Monday, March 22, 2010

Ceragem Templete Cali

ROME MARATHON - Better than Barcelona ...

E ' was an experience not to be missed. Dura .... but unforgettable. The first in Rome, mica and will not be the last! Adrenalina to rain until exhaustion. In 50 years the legend of the triumph of Abebe Bikila in the 1960 Rome Olympics. The 16th edition of the Rome Marathon, dedicated to the memory of the legendary champion in history for winning an Olympic title without shoes. I could not miss this opportunity!
Without teammates, but with a squad of almost 17 000 competitors who did not make me feel alone. Indeed, many of Puglia with which to overcome the difficult moments, I traded jokes even funny.
ideal day for racing ... poorly ventilated ... perhaps a bit 'wet ... but that's normal in Rome. I prepare thoroughly. But despite the Vaseline, eventually I will be a bladder to the foot that I have heard this since the 20 km mark. Parto drowned in the crowd crushes me too moltro beyond the line of departure. Pigio the start of my casio-pedometer and try to make me space to reach an area to get to. Walk almost to the curve along the Altar of the Fatherland. Other bottling. Finally, the descent of the Via del Teatro Marcello shelling the snake, so I begin to set the correct step up to the schedule. exactly after the first km, at the Circo Massimo. The consequence of this forced slowdown: 5 minutes and 49 seconds in the first 5 km. Decidedly bland. The goal?: The same as last year (3:45:38). So I had to recover. Without falling into the trap of competitive start though. Dangerous. Among other things I had lost sight of the pacemaker of 3 hours and 45, far ahead of me. In practice, traveling alongside the balloons of the 4-minute miles. Over the next 5 km but I try to retrieve traveling at 5 and 30 per km, still above the target schedule. For the 15 km and half marathon in 5:25 and 5:23 respectively trip. Recovery thoroughly. I see clearly before me the orange balloons for 3 hours and 45. I continue to push the lap of my Casio every 5 km and take plenty of fluids on stores (where I systematically much confusion). Peeps a little 'sunshine and the day seems to warm up. Fortunately it is not, as Back to cover the sky and the "wind de Rome" at this point starts to make me dream.
Steps in strategic points of Rome galvanize me and began to increase, albeit slightly, the pace. At the 25th km I reach the pacemaker of 3 hours and 45 (5 and 18 km). I decide to aid the effort to recover the progresione. But the steady pace taking in previous km allows me to maintain it easily. Now traveling at 5 and 10 km. I feel the first symptoms of fatigue. The place I get cramps in my legs near Piazza del Popolo. But the beauty of the area, Piazza di Spagna, Fontana di Trevi and Piazza Venezia on the return, I inject the last dose of adrenaline. I recover with terror slam nick of the famous "wall." So it was not. The last kilometers are for me a quiet ride (so to speak). Even the plantar discomfort for the onset of a nasty blister is gone. Not even the terrible
cobblestones of the long avenue that runs along the Circus Maximus weighed me down. Increase pace, even for a short along the path that leads me to circumnavigate the Coliseum. " Beware of the hill that goes around ... I had recommended my teammates now Romaratona experts. I have progressively passed an unknown number of athletes flying toward the banner of arrival in disbelief after seeing with clarity the final time (speed of the last 2 km and 195 m: 4 'and 53 sec. km).
3 hours 41 minutes and 23 seconds p er go 42 km and 195 meters. 5 and 15 km .... Great. I worked on staff as much as 4 minutes! (Despite the cobblestones and long stretches of rough road).
the evening I rush to read the results on the Internet. Immediately jumps out the perfect progression set to the rhythm of the race. This is demonstrated not only the average speed in the partial, progressively decreasing, and moreover, that rank from 4859 ranked fifth recorded at km, passes to the 2734 second place finish. 2125 athletes Ben overcome!
excites me, especially, the 41 th place category (on 381 AM arrived 60). The Real Time me climb two more places. If we take away the 8 foreigners who came before me ... (31 ° Italian?)
What more could you want from life?


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