Monday, March 22, 2010

Ceragem Templete Cali

ROME MARATHON - Better than Barcelona ...

E ' was an experience not to be missed. Dura .... but unforgettable. The first in Rome, mica and will not be the last! Adrenalina to rain until exhaustion. In 50 years the legend of the triumph of Abebe Bikila in the 1960 Rome Olympics. The 16th edition of the Rome Marathon, dedicated to the memory of the legendary champion in history for winning an Olympic title without shoes. I could not miss this opportunity!
Without teammates, but with a squad of almost 17 000 competitors who did not make me feel alone. Indeed, many of Puglia with which to overcome the difficult moments, I traded jokes even funny.
ideal day for racing ... poorly ventilated ... perhaps a bit 'wet ... but that's normal in Rome. I prepare thoroughly. But despite the Vaseline, eventually I will be a bladder to the foot that I have heard this since the 20 km mark. Parto drowned in the crowd crushes me too moltro beyond the line of departure. Pigio the start of my casio-pedometer and try to make me space to reach an area to get to. Walk almost to the curve along the Altar of the Fatherland. Other bottling. Finally, the descent of the Via del Teatro Marcello shelling the snake, so I begin to set the correct step up to the schedule. exactly after the first km, at the Circo Massimo. The consequence of this forced slowdown: 5 minutes and 49 seconds in the first 5 km. Decidedly bland. The goal?: The same as last year (3:45:38). So I had to recover. Without falling into the trap of competitive start though. Dangerous. Among other things I had lost sight of the pacemaker of 3 hours and 45, far ahead of me. In practice, traveling alongside the balloons of the 4-minute miles. Over the next 5 km but I try to retrieve traveling at 5 and 30 per km, still above the target schedule. For the 15 km and half marathon in 5:25 and 5:23 respectively trip. Recovery thoroughly. I see clearly before me the orange balloons for 3 hours and 45. I continue to push the lap of my Casio every 5 km and take plenty of fluids on stores (where I systematically much confusion). Peeps a little 'sunshine and the day seems to warm up. Fortunately it is not, as Back to cover the sky and the "wind de Rome" at this point starts to make me dream.
Steps in strategic points of Rome galvanize me and began to increase, albeit slightly, the pace. At the 25th km I reach the pacemaker of 3 hours and 45 (5 and 18 km). I decide to aid the effort to recover the progresione. But the steady pace taking in previous km allows me to maintain it easily. Now traveling at 5 and 10 km. I feel the first symptoms of fatigue. The place I get cramps in my legs near Piazza del Popolo. But the beauty of the area, Piazza di Spagna, Fontana di Trevi and Piazza Venezia on the return, I inject the last dose of adrenaline. I recover with terror slam nick of the famous "wall." So it was not. The last kilometers are for me a quiet ride (so to speak). Even the plantar discomfort for the onset of a nasty blister is gone. Not even the terrible
cobblestones of the long avenue that runs along the Circus Maximus weighed me down. Increase pace, even for a short along the path that leads me to circumnavigate the Coliseum. " Beware of the hill that goes around ... I had recommended my teammates now Romaratona experts. I have progressively passed an unknown number of athletes flying toward the banner of arrival in disbelief after seeing with clarity the final time (speed of the last 2 km and 195 m: 4 'and 53 sec. km).
3 hours 41 minutes and 23 seconds p er go 42 km and 195 meters. 5 and 15 km .... Great. I worked on staff as much as 4 minutes! (Despite the cobblestones and long stretches of rough road).
the evening I rush to read the results on the Internet. Immediately jumps out the perfect progression set to the rhythm of the race. This is demonstrated not only the average speed in the partial, progressively decreasing, and moreover, that rank from 4859 ranked fifth recorded at km, passes to the 2734 second place finish. 2125 athletes Ben overcome!
excites me, especially, the 41 th place category (on 381 AM arrived 60). The Real Time me climb two more places. If we take away the 8 foreigners who came before me ... (31 ° Italian?)
What more could you want from life?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Can You Throw Makeup In The Garbage

Rome Marathon - Race Back to the Regional competition

After a hectic and uncertain programming for this new year 2010, I return to write the blog.
ad vobis participation Rome Marathon on Sunday 21 March. Yes, is the pure and sacred truth. It 'a decision was troubled. Since last December I was filled with doubt as to participate in Marathon during this first half. Back in Barcelona? ... Paris? ... Follow my teammates in Salsomaggiore? ... Wait best time to re-launch in a new foreign city?
I finally Rome.
He had been my obsession last year. But adverse circumstances prevented my participation. Just like that .. just two days after the registration deadline, I took head-on the web and I have completed the form, attaching documents and credit cards.
And in no time at all, I am present in the lists of the chest with the 5645 Rome Marathon.
I hope to meet someone who follows my blog. Please come forward!
I have no particular objectives to be achieved outside of participation to achieve the same time last year in Barcelona (3:45:00). I'm prepared without following a precise timetable. 3 times a week, stretch (Not repeated) by 1-2-3 km, progressions, and the inevitable long and very long (out of 20 - 28 - 32 - 36 km). Compared to the previous quarter Barcelona (550 km total), this time I have a 570 km route that I can reassure my mood.
On the other hand are pretty quiet for intense activity carried out last year. The preparation has not been lacking. The six half-marathon races after Barcelona and the other six races of the "Corripuglia" 2009, are enough to give me a sign of confidence in myself.
the cobblestones will judge.

Meanwhile on Sunday March 14 has opened the season of "Corripuglia" 2010. Spaccanoci, 10.2 km - 44 minutes and 55 seconds. A cold sunny day that could undermine the objective Rome. But you know, the players and 1,650 participants were blindfolded my eyes. A very challenging hilly course.
I had serious intentions to keep rates high, but the legs were all right! Despite the uphill sections, steep descents and the "wall" to 1 km from the finish.
A little test that I was fully satisfied with fifth place unexpected (there were 80 people of my class).
In the photo side, with the new uniform of AVIS, a few meters from the finish, followed by my teammate.

Friday, March 12, 2010

My Dog Poop Slimyinsides

Groundhog Day here

Malika Ayane - Groundhog Day here

I realize that one
sigh breakfast
I do not like is you
The center of me I'll take Nothing

Only wind The lighter in my hands I

to smile before going
Just a puff and I'll disappear Maybe

Maybe it will be dangerous freedom
looks at me and see a
But I will not be alone
A new
And I will bring
A never stop never turn

not regret I will never
The sky above me
The sky above me I
Groundhog Day here
From fleeting illusion
I wake up and you're still you


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

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Vasco Rossi - Sally

Sally walking down the street without so much ....
.... look at the ground
Sally is a woman who no longer want to wage war ....

Sally suffered too
Sally has already seen what ....
"falling apart as you can!
Sally has already been "punished" ...
for every distraction or weakness ...
for every "white pat ...
"date" not to hear .... the bitterness!
feel that it's raining outside
feel that beautiful sound ... Sally

safe walking the streets without thinking of anything!
.... now look at the people
casually ...
Are far .... those "moments" ...
when "a look" caused "disturbances" ..
when life was easier ...
and you could eat the strawberries ....
because life is a thrill flying away
one and the same balance over the madness .... ..........
above madness!
feel that it's raining outside
feel that beautiful sound ...

But maybe that's the way Sally ... the way ...
your "wandering" ...
perhaps we should really feel ....
the end .... a Po 'bad !....
Maybe at the end of this "sad story"

someone will find the courage to face the "guilt" ...
and removed from this "journey "....
to really live every moment .....
with each of his "anxiety "!....
and as if it were the last!

Sally walking down the street ... "light" ...
now it's evening ...
"the lights of the street lamps ...
"all the people running in front of the television at home" ..
and the thought goes through my head
"maybe life is not all lost ...
perhaps something "been saved "!!...
perhaps indeed! ... He was not "all wrong then!
"maybe it was just so !?!"....
........ eheheheh !.........
but maybe but maybe ....
what can I say I feel that beautiful noise

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Caparezza - Sober
are out of the tunnel of fun (x2). When I leave the house and I get bored I am very happy. When I leave the house and I get bored I am very happy ... more That you spend in beautiful places crammed salaries between Cube succubi ass beat up ugly juice and brandy you lie, dandy, I do not understand, listen, you do not be offended if I tell you that you are trendy, take me, for instance, I balding for a temple of the fun of being a friend Baldan Bembo is "a silence which can become music if removal at any time sfrequenzo twist. Test the radio, self cautious rest face to face with a cake, but hearty meal. Foreman, laborers with valid reconstruct the banks of a day at the edge of the disk and I wonder when you join the feast he sketched after mixed with the Brachetto and do not understand 'you end up talking about Jeeg Robot and "Streets of San Francisco ". I'm out of the tunnel of fun (x2). When I leave the house and I get bored I am very happy. When I leave the house and I get bored I am very happy ... more I like the cinema and quite a bit, so call me old, young foam and lacquered front of the mirror? I am old, period, and take your cue from the tuft anointed, I feel as tight when inchiappetto a Smurf. "Oooh, I hate Caparezza ..." Puff thinking evenings type like, "What do we do?" I I have a type of second-hand that makes me pub, hard and sofa, I'm here as a lark that my branch. I, immune to the dustbin of television costume, flying without feathers in a volume of comic books under the light, non c 'compared with just a beer fermentation and the girl in fibrillation for the new location. M'attizza zizza the full, I treat the chick obscene, I'm hungry, no problem if you whim me the pizza for dinner. Theme nights welcome, salami slices, VHS and to top it off the speakers. I'm out of the tunnel of fun (x2). When I leave the house and I get bored I am very happy. When I leave the house and I get bored I am very happy ... more "The meetings, confrontations, the exchange of views, people who are without names and surnames, venghino gentlemen, here c 'the good wine, the pages of the book and the melodies sound, we live on memories, gentlemen, and games, sincere hugs, kisses and fireworks, of all moments, sad and funny , and sadly funny moments. ... I would like to redo ...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

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I'm thinking

Vasco Rossi - I'm thinking of you I'm thinking

while you walk and talk and laugh while breathing

'm thinking of you when I wake up when I run all day

'm thinking of you while I was stripped of all pride as I watch my destiny
I'm thinking of you when I remember
while still smell your perfume
Na na na
What would you do for me if every

thought if any thought was me?
What would you do?
What would you do?

while I'm thinking of you when I wake up I run all day

'm thinking of you as I walk and talk and laugh while breathing

'm thinking of you while I was stripped of all pride when I see my destiny I'm thinking

while you still remember when I feel your scent

Na na na
What would you do for me if every

thought if any thought was me?
What would you do?
What would you do? What

would you do for me if every thought

if every thought was me?
What would you do?

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Even if you do not find the words

Elisa Toffoli - Even if you do not find the words

Mmm ....
E 'still beautiful emotion
with falls and all the evil
like music, like a pain leaves its mark and do not forget
the soul in all its imperfection
makes you fall and rise follow
no logical reason
take and go in the name ...

even if you do not find the words you've been around the world
inside a whole heart ...

no reply,
little power while you decide if you trust your
when you are trying to believe you can only jump

maybe like a rubber band without thinking there is more time maybe it hurts

even if you do not find the
words have turned the world inside a heart ...
even if you lose you have to look
turned the world inside a heart
and you have to say thanks to you if you remain as you have you to thank that

never abandon you even if you just can not sleep because there
believe that is the end
although you can not start
have traveled the world in a whole heart

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Not you suburbs

Several Twins - You no

will light the excitement that reigns
tonight but there's a heart that hopes that thinks it's worth
to talk to each his queen
Miss a rhyme for each starting from the first ... Claudia
discovering a whole new world and now never will

time disband the memory
Kimberly, Helen and all those models full of money and pearls but empty under the skin and then ...
one goes to my story Ruta lived
love lost at the bottom of an unknown nugget
my perfect woman but not that of
a flame that my life is gone and Sarah
and who learns to live with her a love story as a race where you
coffin and now I will speak of their life is strange it seemed that each was not what .. .

But you will say no more and that is not only me who love sex and the rest is useless
and I do not know what you have with you is different
laugh is not sex but love to you ...
"I was disappointed at the bottom of each"
... but you do not and most will say that is not only me who love sex and the rest is useless
and I do not know what you have with you is no different live
sex, but love is with you ...

Da Elisa left everything with a clear excuse
first love story a bit 'confused
exchanged and merged under the stars
the first time a new flavor on the skin and
those walks and days spent at sea in summer I still remember nights
and then grilled on the beach the night with Vanessa
lost a year at school then she lost her head as
then Claudia and Gloria by Federica Giada at Sheila and Moira in the gentle blue eyes, she put little Camilla
fate clouded even that star
good for you but you know I do not know the words come out
name only created confusion
speak of them know each life is strange it was not what it seems ...

But you will say no more and that is not only me
I love sex and the rest is useless
and I do not know what you have with you is different
laugh is not sex but love to you
... you know that look between my thoughts
you can see my life in you and you know

surprise me if you want to tell me how you doing?
with them was useless
not ask me why ... "I was disappointed at the bottom of each"

But you will say no more and that is not me who just love sex and the rest is useless and I do not know what
you laugh with you is different
is not sex but love to you ... "at the bottom of each I disappointed "
You no, you do not, you're different you know is not sex but love to you
you do not, you do not, you know you're unlike
sex and love will see ...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Strep Throat Test I Hate

Anna Tatangelo - Redhead

You're gone for a while '

Have you decided that was not just not love each other more

face a force that I did not try I
So now die

not be right but it is so
A new love that will not have the heart

It beats a bit 'slower in me the habit

is little to feel free and

With you I spent all my life What do I

of that phrase written on the phone
We are the life that makes living in the heart This love
What I will reread The

And then think of you

Only one message will

But the truth is only a wound in the soul
That will re-open all the time that thoughts give
scenes Your unique

lie to a girl in the suburbs

city boy And you tell me about

Talking to your friends to play

Over my story laugh
To my evenings
Where stupid fake a thrill

With you I spent all my life What do I

of that phrase written on the phone
We are the life that makes living in the heart
This What do I love indelible

The reread

And then think of you
Only one message will

But the truth is only a wound in the soul
That will re-open all the time
thoughts give unrepeatable scenes
lie to a girl in the suburbs

Saturday, March 6, 2010

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girl who does not work does not make love

Adriano Celentano - who does not work does not make love

"Who does not love does not work!" This
my wife told me yesterday! This
my wife told me yesterday!
I returned home tired yesterday I sat on the table ... nothing was angry
she yells at me that I went on strike two days on three ...
With the money that do not take it anymore and decided that she does
strike against me!
"Who does not love does not work!" This
my wife told me yesterday!
Then I went to work while they were all on strike!
And a big punch in the face I came, I walked to the guard Medical!
There was also a strike of streetcar ...
arrival there, but the doctor is not there!
E 'on strike too! That game is! But!?
But what will happen ... there is chaos in the city
I do not know what to do! If you do not strike me strike hit
If my wife says, "Who does not love does not work!" Give me sir
increase so you will see that in your house and in every home
comes love.

Friday, March 5, 2010

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'm glad

Alex Britti - I'm glad

For the first time I saw you
was not anything special
accompanied thee home up here and everything is normal.
the car provided by my mother
that day I needed to work
instead has become a golden opportunity.

Maybe it was all of a sudden
that I even realized
and now when I think what's happened I can only thank

breath and say I'm happy to have you close for good
much worse for me is equal
I am happy because I had so much even if we fight then
peace, and love you really, I know it seems strange
but every time I think some thank God.

that I wanted to win the World Cup
and instead I find myself making
spending and to make the game hard when you do the offense.
Now that there's nothing and no one
I wish I could say what I feel
and since it's been a while 'time
and I know that it was not easy to meet
breath and say it.
I'm glad to have you close
night and day and every time I come
I am happy because I do not regret

women that I had and I never really loved I know,
seems strange but it seems that the sun at noon We will heat the water that seems
is in the sea and then rain

seems a completely different world and hopefully come back with me

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Adriano Celentano - Azzurro
summer all year round and suddenly here it is.
She left for the beaches
and are only here in the city,
hear whistling over the rooftops
an airplane leaves.

Blue, blue

the afternoon is too long for me.

I realize that it had more resources,
without you, and then

I nearly take the train
and I'm coming to you, but the train of desires

in my thoughts goes.

seems when oratory,
with lots of sunshine, many years ago.
Those Sundays only
in a courtyard, a walk ...
I am bored most of the time,
even a priest to chat ...

Blue, blue

the afternoon is too long for me.

I realize that it had more resources,
without you, and then

I nearly take the train
and I'm coming to you, but the train of

want to be in my thoughts.

Seeking a little bit of Africa in the garden,
between the oleander and the baobab,
I did as a child,
but here there are people, can no longer,
are watering your roses,
there is the lion, who knows where ...

Blue, blue

the afternoon is too long for me.

I realize that it had more resources,
without you, and then

I nearly take the train
and I'm coming to you, but the train of desires

in my mind goes

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Subsonica - In our places

dampers closed by the time and we
In your eyes, gestures, and then hidden.

Deadwood and the gates behind us
Innocence is close your eyes and then.

Give me some 'of you The sweetest part

Take some' me
Feel stronger.

We did a big game from us.
game to take the wind and then.

may not know that those days never return
will seek
still there today while chasing dreams that are no longer enough
in our places and memories. Those secrets

closed in the winter and then
fears, time out there and us.

Give me some 'you, the sweetest part
get some' me,
breathe stronger

Whether we live a great day to us.
knew and then take the wind.

may not know that those days will never return there again will seek

while chasing the dreams that now are not enough
in our places and memories - X3 -
paste those images (in our places and memories)
today While dreams do not come looking for more
(and places in our memories)
in our places and memories
(and places in our memories).

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Lucio Dalla - Lyric

I do not know too much to expect

Every minute I get the urge to sew
time to take you out of here. A mattress

of words written just for you And I'd say

turn out the light that the sky is there.

Stay away from her, you do not live

live without her,
killing me.

head hard head turnip
I love you even here:
in the toilet of a nightclub,
above the table in a bar.

fight naked in the middle of a field
him to feel the wind I wonder

much that if I die I'm glad.

Stay away from her,

not live and be without her,
killing me.

look it up if you want,
that I never lose.

Vaaa the streets among the people
diiiiglielo really.

I draw my eyes from your eyes
not ever wanted to drive, even now

me eat them so you do not know.

eyes and without sea cliffs, the sea
slams on me, I've always done

only wrong but what a mistake?

Stay away from her,

not live and be without her,
killing me.

if vuooi find her, tell her that
if you want.

Vaaa the streets among the people
diiiglielo really

and can not remain indifferent if she is not indifferent.

Stay away from her,

not live and be without her,
killing me. (X2)

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places in our whole life

Noemi - whole life

whole life

go look for yourself in the eyes of others

pretend nothing

pretend that today is a normal day a year that passes

year uphill
that empty feeling

disappointed that ugly wound from you, from me, from what I have not given.

whole life looking for a foothold

autumn passing
but maybe I'm better

found by chance in a bar in the center and feel special

distracted but love is love is confusing you do not
angry, but I forgive you
disappointed in you, from me, from what I've ... never ... because

heart explodes

light years away from me out of my fault

breaks all the jealousy and nothing remains the same excuses

the usual excuses
lies, hopes

love sometimes I look in the mirror I am different

I am better
a new year a new year that passes
that empty feeling that bad wound

wound you, from me, from what there was never ...


heart away
light years out of me six
my fault
breaks everything and nothing left here all my life

go uphill a year for me, for you, for me, for you, for me


light years away from me out of my fault
breaks everything and nothing left here

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

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Want to Love You

Rio - Please you

Slowly, I discovered what
me undress you step by step with the times your

in your eyes is the mirror at the bottom of who you are

you who are fragile and strong throw open the doors

the clouds until it goes away

this longing for you touch the sky and the sky

touch me until it goes away
that we want you

flight and the rest is gone smoothly

I found the corners of your

you who are fragile and strong
throw open the doors
the clouds are like the sun

adjusts the wind shifts
my pages

until he goes
this desire to touch the sky you

and the sky and touches me so if you
should we stay up here

flight and the rest is gone

hear the sound of bells
stomach hungry
crying with us

until it goes away
this desire to touch you

the sky and the sky and touches me
so we stay up here if you like

flight and the rest is gone

until it goes away .. This
want you ..
Until he goes ..

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

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Zilli Nina - Love will

I want to love, but I know
I will never ever change
the world: look here

uh Love is love is all in good time

sooner or later I'll be
love love will immediately feel the

will understand immediately

And as if by magic and heal

all my dreams and every day
my kisses and all my
I'll give them to him at last

only to have it here and so the appearance

Yes, love is all in good time

sooner or later I'll
I feel for
you know someday will immediately feel the

will understand immediately

And as if by magic and heal

all my dreams and all my days and all my kisses

I'll give them to him at last

only to have it here and so the appearance

Yes, love is all in good time

sooner or later I'll
Love will
will love

everything in his time and he too will find it with me

And then finally

his arms I can stay

Love is love is all in good time

sooner or later I'll be

love love will immediately feel the

will understand immediately

Love will
uh, love will