Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Can You Shower After Leg Waxed


Vasco Rossi - Sally

Sally walking down the street without so much ....
.... look at the ground
Sally is a woman who no longer want to wage war ....

Sally suffered too
Sally has already seen what ....
"falling apart as you can!
Sally has already been "punished" ...
for every distraction or weakness ...
for every "white pat ...
"date" not to hear .... the bitterness!
feel that it's raining outside
feel that beautiful sound ... Sally

safe walking the streets without thinking of anything!
.... now look at the people
casually ...
Are far .... those "moments" ...
when "a look" caused "disturbances" ..
when life was easier ...
and you could eat the strawberries ....
because life is a thrill flying away
one and the same balance over the madness .... ..........
above madness!
feel that it's raining outside
feel that beautiful sound ...

But maybe that's the way Sally ... the way ...
your "wandering" ...
perhaps we should really feel ....
the end .... a Po 'bad !....
Maybe at the end of this "sad story"

someone will find the courage to face the "guilt" ...
and removed from this "journey "....
to really live every moment .....
with each of his "anxiety "!....
and as if it were the last!

Sally walking down the street ... "light" ...
now it's evening ...
"the lights of the street lamps ...
"all the people running in front of the television at home" ..
and the thought goes through my head
"maybe life is not all lost ...
perhaps something "been saved "!!...
perhaps indeed! ... He was not "all wrong then!
"maybe it was just so !?!"....
........ eheheheh !.........
but maybe but maybe ....
what can I say I feel that beautiful noise


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