Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Can You Throw Makeup In The Garbage

Rome Marathon - Race Back to the Regional competition

After a hectic and uncertain programming for this new year 2010, I return to write the blog.
ad vobis participation Rome Marathon on Sunday 21 March. Yes, is the pure and sacred truth. It 'a decision was troubled. Since last December I was filled with doubt as to participate in Marathon during this first half. Back in Barcelona? ... Paris? ... Follow my teammates in Salsomaggiore? ... Wait best time to re-launch in a new foreign city?
I finally Rome.
He had been my obsession last year. But adverse circumstances prevented my participation. Just like that .. just two days after the registration deadline, I took head-on the web and I have completed the form, attaching documents and credit cards.
And in no time at all, I am present in the lists of the chest with the 5645 Rome Marathon.
I hope to meet someone who follows my blog. Please come forward!
I have no particular objectives to be achieved outside of participation to achieve the same time last year in Barcelona (3:45:00). I'm prepared without following a precise timetable. 3 times a week, stretch (Not repeated) by 1-2-3 km, progressions, and the inevitable long and very long (out of 20 - 28 - 32 - 36 km). Compared to the previous quarter Barcelona (550 km total), this time I have a 570 km route that I can reassure my mood.
On the other hand are pretty quiet for intense activity carried out last year. The preparation has not been lacking. The six half-marathon races after Barcelona and the other six races of the "Corripuglia" 2009, are enough to give me a sign of confidence in myself.
the cobblestones will judge.

Meanwhile on Sunday March 14 has opened the season of "Corripuglia" 2010. Spaccanoci, 10.2 km - 44 minutes and 55 seconds. A cold sunny day that could undermine the objective Rome. But you know, the players and 1,650 participants were blindfolded my eyes. A very challenging hilly course.
I had serious intentions to keep rates high, but the legs were all right! Despite the uphill sections, steep descents and the "wall" to 1 km from the finish.
A little test that I was fully satisfied with fifth place unexpected (there were 80 people of my class).
In the photo side, with the new uniform of AVIS, a few meters from the finish, followed by my teammate.


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