Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Example Of Letter Of Community Service

Want to Love You

Rio - Please you

Slowly, I discovered what
me undress you step by step with the times your

in your eyes is the mirror at the bottom of who you are

you who are fragile and strong throw open the doors

the clouds until it goes away

this longing for you touch the sky and the sky

touch me until it goes away
that we want you

flight and the rest is gone smoothly

I found the corners of your

you who are fragile and strong
throw open the doors
the clouds are like the sun

adjusts the wind shifts
my pages

until he goes
this desire to touch the sky you

and the sky and touches me so if you
should we stay up here

flight and the rest is gone

hear the sound of bells
stomach hungry
crying with us

until it goes away
this desire to touch you

the sky and the sky and touches me
so we stay up here if you like

flight and the rest is gone

until it goes away .. This
want you ..
Until he goes ..


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