trip to Lignano and there, unfortunately, we were joined by the news of the tragedy Cernobyll ... so we studied and prepared as stated in year-end "Poverty and Nobility."
was an immense task: to transform the text in ancient Neapolitan modern italianised a little c 'were those who read, who suggested, who took care of costumes scenes and more.
colleagues and parents helped us so: first prepare backdrops and scenes with the boys, the latter providing furniture, chairs, costumes, and helping to sew the same ...
the morning it was like to be hard for the lessons and because the theater was a kind of natural caves which is overlooked by the classes of three floors and disturbed, then I, after lunch, the stroller with her young son and older children ( 8 years old) in tow, I returned from Naples and it worked.
The dress rehearsal, to hear the employees of the municipality that took us to the microphones, it was a disgusting ... we hope you will kindly come true the saying that if the rehearsal is a disaster, the representation will be a triumph ... and it was ... everything was miraculously in place ... the boys gave their best and it was a triumph.
There were some little things, like the mushy noodles and cool at the end of the first act, when you throw all the food with greed (remember the scene with Toto) and even the macaroni, put in ice cream out of spite that some of them (the false nobles) had to eat in the second act ... but it was still a wonderful evening.
's year ended (and the' seven years there were "very good" about 22 students) studied, and how ...
The day before the exams, which began with the theme, there was a chain of phone calls between them and me ... they wanted to spend the afternoon together, all us ...
... We went to the house of Cosimo's father had a nursery, c 'was around the house garden, a pergola ... someone brought cupcakes, cookies and some cocaine ... there were tables, chairs, a few chairs. ..
not anything we did, we talked, but little short sentences ... a word here and there ... I remember the smell, the chirping of cicadas, the sense of absolute peace and bliss ... as we were suspended between a past of adventures and journey together and an unknown future, yet to be invented, to know, explore ... no one spoke of examinations, we were just there, happy to be there and share with those hours, all was as it should be ... we left at dusk ...
After I spent many joyful moments, touching, beautiful with the classes ... but the perfection of that ... never again.