Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Perfect Man By Hilary Duff Blog


Caparezza - Sober
are out of the tunnel of fun (x2). When I leave the house and I get bored I am very happy. When I leave the house and I get bored I am very happy ... more That you spend in beautiful places crammed salaries between Cube succubi ass beat up ugly juice and brandy you lie, dandy, I do not understand, listen, you do not be offended if I tell you that you are trendy, take me, for instance, I balding for a temple of the fun of being a friend Baldan Bembo is "a silence which can become music if removal at any time sfrequenzo twist. Test the radio, self cautious rest face to face with a cake, but hearty meal. Foreman, laborers with valid reconstruct the banks of a day at the edge of the disk and I wonder when you join the feast he sketched after mixed with the Brachetto and do not understand 'you end up talking about Jeeg Robot and "Streets of San Francisco ". I'm out of the tunnel of fun (x2). When I leave the house and I get bored I am very happy. When I leave the house and I get bored I am very happy ... more I like the cinema and quite a bit, so call me old, young foam and lacquered front of the mirror? I am old, period, and take your cue from the tuft anointed, I feel as tight when inchiappetto a Smurf. "Oooh, I hate Caparezza ..." Puff thinking evenings type like, "What do we do?" I I have a type of second-hand that makes me pub, hard and sofa, I'm here as a lark that my branch. I, immune to the dustbin of television costume, flying without feathers in a volume of comic books under the light, non c 'compared with just a beer fermentation and the girl in fibrillation for the new location. M'attizza zizza the full, I treat the chick obscene, I'm hungry, no problem if you whim me the pizza for dinner. Theme nights welcome, salami slices, VHS and to top it off the speakers. I'm out of the tunnel of fun (x2). When I leave the house and I get bored I am very happy. When I leave the house and I get bored I am very happy ... more "The meetings, confrontations, the exchange of views, people who are without names and surnames, venghino gentlemen, here c 'the good wine, the pages of the book and the melodies sound, we live on memories, gentlemen, and games, sincere hugs, kisses and fireworks, of all moments, sad and funny , and sadly funny moments. ... I would like to redo ...


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