Friday, December 31, 2010

Protocol Luggage Review

last race of the year 2010

Pieces of Greek - Fasano di Brindisi. Last performance of the year 2010 dedicated to the holidays.
Sunday, December 26, in full binge the day before, there could be no better than a race to stabilize your biorhythm. 10 km and a half of country air, cold day, wrapped up, returned from a week of profound constipation, in 48 minutes and 20 seconds I checked the last race of the year. Gait quiet but careful to avoid disfiguring.
Departure perfect time. Sightseeing in the center of the village. First lap. Then to the beautiful countryside of Puglia. Flat road with gentle slopes at times disconnected. An initial difficulty to find a groove and then stretch them onto the slightly downhill. Especially during the long straight stretch of the final sprint strongly urged.
Organization perfect without any confusion. A sponsor of prestige: Gatorade (we could fill up at will). Cake and champagne as race packet (it could not be otherwise) and the final prizes of great value.
The 7th-grade was worse last year (45 'and 36 "- 2nd place). I could not do better, due to lack of preparation for The recent ill health.
Nevertheless the race was exciting and enjoyable. I could easily control the pace without breathing difficulties due to a recent tracheitis.
With this close race in 2010 with assets of 12 races, one marathon (Rome) and 4 mezzemaratone.
Now would be the case given the numbers.

Friday, December 17, 2010

How To Keep White Coat Clean

Melito di Napoli

came into my life on January 10, 1975: I had been called to a temporary and as soon as I arrived, I found a phone booth (there was an 'era without cell phones) and called home to tell Mom that the country was easily accessible ... is a municipality in the northern outskirts of Naples after Secondigliano ... and he still has the most, I suspect, its share of crime and the Camorra, has been ruined, like so many places from the post-earthquake ' 80, that of 'Irpinia, which devastated large areas of Naples. There were built barracks dormitory for people of the streets whose homes were uninhabitable.
When I went there, that first time ... c 'was a main road which opened up all sorts of shops, especially food ... the school was in a side street, of course residential house converted into a school. .. only we had one in 79 new, beautiful, out of the country, the guys already ruined after a year ... in '80 to 35 bathrooms, I do not know how many were out of order.
That first time I was granted the first male I sez ... c 'was everything. I, who already 'taught for four years, I tried to impose some discipline, but with little success, a colleague of mine went to worse. He taught mathematics and the first day the boys said: "I will not be for you a 'teacher, but a' friend '... the pulled behind anything.
After a while the dust settled, c 'was Enzo, from the face of a blond angel' son of a pharmacist, I know he became mayor of the town in recent years. C 'was the son of' gardener: I did not know what was said in Naples dialect gardener "Parul" I felt that his companions called him and I thought they were referring to the fact that he spoke very well ... one day I called him with this nickname, he stood up, was a species of bison, and I thought, "Now hit me." He did not do much but was offended. From that day I treated both the dialect that still know him more than if I were born in the English quarters.
C 'was then the first of four to ten brothers De Leo five of them over the years have been my students, this was terrible, but the sisters, who came later, were delicious and the father was the custodian of the school, a good and gentle man, the caretaker mother.
She was nice and intelligent person suffers from a disease due to blood sugar issues, so that alternating periods of absolute normality others to depression or excitement, and she noticed it when he was about to happen and it did bring in a psychiatric hospital. .. always alternated between these times ... now I have said that they are both dead.
One of the daughters married a nickname for my child who was called Joe ... Cicchi tremendissimo, mate that Franco's raids, said "longhair" who is now dead, but basically a good guy and honest ... at least ... I think I left them they were going to get married when I was in Milan.
's economy was based mainly on nursery stock and the construction of barrels ... the craft was handed down cooper from father to son and the barrels are exported to Europe. As dean
c 'was a terrible teacher, an ogre who taught me almost everything that I have used to be a good teacher, the' year after I left because I had the 'office by the Superintendency for the night schools for workers, , 150 hours, then two years later I went to charge ... I was bewitched, was my second home, the place I lived the best moments from the teacher and colleague ... I left reluctantly in '87 to follow, with their children, my husband in Milan.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What Year Will Tahoes Body Style Change

From Selva to Trulli

Two races in three days.
The first, Sunday, Dec. 5 a cross ... my passion. This year's Regional Championship Mountain Running along the mule path was that Fasano climb up to reach the area Selva. A drop of 400 meters in 11 kilometers with asperity that was sometimes impossible run, but walk. Never had that experience. However meravigliosa.Partenza near a gym that gave us a good shelter from the first cold season. Impeccable organization and very hospitable. Start at half past nine o'clock. A tour of the historic center of Fasano and then a real dip in the Mediterranean. From here the ascent is endless, increasingly impassable terrain, to reach a real tunnel dug between olive and oak trees. Tortuous climb rocks and bushes. Very nice. Until he reached the summit of the Village Forest and then fall along a curve and sometimes paved dirt roads. That's right ... Dash! Can not let go of the reins to gain the lost time going uphill. Yet my direct competitor passed me keeping the distance to the end. It seemed to roll. I could not do better, I risked a nasty fall or serious injury to the leg if not curbed in tempo.Ritornato my pace in the last two flat miles, I tried to retrieve other items.
For fifty yards I did not win the first place and therefore the regional title.
not to throw away a "silver" deserved. Final time for the 11 km run: 55 'and 10 ". There remains the beauty of the route. Certainly to be repeated, despite a nagging soreness in my legs the next day.
I brought the video camera (which I mentioned in another post ) to record some clips. I enclose a picture captured from video to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe path.
The other race: Wednesday, December 8, Corripuglia in Alberobello.
A classic not to be missed.
Back from muscle pain, decreasing slowly, I approached the race without much purpose. Fun with the friends of those jokers team. More than 10 km in 46 'and 50 ".
seventh grade (it was almost 80, MM60 - 1300 all pertecipanti). Not bad though.
Needless to describe the enchanting landscape of Trulli.
Too bad because excavations in progress has not crossed the center of the village. But on the other hand there was crossing a trullo.
Again, inseparable with my video camera in tow, I captured a snapshot of the race.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Karaoke Po Polsku Do Pobrania

Vico Equense, July 2006

A day of July, we are in Lichtenberg, a country village of Vico Equense Sorrento.
Every summer I come here, from which I was a child, even after I moved, many years ago in Milan.
Today, my sister invited me to a literary meeting, Roberto Saviano, who is presenting his book "Gomorra" just released, but already a "case" of literature. I 've read in these days of vacation: beautiful, powerful, punch in the stomach.
We are in a square: on the one hand, a country church, those painted in pink and blue colors naive, from 'the other a balustrade overlooking a breathtaking panorama. Arriva
the author. Young age of my children, a backpack on his shoulder, the air of one who is not yet accustomed to popularity. She joins us, pleasant conversation, I say that, for many years I have taught in a country of the Camorra, I offer my copy of the book for a signature, he wrote "Vico Equense '06. Eva knows that this truth! With consideration. Roberto Saviano "
Sergio Lambiase, a friend, a journalist of" Corriere del Mezzogiorno "presents it, he talks about the book with skill, passion and precision. Following the debate, someone asked him if he is afraid, says no, that while the book will be conveyed and this will be discussed, he feels comfortable. Many of us, but it's like a meeting between friends, the afternoon became dusk, then night.
I reviewed from a distance, two months ago, the fats in Milan to present his wonderful monologue from "The beauty and 'hell' on a stage of a theater armored armored. From chairs, we saw where we were behind him, his five bodyguards.
on facebook, in addition to the official website maintained by the staff, new ones are arising every day: "An ice cream for Saviano", "Saviano Governor of Campania" and so on.
Also, in articles or on television, he reiterated to feel and to want to be, above all, a writer.
appears often in public places such as theaters, television, explained that the higher the 'attention and there is less risk, in an' interview with an Italian journalist in December 2009, she tells him that the Camorra has a long memory, he says yes, she asks him when the danger will be greater, he says, "When will fall silent." In
'immediate post-war neo-realist cinema Andreotti criticized because, he said "wash your dirty linen at home." Today, someone very high up, said that books like " Gomorrah 'hurt' s image of 'Italy in the world to make it appear as a country of the Mafia and the Camorra.
Saviano has often said that for many in his condition worse than death is the fear of stigma, the de-legitimization of defamation: "It 's smart ... S' has become 'deaf and speaks ill of his country ... ... "I
often liken to Dante, and many points they have in common: first of all the 'obsession (the one already that day, I can see it in your eyes) to explain, illustrate, make it clear to all evil, then the' urgent need to describe a whole cosmos, a universe in a 'work, then again the' use of an art form: the poem by one, the novel for the 'other. Finally, the high price, too high to pay in life, exile and escape.
Today it seems that he begins to exist when the darkness of a stage or a television studio, comes into the light and the people, so many people, and then back into the darkness of non-life, never, for him, it seems today that appear to live and identify themselves.
When, last week, there was a meeting in Perugia with Al Gore and the debate that ensued, was tense, touched by the applause of the audience.
The next day the newspaper "La Repubblica" Mala Leonardo wrote, "Roberto Saviano has been a little more 'for some autograph, then the seven agents have exchanged the signal Roberto Saviano ... He goes to a destination unknown, and an uncertain fate. The fate of a man with seven shadows. "
More than ten years ago I attended a refresher course, was on the interpersonal relationships between teachers and students, how to deal with the 'other. C were the psychologists who always used the words "here and now." Each of us, change over time and space in relation to others, the change is affected by countless variables.
Roberto Saviano has experienced, young and in a short period of time, to experiences that others would take a lifetime: he had fame, success, hate, hate, admiration, idolatry and threats. People who do not know they have an idol, an 'icon, and lifelong friends turned away from him. E 'was invited to speak in Stockholm in the room where the Nobel Prizes are awarded and homes for rent have been rejected because people, when they knew it was him, he was afraid. He lived in barracks dark and inhospitable, has also moved house every ten days, her family and her escort, the other, the real one, he said that he lives in the North, under protection, in ways different from his. He said it was painful for his loved ones feel powerless delegitimize come forward to defend him.
The people love him: people are a blur but you know you do not know, the real one has a face and a name, is the newsstand where I buy the newspaper, the doorman who greets you when you leave and return, the butcher, the friend, neighbor, colleague, waiter, pizza.
I, in these years, I thought of him with affection and tenderness of mom, I would cherish my copy of "Gomorrah" with his dedication, not anybody soon, and when the 'I saw in the theater, I have not tried the desire to overcome barriers to try to say goodbye, I keep in my heart, as a privilege, the 'know him that day when all the best and the worst was yet to happen, that sunny day in July when the summer afternoon while chatting quietly became dusk and then night.

Milan, May 8, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

Build Your Ownchampionship Belt


John has 40 years, is my friend on facebook
When I met him, had maybe 12 or 13, it was not my student, was as beautiful as the sun, face d 'angel and I think it terribly bored at school ... I met him in the hallways, had always hunted and wandered off ... you should never chase the boys, but keep them in class, and possibly interest them in class. .. but I have seen many of these stories ... John was a chronic repeating, do not know what middle class has repeated several times between the first and second.
One year, one prior to my departure for Milan, I had a third, the most beautiful of my life and, on the first day, I found John in class and listed on the register. The secretary, who then also became mayor of the town, he asked me and my colleague in mathematics to try ... the boy was a good family, we had taken on the students in our course is working well, which means that pay attention to the needs of individuals ... we were the 'last hope.
What mattered to me, as it always was, was that the boy be reconciled with the school ... averages are beautiful, they are a continuous discovery, every day, lived as an 'adventure is exciting and full of surprises.
I called him and gave him a nice speech, I reminded him that it was more greatest of his comrades, and especially girls, who did not want emotional problems, I would be happy with minimum ... it was important to learn to be in class to socialize, whether or not it was really studying the 'least of the problems. It was delicious ...
exemplary behaved very well throughout the 'year ... made friends with classmates, he was friendly and responsible with the girls. When did he just can not stay in class, ask her out, but after a quick spin, fell away.
participated in the school trip, and what's more, says the year-end ... that 'years by staging "Poverty and Nobility" of Scarpetta and played an important part, had to learn, participate evidence, to adapt to a working group the day of the performance ... I remember that my mother did not believe that his son had been able to play with such ease and fluency ... one of the last day of school, John told me that of all the years of the medium would remember with joy that only a few months ago ... asked me 's friend on fb ... is married, has two stores, two children ... it is good as then, every time I send a greeting , share my link ... it's as if time had not passed, reach out and everything is still there ... this is the magic of the school by John ... you were one of my greatest joys.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gratis Naturisme Fotos

Students who are no longer

I had so many classes, in Naples and Milan and I have kept in touch with everyone ... I know of many stories, I have followed their lives, others have lost sight of them ... I figure, I do not remember names, faces stuck in 'expression that had child ...
Of the three, however, I know who have died, all three of Melito, the town where I taught for over ten years, before coming to Milan, where I left a part of my heart.
Franco came into my life ... repeating in '78, had attended the first three times ... they called "hippie" had blond hair and long, a 'difficult childhood behind him, a father who was in prison. .. was a predestined ... violent, arrogant, unable to stop even for a few seconds, perhaps hardened by life so as to be incapable even of affection.
was a love-hate relationship, our means tried them all, with him ... the lure, the punishments, the Convenor of the parents ... nothing was no use: it was acrimonious, disrespectful, a liar ... flattered and then shot in the back, was never able to combine anything constructive.
and began promoting it in the second ... a day with him in class was hell, tormented by his companions, did not carry out the tasks assigned either at home or at school ... he calmed down during the second quarter, but little. .. I was hoping he began, sometimes to study a small page of history or geography, some time to learn, when he was a genius, half a poem ...
In the third, the new school building was built outside the village, beautiful, spacious, with the theater ... I was assigned there and changed the section happened ... 'inevitable ... without my brake broke any bank: he called "ricchione" a professor, ran from the classroom window ... just to get rid of them asked him not to go to school, if not for the exams, and ensure its promotion.
Years later, I got in my course the younger brother, good boy, quiet, with a fund of goodness out that most did not, wanted to emulate his brother and bully, but he could not really ... but Franco came to visit ... pretext to ask for news of his younger brother, was doing his "scripted" in posing as a criminal class ... it was, but by half a point ... even in what emerged.
When I came to Milan, I learned that there 'had been a shooting in the town square which was released unharmed ... died in 32 years ... some say a drug overdose, others for alcohol abuse, was a silent death and poor, the end of a wasted life ... I have often thought about his mother ... had bulging washing steps throughout life, pampered and spoiled him happy in everything ... or maybe you are born in a way ... his brother had the same start and came out better than him ... I wanted the good time, and the feeling of helplessness accompany me, even in this case, forever.
Louis was and was not my student ... first, we taught Italian letters, history and geography in the first and second media, there remained only the third in Italian, while teaching the history and geography of the links of the same course .. . then by '83 changed everything and it was in before it turns the two teachers ... in the second and the third remained in Italian for all subjects. In
'82 Paul was born, my second child in November, when I had to go back to school in February, the deputy asked if I could ask the' year of breastfeeding, I would be back only at first, she would have been to teach history and geography in the third, where I had never been.
The score was used, but also free time to prepare for a competition: I agreed willingly ... so, Luigi, who was in the third, I knew him only by proximity of classes for some time replacement made by me, and why They knew that the chair was me.
Louis was nice, sweet eyes had a sincere, honest ... it was a nice guy ... maybe not an excellent student, but certainly reliable and polite.
For a strange reason it reminded me of my niece ... and one more oddity, to see him, talk to him, gave me a sort of tenderness, as close to the heart, the desire to be happy in life ... who knows ....
few years ago, now an adult, I know that he went to take a trip to India marked ... a tropical disease, he returned to Naples, was hospitalized and cared for, had taken over New Year's Eve wanted to go out for the New Year, had a relapse ... it ended, a stupid and useless death, and I know that the mother is crazy, I remember always with those big eyes and sincere smile and good.
John has taught me that no one ever leaves with grievances pending ... then, again, I apologize at the cost of a student, I never let you finish school and then meet and there they said goodbye.
was the son of two teachers, now the parents are dead, I found him in a class, all male, where I went when they built the new school, I left the class and I was transferred Franco there.
Already, the parents did not want me ... was the section of the notables, the one where I was then to come to Milan, had the same teacher for two years and would not change in the third ... my reputation as a teacher unorthodox at times preceded me, and often had to experiment to find out that I was also prepared and able to teach well ...
However, the 'other was even moved, touched me in that class ... and I took it.
C 'was the son of the mayor, whose mother was one of our colleague, a lot of guys opinionated, funny and some really good one.
John was very good in written Italian ... the rest was a medium-high, and it was a difficult year ... I think 's one of my life when I was really tense, as they are not able to establish a serene relationship with the class ... it is true that the male was more difficult classes, from' the following year there were mixed classes and everything was better, I alternated male and female in the pews and at the end of this period has always created a real camaraderie ...
It was a very difficult year, some countered with proposals to my tone, sometimes mocking, sometimes opinionated ... I need a lot of effort to maintain calm and to 'top of the situation.
It came first ... the written exam, then they did not use oral ... then, as now, especially with good classes, preparing essays or paths are asking questions about everything ... the program, especially those who were thought to have high grades.
My colleague, wife of the mayor, accompanied his son to 'oral and followed him during interrogations, which irritates all of us a little while ...' s review of Italian, I, for one strange quirk of memory, I continued to insist on a poem by Manzoni that he, during the 'year, he studied little and badly, my mother kept saying that his son had prepared the case for pleasure ... the boy was named Alfonso, was a spoiled only child and for all 's years had done the boaster, and that day was hiding behind the skirts of mother ...
Finished 's examination were all in agreement that "separate" could take it, but "very good" no; protests by the College of Mathematics, a bit under the thumb of these parents 'property' ... finally came to a compromise: if Alfonso did not take the 'not good' s would take anyone, except the very talented and studious named Andrea ... here is that poor John, who had made a great theme and an oral rather than honorable, paid for his sins and took no "separate".
These things, if you knew how to gossip, I do not know ... I know that John is no longer greeted me ... in the following years, came at times in class and he affected not to see me or not to know, more Sometimes I was tempted to stop in the street to explain how things had gone, but never sent ... You must do this ...
From one moment to 'another decided to move to Milan to work with my husband and never saw him again ...
L '... year after nearly a decade had passed from the middle school, I learned that John had died in a car accident at night, returning home Saturday night ... the dead ... he was just over twenty 'years, maybe twenty-two ...
's only good thing I did and I sprang from the heart, was to write a letter to parents, just talking about him and his character, his qualities, his intelligence and sensitivity ... I responded with a letter very expensive and I learned from my fellow mathematics in their desperate pain, showed all that my letter as a testimony of affection of a former teacher ... I was left with my regret, I wish time could go back to talk, explain, explain ... was one of the biggest lessons of my life ...... I have often thinking about him and his life destroyed too soon, but let me wrong with a student, I do not happen anymore.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Inspiron 1525 Webcam Not Detected

Pupils: the small Livio

each class, generally will remain etched faces more than others ... the first I remember was a boy of Colli al Volturno, where I taught in '72 ... I came from Naples every day and did 98 km to go and the same in return ... the bus left me at the crossroads and then walk uphill few miles to get to the country ... one morning I had a donkey that walked up to me, shitting all the time.
The school was located in the old prison in the south of the country ... I hardly ever taught in schools ... schools to be born former homes, former prisons, civilian homes ...
The boys were all from villages close ... had hooves for feet, c 'desks were still those blacks with the inclined plane and the hole for the' ink, and the teachers' room was a kitchen with fireplace on the first floor ... Instead classrooms in the basement is flooded when it rained ....
The girls were generally more civilized of men ... spoke a mix of Italian and Molise ... c 'was the daughter of the butcher, well-off, offering me hospitality when I had to restrain myself until the evening for the advice, invited me to lunch and I gorge on meat ... I do not like meat at night ... I slept with her older sister of my students: it was called the Goddess, had a serious malformation heart and breathing with difficulty breathing at night ... I was afraid he was hurt. The small
Livio, which was not small because repeating several times, was at 'last step of a class of desperate .. The parents were alcoholics
peasants, he was disinterested in everything ... he had the resignation and vented into a thousand spiteful, had few clothes and torn ... I think he had not seen a coat and 'winter was cold ... everything, but poverty, in boys, I'm not the 'I have never tolerated with ... my first paycheck, I invented a contest, a raffle, and I do not remember what I bought a lot of stuff ... shirts, pants, sweaters ... the 'I did too in' last year when I taught .. . I have a picture in black and white to me, girl, so young and slim and he, a small, emaciated, with one eye closed a little more of the 'other, but finally smiling, with a' decent air, almost fair.
few months I have taught at that school and, culturally, I gave him a little ... for life, then I have always fought as a boy desperate to convince any culture that could get him out, even if only mentally, by a morass of nothing ... I just gave the 'soul to this ... and often there are successful and when we are not the 'I did it failed ... I've always felt with him there was no time, I could give him some new cloth el' illusion that someone, for a while, he cared. .. I've often thought ... he was 15 years, now, if it exists somewhere, it has more than 50 ... he had no chance, but sometimes I remember him and I will not anger he could have done more ...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Vegetable Center Pieces

A historical triptych

last three Sundays with three races: two half-marathons and 10 km.
Sunday, October 3: Marathon City of Barletta. A race not only participants but also lots of special effects. A hot summer and a pretty seafront rather breathtaking I uploaded like a rope of a clock. A perfect watch that came in my legs and I was traveling at 4 and 40 seconds for each of the 21 km. Almost 900 people from the city center, and after returns to the point of departure - arrival, we dove in the quiet sandy beach of the coast to reach the indwelling campaigns and then go back on our feet. A race well run, despite the lack of training of the previous two months. A ninth enviable place (there were about 40 athletes belonging to my class) and equally enviable final time: 1 hour 38 minutes and 45 seconds.
Sunday, October 10: Run Mola 2010. A race of 10 km regional dall'AVIS promoted. Third category with an end result that in a long time: 41 minutes and 20 seconds, at an average just over 4 minutes and 15 seconds per km. He had not traveled this distance in a race. I only had to suffer in the last two miles to keep an athlete belonging to my category, useless tactics as a friend (who passed me in the sprint) has proved to be a category less than mine.
The pace, however, gave me a high resentment at the right Achilles tendon. The injury seemed to be passed in two successive sessions. But apparently the stress was lurking. So I approached the second half marathon Arnesano (Lecce) with the hope of having to bear the discomfort.
Sunday, October 17: Half Marathon Valle della Cupa. Morning heel elevator to reach the place in good time. Usual painstaking preparations for the dressing. Serious error in having used worn socks just once (I have brought a nail or black, for those who want to speak polished, hematoma sottungueale). Turnip head for following the rhythm of his team in the first 3 -4 km (4:30 per km), with the result that the 10th was already in crisis because of the pain now to the tendon during exacerbation. Despite everything I continued to run a decent pace, finishing the 21 km and 98 meters in 1 hour and 41 minutes, practically living on a pension. Despite the gentle pace of the last kilometers, I wanted to reach as soon as the goal step by step only for the annoying heel pain. Almost a minute and 15 seconds of Barletta. And, after hearing after hearing, the second category. Consequences?: A vagal syndrome due to light stress appeared long after the arrival of which continued during the trip back home.
How about a little slow?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Alberta Dental Guide 2010

The early years. .. I

My first years as a deputy were all characterized by a common denominator: fear. During the summer 'Victor and I fill out applications, then he could make as many as you wanted and schools in the province of Naples were three hundred and there were so many questions that we wrote. We used the stencils and stamp to make more soon ... then by 'start of' school year the wait. The schools were in need of temporary substitute the telegram sent to several of the list ... you went there and found an unknown number of people for a temporary ten-day, one month ... if it was a pregnancy was the free ride. The first or the person who was first passed or failed and the others ... at home.
Today will be even worse, but then it was terrible ... I did the rounds of schools with my 500 to make sure that there was cheating, that the appointments should occur regularly. When, in the last years of school in Milan, started thinking about retirement and to rebuild his career, I have noticed that my peers in the north, in those dark years, had always taught to wait ... all those months, I have them from years of gnawing 'University ... in conclusion, I retired with 36 years of service, although taught 38 years ... it is pure gobbledygook, and it is impossible to explain, but it is.
Fear ... fear of not having substitutes, not afraid that after we met an 'other, fear of not being able to do the' year that meant 6 points and the summer salary: c 'were two ways or teach for 180 days Effective February 1 or uninterrupted.
L 'I said elsewhere: I had an easy life and well-off but the school have me sweating ...
Winter 1971-72: the 'year went on stage "Alleluia good people "who devoted great actor Gigi Proietti young and lean to the left of Rascel, replaced Modugno all that 'last minute packages .. and was declared a triumph, in the cast c' was also a very young Mariangela Melato. A Sanremo Marcella Bella singing" I remember green mountains "on the radio ... c 'was a good afternoon, Feltrinelli blew up the trellis Segrate
... In January I had a substitution of one month .. Michelangelo School in Bagnoli. I found myself with a second average female and a third male were still in force on the infamous double shifts for which my mother many years before, had preferred to join the Sisters
... With the girls, no problem ... the young girls become attached to alternate with ... males was more difficult on a Saturday afternoon ... I noticed in the class of different faces, to make me a joke had brought in four older boys who were not of school called the janitor who drove them all ... 'output was the twilight, I attacked in the 500 ... I closed in and the machine them to shake off ... when they saw that I did not make a turn, got bored and went away, do not think I've ever been afraid, I was beginning to make me the bones ... now it comes to bullying, violence in schools ... things always happened in a minor key, it gave them less weight, you had to earn the job on the field ...
In February '72, thanks to a recommendation I got a substitute for the whole 'year ... we wanted in a small town in Molise 98 km away from Naples ... we went to shipping: mom, dad, me and Victor ... 's only hotel in the country was occupied by a mob in confinement, with his court, where we went to Isernia Victor had some distant relatives ... referred us to a nunnery ... This could keep me out in the evening ... no pension, no television and lights out at nine .... I do with my life I was free Vittorio desperate ... but resolved the situation: I organized the daily itinerary, based on school schedules and the media.
few days of the week left Naples at 5:30 in the morning and returned in the afternoon at the same time. My return (recklessness of youth) were based on the mercy of a bus driver of the Lancaster-Naples line, I waited forever to 'cross between the road leading to the country and the provincial ... and on the kindness of a colleague who went to fetch me, coming from the neighboring country to take me to the station Venafro. My colleague was never absent THAT 'winter, I took a train to Venafro post that started at 9 am from Rome and arrived in Naples at 5 pm the next day ... it started again. Once a week I accompanied Vittorio, being still at 'University, during my three hours of lessons left to study in the car.
Nothing, after it was worse than 'per year, so wherever I touched, I thought we were nice and close ... Caivano, Pozzuoli, Melito (where he returned as a starter), Arzano, Quality, Herculaneum, which was then still called resin, where I had my first job at the 150 annual hours, the night school for workers.
In '77 I went back to Melito, where I had been as a substitute, with permanent contracts ... I chose the final seat ... it was my great love, the only left for Milan, with a heavy heart.
From now on, every year, more or less similarities as appearance, do not tell them one by one, but most proceed to memories pupils or particular episodes, events that were particularly impressed me and so I'm going to zig- zag, in the time space pr ... then ... there will be the part devoted to Milan.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Acrostic Poem Examples Forgiveness


Each of us has a destiny, I was happy and lucky, I loved her husband and children, I had a fun life, wealthy, peaceful. I loved the school el 'teaching and I enjoyed it so much from the first to' last day of the 38 years that I have done this work ... but often I had this pleasure sudarmelo, earn overcoming obstacles, accepting substitutes in underprivileged places, starting over head when I was stable for years at a school ... so I have lived in beautiful. I was rewarded by the richness of human relationships, by 'huge collection of lives that I have met and with whom I have compared, by a sense of adventure that has always accompanied me and transmit to my students, almost every day brings new discoveries, new challenges ... how many memories, faces, names ... it seems like yesterday ... I could reach out and I seem to be there for my first day as an alternate.
That first day was like my life as a teacher, a little crazy and unpredictable.
In the spring of 71, I graduated a few months ago, I managed to get a substitute for fifteen days in a technical high school: I had to replace a 'French teacher (at the time we graduate in literature could also teach French).
I think, not the 'I never knew that was one of those old maids, with the register set, it took him at home and I missed the 'primary weapon of power ... but I made less and this characterizes all my future ...
I found myself on the first day of my life as a teacher, having to bring a class of boys who did not know and then, in the crowd did not recognize, Albricci stage for a military parade or something, and I think only that the 'unconsciousness saved me: I had no way of identifying and supervising the children who were entrusted to me.
When we entered the stadium a soldier sat on 'attention and saluted me: I looked at him, I recognized it, was my colleague at' University until the 'year before this meeting, at 23, few months after graduation as an adult, at work, made us burst out laughing like crazy, but I think that made us also understand that a period had ended forever.
Apart from that first day, the substitute was how it was almost my whole life as a teacher: nice, they were boys from fourteen to eighteen years, and a fifth were slightly smaller than me, French was much if I remembered the one studied by the sisters, we talked about life, study in a general sense of them and my experiences of them and my projects. Those were different times, the 'early 70s, do not even want to think about what would meet today, a naive girl with a mass of teenagers went savvy ... well and it was nice.
When, in later years, completed my service was (el 'I have done many times) I put that fortnight on top of the list and we always thought as a good start .. .

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Good Way To Sign A Wedding Card

holidays ... we ended up running seriously again

After a long silence due to holidays ... I am yet to comment on the misadventures of Marius took a thousand projects.
We stayed at the podium in Cisternino, 13 June. On July 4, was also present at the "Run Puglia" in Mottola. Unfortunately, just when we had to leave ... hath been jammed the start of the judges. In 1200 we returned home without having competed in the race. Indiscipline of the participants ... this was the official reason why there has not been the start.
So ... race canceled and repeated on August 8. In full vacation. Of course there are returned, preferring a moisturizing swim to the sea.
Thus, competition between leisure and missed more than a weekly training has failed.
also annoyed by the usual bilateral Achilles injury, which occurs systematically in the summer (use of flat shoes and slippers?), Topped with the steady recovery of the training (weird right?).
So I took just two weeks to resume good pace, but far from those of later Rome.
In anticipation, September 19, I ran the classic Run Stramaxima of Puglia. So after a few sessions of stretch one mile, two or three and as many progressions of long lenses from 15-18 km for the eleventh time I showed up to race Puglia's most famous and numerous of the year. We were in 1500. Numerous. Especially my category, almost 90 people.
A hot and muggy day has characterized the race. But thanks to the usual experience and the linear path and fast that I knew by heart, I walked the 10.2 kilometers in 45 minutes and twenty seconds, 14th place in category, however, my best time of the last five editions.
Excellent organization, perfect manual detection of arrival time, the full race package. Well ... a competition to imitate.
The program now half-marathon Sunday, October 3 Barletta. With the hope of not finding myself in the same plight of ViviBarletta of 9 May. But that belonged to another organization.
Now is the case of enriching the spoils of participation in competitions, because this year was thinner last.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Walmart Greeter Clipart

Years of 'The University

always, I wanted to attend law school, my mother was convinced that, for a woman, the only possible profession was the 'insegnamento.Mi worked according to the hips her gently, but relentlessly insistent, throughout the summer 'that followed the maturity ... What can I say ... I knew better than I knew I said I thought her happy and walked towards the that was the most fun of my life ... but I speak of this later ...
It was not an 'easy one summer of' 65 ... started later because of exams ... maturity at the time: the theme of the Italian version Italian - Latin, Latin version - Italian version of greek and two days of oral with all matters of the year most of the topics of previous years ... if he came out exhausted and, if lucky, promoted in June. I finished exams on July 23 ... I was promoted and then ... Vico, but the 'summer already started, fatigue ... I was not in top form.
Two years before I got my first big crush, what do you say "the first love you never forget" I remember the date with an absolute Precision: April 21, 1963, party at a 'friend for her birthday, a nice guy, great, 23 years invited me to dance, the song was "I Love Only You" by Sergey Lazarev .. . I think the naivete of my sixteen year old pushed him to joke with me, I think you said or bet with your friends or other ... after 'interval' s summer, during which there was also a story with a boy Vico, on his return to Naples we got together ... which meant seeing once in a while and fell in love kissing in the car ... well, for a while, but it was kind of a womanizer and a few months after I left: I suffered like a dog , pages and pages of diary, confidences with anyone who would listen to me ...; He continued to see him, studying for exams to 'universities with my friend upstairs who was in love, he managed to marry him years later, he was cornificata to life and, despite three children ended up divorcing.
The fact is that in 'summer after high school, the nice guy, for which I had shed tears' s first year, appeared in Vico, one evening, he took me dancing, dancing kissing us "slow" at the end of the evening he announced that he was engaged to one of the upstairs and it was a serious thing ... it was like a vaccination, I took off the head: how many times in my life I have thought how lucky I was, and perhaps , unlucky that he happened to a woman jealous and possessive ... but he was the vice of those who betray the lead for good ...
At the end of summer 'I left my home in Vico free and one of my friends older than me to keep me' s eye ... in fact we had fun like two crazy, with a third girl, my school friend that there ... reached my friend in those days of September-October he met what is still her husband, I had the 'illusion of freedom and feel great and prolonged vacation until October. Then return to Naples, the 'inclusion in the faculty of letters el' beginning of the most insane and beautiful years of my life.
Then, when you came from freshmen to 'c universities' students were older, generally those of the law, undergoing a lot bigger than us girls to torture of any kind, before releasing the infamous "papiello" a pass that testified that they had crossed the barrier and you were given leave, a similar ceremony was held, usually in form of celebration, at home, where friends later in life, close to graduation were a kind of process, there was a lawyer who appealed for clemency of the court, we took into unfortunate head eggs used as shampoo, flour, in the end, was drafted and read this parchment in which it was covered with insults and then he was officially admitted to the academic world.
's University, in terms of 'organization and study, not the' I never loved her I was too accustomed to a study headed, so I was always a bit bewildered by the fact of having to manage alone exam preparation, I generally reduced to last few days, I put the alarm at times awful as five in the morning, I studied little and badly, sometimes at the time of 'concerned feel they are not prepared and sent him. My mother begged that at least I did two tests in the session, and overall ratings without taking the highest, I was able to graduate in four years and two sessions as well as with 110 degree mark.
For the fun was all a 'else: call it a life without rules is also little: it was all partying, dining out, dancing (clubs back then). C 'were days when I went out in the morning and return late at night. I had two friends: Paola and Anna together and organize outings, each presented to the other and his friends formed committees unpredictable and unlikely.
I, at parties I used to lure big boys with cars, proposed to go dancing all the evening after a local generally poverinodi turn consented thinking of doing a "catch", as was said in Naples. The next evening we went into the room and set the other friends I did the "wall" around, that is, any anticipated advances the boy trapped, but the 'trick was used when it was necessary a machine more ... I remember one evening when three of our friends' University with whom we had very close, at a party, I think drunk, they pee from a balcony in Piazza Cavour, with people looking at them from below.
I remember one night when it snowed in Naples and I was a boy, cute, a friend, we ran under the snow in the Vomero and we kissed there, in front of everyone. Made friends with some of the cadets' academy of Pozzuoli, one of them for months I made a short constant, slow dances, kisses, promises of letters, and then, after his military service, he returned to Rome and learned that his girlfriend was there: the that he never knew was that as he had used me, I had also used I: if I think about it we were cynical enough hours, we were interested in having fun and that's it. One evening at the home of Paola drank like sponges; me back a guy who had to help me for ten minutes to put the key in the lock of the door, while at home I vomited all night ... it was great and I think the only hangover of my life.
In the spring, we went home with bathing suit bag, went to class and then to the sea at the Sea Garden ... Mergellina were wonderful years. Meanwhile, in 68 there was the context and 'university was occupied. The context and the 'employment have only one precise memory: one morning in the courtyard of Minerva held a' meeting which lasted for hours, talked a fellow Trojan, the point at issue 's Assembly was to vote on a motion. The motion was which should take place, compared to those who voted staircase for the motion as the ones that voted against it. Two years ago, when I saw the film "My Brother is an Only Child" some scenes reminded me of that far-off episode. We became politically engaged after 70.
L 'summer of 70, when there were a few months to graduate to' fly to Vico, I saw Vittorio Siravo, a friend of my sister for two and a half years younger than me, so I never considered before, I noticed he had grown his beard and thought it was really nice. Quell 'same summer we became engaged, even now, as I write this I am just 40 years. It was the evening of August 30, 1970: we went to eat pizza all together, all 'out of the pizzeria, maybe drink a beer too many, I bet kiss ... we kissed and it was sempre.Ci married five years later, when he graduated in engineering and we are still together.
27 November of '70 I graduated, I was soon asked to do a thesis on the history of 'art, with a professor, he gave without making a fuss, do not follow nor did you monitor servers, then the day of the debate, usually gave no more votes. I chose the title "The Fansago sculptor."
Fansago Cosimo was a Baroque architect, perhaps the most important in Naples, despite being born in Clusone, near Bergamo, I had to only deal with shares of his sculptural works. Between visits to the library, notes, drafting and typing of the thesis took me less than three months. The day of graduation session I was very nervous because on the average of 27 and knew that the professor did not give grades. I did not want none of my family except my sister and Victor Pina and it fell to 'sudden and I did not dare to hunt. It will be perhaps the view was pretty, also because of my own, I had added a final chapter that today we would say "gossip" that: "The Fansago in the trial of his contemporaries," I will cast well and vividly, the professor gave me eleven points and I graduated with 110. Were telephoned to my parents because of the proclamation, but soon after they arrived, my mother has reproached me for ever.
From that day on a piece of my life ended and began what is perhaps for me was the 'most beautiful experience, entertaining important:' education.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Wall Mounted Lid Holder

Open letter to Senate President Renato Schifani

regard commendable public bestowed by Senator Marcello Dell'Utri the mafia murderer Vittorio Mangano, called a "hero."
Spread the letter and send it to the President of the Senate.
President Schifani,
in recent days, Senator Marcello Dell'Utri, during a press conference, paid tribute to the mafioso Vittorio Mangano serial killer calling him a "hero." I understand that this statement is perfectly in line with the ruling of the Court of Appeal of Palermo, which condemned Senator Dell'Utri to 7 years for complicity with the Mafia. So register as the absolute incompatibility between the public praise addressed to the boss of Cosa Nostra and the office of Senator Marcello Dell'Utri covered. Incompatibility of mainly ethical, marked by lively indignation that the intervention of Senator has raised throughout the country, especially among young people. But this was not enough, apparently, to urge his rightful condemnation. Your silence, Mr. President, is serious and further offends the memory of all those who sacrificed their lives in the fight against the Mafia. For your intervention, if only a clear definition of distance dall'elogio obscene rendered to mafia boss, was partially compensated for their families and all those who daily at various levels, continue to struggle to eradicate the Mafia from malapianta our country.
I hope that your high institutional sensitivity and respect and love he has for our country, know the right words to suggest to remedy this lack. Italians look forward to your intervention, however belated, will be received with gratitude and renewed confidence in the institutions.
With the deepest respect for the Senate chaired by you, I offer you my best regards.

Domenico Seasoned
Respond to a Community Social Health
for people with disabilities

plenary of the Senate

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Simple School Bench Plans

Dublin Ireland Cruising Gay

family, children' s ... Vico ...

I was born in 1947, I can not remember the war but I remember the post-war Italy 's that you see today in black and white movies from the 50s. From my
know that I was born in the house of his grandfather, the Corso Vittorio Emanuele. I do not remember, but that was where my paternal grandparents, with their twelve children had lived for a living. On the same floor c 'Barendson were cousins, cousins \u200b\u200btwice because my grandmother Eva Barendson had married my grandfather Tito Gambardella and his sister had married her brother.
was a large house, about ten rooms, when my father, on his return from captivity, she met and married her mother, she attended as a family friend of my Aunt Elia, Dad's sister, who was and remained always miss.
The other children were married and lived elsewhere, it seemed natural that the new pair would remain with his grandfather, my mother was very close to his father, happy to live in a family where the children visiting filled the house, she always used to birth to three: she, her mother and sister.
C 'were, friends and cousins \u200b\u200bwho came and went, long table, always a 'party atmosphere.
When I was born, I had the name of the grandmother that there 'was more, there was great happiness, even if there' were already other grandchildren, I was the first to be called Eve.
When I had half a year his grandfather died and balances jumped his grandfather had been a great lawyer, but raising the twelve children of which many, including males, with Peter Pan syndrome, it was not easy, in such abundance remained Home. Mom begged in vain to be able to redeem by paying a little at a time allowances to others ... no way, some wives of brothers wanted to achieve now, the house was sold.
We went to rent, or better, in the sublease at 440 Corso Vittorio Emanuele: was an old building with stairs, porches, terraces, and other scales. Lived for four years with a family consisting of father and three elder children, a boy and two girls. The house was divided in two, I believe in the common kitchen and bathroom, was the war, they needed to round off, we at home.
My earliest memories go back to those years: 's summer did not go on vacation, we went with the Cumana to bathe in Torregaveta, there are two smells that I will always remember this time: tortilla macaroni, the classic dish beach of Naples and the smell mixed train, sweat and ice cream that even now, if you walk Montesanto and pass close to Cumana you back in those days.
My parents were great people, with a hint of bohemian: continued to receive friends as if we lived in a castle, I felt embarrassed because I had no previous memories in that house ... my sister was born in 52. In 53 my father managed to buy a home 's Ina homes, the popular ones being constructed and is redeemed, in Fuorigrotta. Today is a district of Naples as another: so for us it was the 'exile. Already
name: Mergellina to cross a tunnel, there was one of the trams and buses, especially the tunnels made you feel "out" ... then we were in Naples '53 c 'was a church, a square, Viale Augusto, Gypsies and country. At the end of Viale Augusto is now a street full of shops and buildings, There was a square with the Mostra d 'Oltremare, colossal complex with stand, a huge fountain with jets, waterfalls and stepped down, a theater, all built by Mussolini before the war to host an exhibition of our colonies , the colonies' s empire.
At the outbreak of war the poor Ethiopians who were with costumes, palm trees and stuff to show the greatness of 'Italy in the world, stayed there. C 'era, between the end of Viale Augusto and Piazzale Tecchio, a dilapidated building which, wretched living this group of people (just imagine a non-appropriation of today). I do not know how they lived and, I do not know if, how and when they were repatriated, but when we went to Fuorigrotta were there. In front of our house was a house: the Sferisterio, where he played the "pelota", a sport in which people bet. My parents, sometimes accompanied friends to watch the game and perhaps bet.
's environment of this large building with four scales was mixed: c' were gentlemen like us that the war had forced to live in public housing and there was also modest people, workers, clerks.
One evening, Mom was waiting for my father fell: a lady upstairs leaned over and said "Sign your husband comes late, but why does looking at?" He wanted to say but the guard said, according to her, the word Italianate. Dad, on his return he found Mother in tears who asked who among the people 'had brought ...
We made friends with a family on the first floor, the Whites nice people with whom we were bound for years after, with Simiani the fourth floor, her father was minister during the fascist period, had four children and my mother was convinced that she drank and even that is bad luck ... The
Rizzotti, the ones upstairs, four children and father firefighter, were our salvation, because they were the 'only family to have the condominium of television: the' year after he began "Double or nothing?" and all went to their own ... all; put the chairs in a row and watch the broadcast.
In the afternoon there was the TV of the boys, then there 'was more nothing, but the lady said, "Children turn off the valves that wear out."
I, my sister before she was born, I was very spoiled, I suffered from jealousy was spiteful, pedantic, I was often put in spanking and punishment and I incattiviva more. I was afraid of the end of the world, I was afraid that my, if they went out at night, never to return. I probably passed on anxiety Mom, if Dad was late, was waiting in the street, they still bore below the anxieties of war sirens, racing at night in the shelters.
The house was always full of friends, had my 's habit, and preserved forever, younger couples to attend some of which were friends and some mentors, and they had the funny nature, were designed to surprise, to turn everything into laughter when they wanted to be strict, as the 'education of the time required, they felt little credibility and I was disoriented. There were not cured but according to our friends: We grew up in those years with them and their friends, Saturday we went to Aunt Maria Pia, the eldest sister of father and c 'was living: aunts, uncles, friends of the moment , captured speeches, political (read the 'Espresso that was a huge sheet).
I was timid at ease with adults and with my peers, when they carried me to parties with children, I refused to play and hang on the skirts of my mother. A carnival, at parties I am always dressed delivered by male: knight, prince, because I was higher than my age, one year I dress up as farm girl and you see in the pictures, this little girl with a forced smile, almost a grimace tears. At school, no, I was relaxed and happy at school, I was happy friendship, I felt safe ...
's great love of my life in those years and always was Aunt Victoria's sister, my mother was a teacher too, first for me, then many years later for my children was the playmate favorite, the perfect story telling, the 'best friend, the delight in short ...
When at 42, he decided, including the ire of his grandmother, to marry a younger colleague of eleven, they told me gently and I screamed, I cried because I was saying, she promised that she would never marry.
I loved my mother very much, loved, with my father I have had a rocky relationship but with great confidence, but what for me was Aunt Victoria, it was not anyone else: travel, theater, holidays: until he was 92 years, even after I had come to Milan still felt every day, then the last few years, a stroke, were spent in a nursing home. Where 's the summer, coming from London I went to visit her, she looked at me kidnapped, caressing my face, for his I was a full ... affection reciprocated.
D 'summer, after the baths Torregaveta, we took a cab to Coroglio. we went in the morning, he returned in the evening, then, in '56, improved economic conditions, our friends were in Vico Equense, Sorrento coast of the country, took a rented house for two and a half months and began the My love for a place that still today is home for me ...
The vacations of the past, when some began again and continued for other, were completely different from what today are called holiday, we were poor but paradoxically richer ... houses for rent did not cost much, in fact over time it began to rent the house for throughout the year, and then there were those long, lovely summer ... the pace of life was slower ...
After school, in late June, early July we moved, we were a large number of families, friends or acquaintances of their parents, we kids in a group. There also lingered through September, sometimes until 4 October: every year new students were added, c 'was someone who was for a time, then go elsewhere, but most of us still faithful ... In September, with first cold, remove the wooden cabins, some left it for us loyalists, the lengths of the groups met and became friends, except for the following year back in July each with its own group.
Peppino di Capri sang 'Voice' night, "NicoFidenco" Tied to a grain of sand, "we met in homes with the turntable, there was dancing, the famous" dancing ", where they were born and died summer love, you had great freedom, that I really, I have always enjoyed, because my parents in their design a bit 'the funny, but I must admit, intelligent and forward-looking, aged fifteen, sixteen years and gave us all the freedom that, perhaps, have the girls today and gave us a beautiful youth.
In '60 we left the house Fuorigrotta, which was rented and then sold and returned to the Corso Vittorio Emanuele. The grandmother of Milan, mother had continued to live there and we rented a house in front of her. she came to live with us and after two years, even Aunt Victoria and her husband moved into the building. L 'Fuorigrotta nightmare was over, I began to September, the fourth high school and fill the pages of my diary, the house was beautiful, bright faces the panorama of Naples, the postcard, the summer home where my father died, in where my children were born, I left in '87 to come to Milan.
In that house my character improved, the years were good ones 60, the big hair, the economic miracle, the 'car, our loyal Rosa, the maid who had seen me born and died in our house. Around a world that promised welfare and love, Pope John, President Kennedy in the U.S., the summer holidays, winter and some ballet studio.
There was the tragedy in Dallas in '63 and the death of the Pope's good, but it was an 'era that seemed to promise everything, so we got to '65, the year of my enrollment at the baccalaureate and' University.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Supplies Need For Models

Cisternino - Regional Race - Podium Again!

course, it stands out more than any other Sunday, June 13 in Cisternino Brindisi was the heat! Scary ... a nerve. But probably 35 degrees of sunny June afternoon they gave me a load more. 7 ª test Corripuglia 2010. 800 participants. 45 people of my class. Path of 9.1 km completely hills. Without a moment's breath. A continuous seamless top of the hill, can not be recovered after just having recovered his breath. But I got away with an excellent performance: 40 minutes flat and no less second category. An unexpected result in view of the worrying conditions atmosferiche.Al out at least the lack of a sponge during the journey (one refreshment provided) the organization was impeccable. Check regularly and in full path sometimes crowded with cheering from the stadium.
decide to set the starting ranks among the top ranks. The race is long and not lose even a few seconds is an eternity in the media at the start of the final time. Bagarre initial the conquest of the lane more advantageous. After two kilometers I feel out of breath already. Natural! Travel to an average of 4 minutes and 15! Slow down, I concentrate on my usual pace and recovery right away. I have no difficulties in hot weather. I compare myself with my friends team that usually precede me. Continuously over the pass on a trail surrounded by the Mediterranean. I rest on the 5th km moisturizing thoroughly. Just as well: it was the only path. Easily overcome the last climb to the finishing straight. The warm cheer of my family members also appointed me to do a sprint in the final few meters from traguardo.Tempo: 40 minutes flat at a rate of 4 minutes and 24 seconds per km.
For a path so difficult and due to harsh weather conditions ... excellent performance!
Here I am on the Park awards (second from left) ...

Monday, June 7, 2010

What Happen Aboutfakku!

Marathon of olive trees: Third Category

Back to Ostuni to redeem the forced absence from Barincorsa (see below) and the mockery of Barletta. There is no doubt ... I got a real revenge.
Race start: 17:30 afternoon (I do not run from a life in the afternoon). Temperature: 30 degrees (until the day before yesterday seemed to autumn). Perfect reception and you will say, thanks to the impeccable organization. A path I'd say one in Italy. Fascinating for the crossing of beautiful country roads (dirt and sometimes scented twigs) shaded by lustful old olive trees. Refreshment and sponge stations will have to greatly relieved the sudden warm down over the sea in Puglia.
then I start with the idea of \u200b\u200bnot losing sight of the clock and 35 pacemakers. For the first two miles the pace is sent and lope round. Under four minutes and thirty km. The balloons hour and thirty-five are behind me. I decide to wait and I do reach the fourth km. Too fast pace because of the variables in my favor.
Master in having to deal with the race experience, I keep at a distance control from the balloons that now, at 10 °, are 100 yards ahead. Also because so far the path has been a slight and steady climb. On lap
mark of a stretch of dirt road invites me to a wedding. After 1 km on the country road began to assume a slow down and inviting. I was able to retrieve the effort of pushing the last 7 km. Under 4:30 pace, not at all stifled by the heat, I reach the service road that leads straight to the finish. The pacemaker 35 and the time always in full view before me. Sometimes it seems to me to join them. With the rhythm of the perfect long-distance rider, despite the sun setting blind us, cover the last mile to 4:30. Through the busy town along the harbor to almost touch the sea. Back in the final stretch, I see the sign of 21, but definitely not the goal appears to be at 97 meters, but at least 200 meters. Friends confirmed with Garmin In fact, the difference in distance.
End time: 1:36. But what counts more is the third class and deserved podium.
These steps every 5 km: 22:31

23:01 23:12 22:42

This post is unfortunately not documented by pictures of the race. I have not found any on fan sites.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cervix Extremely High Day Before Period Is Due

middle school and high school

Until '6 o - '61, after the 'examination of elementary school, if you wanted to go to school, the one with the Latin, it was necessary to support the' entrance exam. It was hard, it was necessary to bring a program that included all subjects studied in primary school, also a number of poems and prose from memory and some biographies of famosi.C 'was the first day of writings which took place in a theme, another dedicated to mathematics and then oral . Everything was happening at the middle school where we would be attending and was examined by the professors of the medium. If not passed, we went to the school of professional training to work, a kind of series B. I prepared my grandmother, one from Milan, the mother of my mother, a teacher herself, who, having a surname different from mine, he could sign the program to be presented. I had enrolled in a public school, but that year, because of 'high number of pupils and the small number schools, began (and would last almost 20 years) the tremendous double shifts: one went to school for three days of morning and three in the afternoon and as many classes were the opposite and therefore each school could hold twice as many students. Councils in the family, his grandmother promised financial help, I sustained the 'entrance exam, brilliantly, at the public school and then was enrolled in a prestigious private school run by nuns French mother, aunts and grandmothers of both arms the family had attended small
I loved those years, but I never forgave my mother that his inconsistency: on a normal school, where c 'and donkeys were the good, the rich and poor, the doctor's son and partner who called me 'four' uocchie "I was in a rarefied environment, frequented by noblemen. We were a family of high but normal economic conditions, with a maid, a house of the bourgeois type, five rooms and accessories and I suddenly found myself to share the bench with the sons of princes, counts, large industrial a caste where it seemed that everyone knew all along.
not felt any discomfort, then, my academic performance was very high and gentle companions to me, the chances of being out of school were few: in those days, 's winter home and was studying . Was in summer, during the long holidays by the sea that began in June and ended in September, who enjoyed more freedom, we went out with friends in Vico's "party", all children that our parents knew exactly why children of their friends.
In reality, the sense of having something irretrievably lost, the noise, the first strikes, the casualty, a mirror of life which is the public school, with all its faults and its shortcomings, the 'I felt later, when I taught myself. I think I enjoyed it all the way and loved you so much for this. because I had missed in the years of 'adolescence. A
"Mary Help of Christians", that was the school, the walls were painted a pale green, chosen because he was resting his sight in the morning before class, we put her veil and went to the chapel for prayer; we entered divided into two rows and we get up there and knelt at the sound of a small wooden clam that the nun was snapped, then the school hours. Once a week, the Mass, after which we went to the dining room for breakfast with milk and chocolate brioche. Every morning in class was given a notebook where, who wanted, marking the favorite snack for 'recreational time (usually bread and ham or salami and bread, a chocolate bar); during the 'interval were janitors distributed by giving each class its trash.
We had more excellent teachers, the nuns were modern and available for interview, and despite what that wonderful sense of chaos that the school gives you, I missed. We were still paying, and on that, we needed special care.
Every fortnight was given to those who had a pin high marks: "decoration", blue if you had not carried out in 10, red if it had. At the end of the quarter who had obtained all the decorations had a red ribbon with a red cross that was called "Cross of excellence" and was paraded on the uniform for the entire quarter next. My grades were high, as a discipline leaves much to be desired: I think maybe it had, in eight years, one and all. We wore a uniform that was sewn in one of the best tailors in Naples: Piégon front skirt with blue, white blouse, a sweater around his neck blue 's winter, spring blue cardigan, blue shoes, all the same model and a tee made from blue apron, and I think in high school do not wear them anymore. At the end of the quarter we met in the chapel of the 'old building and in the presence of female teachers, sisters, mother and mother superior principal, were called one by one, the first class in every subject. In middle school, except in the gym, I was first in everything at school, fortunately, went back to normal. Not that I studied a lot, in fact, I was easy, I had memory in a short time doing homework, and if I could help. Throughout high school I always played during the task of Italian class in three areas: mine and two of my companions behind, waiting patiently for their turn came.
I was sympathetic to the other, not because I was good, but in my imagination endless' hold harmless pranks and practical jokes of all kinds. As a child I was a little timid and full of fear, 'he took away all my teenage years. C
end of the year 'was the feast, the May 24, the day of Mary Help of Christians. It began with mass at the end of which is sang 'anthem "A toi mon coeur, Marie Auxiliatrice", then prepare for the "festival" organized a class all his stall, raffles, peaches Benefit tickets were purchased by parents and relatives lenient and generous, the proceeds going to the poor. A girl, Anna M, great family, beautiful and sweet that it is now very old and sick, played the guitar always sang "old Lisbon, a year he sang:" Do not be ashamed ", the sisters showed torn ' bold text.
begin the first strikes, the students of the nearby high school "Mercalli, one year attempted an assault on school girls to convince us to take off: the sisters, from the walls above them whaling.
When, years ago, my mother had attended the same school, the nuns were all French, had remained in the 60's a few: Mère Marie Agathe, very old and a redhead, he called all of us "mon petit" , Mère Marie Josephine who was a teacher of singing and had his own method for deciding whether or not you were in tune, all the other Italian. Even among the nuns c 'was the list: those who were taught mothers, those involved in service manuals were nuns. Few
years after my maturity, the school closed for lack of vocations: the last three mothers were living together, one of them, while remaining a nun, took its name from secular and continued to teach mathematics and physics in state schools.
When he was young he taught us, we already saw the adult: we called "Nun of Monza" because we questioned curiously insistent about our first love ... who knows!
We also lay teachers, including some very respectable, then grew to the public school: the gymnasium had a teacher of letters which said "It 's an old maid" was 25 years old ...
I sometimes went to study to become companions princely houses, servants in livery, an unknown world that I never embarrassed, but do not ever tried to share, as did others of my level trying to join. By the end of high school I decided to return to the normal world that I used and I broke, just any relationship. In school we were the fourth
32, arrived in the third school in 18. We, being the only third, the third was associated with the nearby high school, "Umberto", the state high school in Naples well. Many of my friends had girlfriends with kids who would take the 'exam with us, some were married and the wedding still going on.
I was one of the best hunting and began to hoard the good to study together: I studied with Grace L.; his mother was a princess, his father Earl, when studying at home was a pleasure for me that the waiter served us breakfast in bed, the more complicated was at lunch when the waiter came to the side and I had to serve the dish. When she was coming to my house, I realized that there 'was compared, but it did not bother me that much more, our economy was a difference rather than birth, my family being one of the most famous in Naples I then had no uncertainty, and I think that I had never in life felt inferior to other, different but never less. A few years ago I talked to a classmate that she lives in Milan, also her large family with those names that never end and I remember he asked me, as a girl, he said he envied me because there seems to be afraid of anything, maybe it was just the security in me, in my capacity , the 'attach importance to things that really matter. That ended, perhaps as a reaction, I was to be, although cordial, detached and as proud them.
When we studied the maturity, that long ago, with four all written and oral materials, "you did the night", was almost a rite of initiation into the study night, a tangible sign of 'maturity exam.
My father, God bless him, We obtain the cigarettes smoked in the package than the Mercedes flat ten. My father was a maverick, he gave us freedom in years in which no girl was free ... in Naples, then.
For the year-end school party nigth club booked a sophisticated, inviting teachers (those lay), who had a boyfriend, took it. I know that in that same room they celebrated twenty years and thirty years: I have never gone. They were people who belonged, attended the same parties, they married each other, they were members of the Club 'Union, whose rooms were accessed directly from the stages of S. Charles, without going into the street ... I just did not feel that world.
In the early years of university, when the dispute erupted, the more angry they were, you always find a flyer in the front row at meetings, even that they lived as a game, never give up their caste.
I saw some of them, I felt Grace recently: from young people has been harsh judgments, had good memories of me, the better, maybe my them.
maturity came and went, one of the companions was married in the fall, we disperse and began the fun of the Roaring Twenties and 'University.

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My memories

are so many of my memories and I would fix them, stop, share with others or even to myself ... What is your earliest memory of a wall ... a 'dark room. To give light on the wall someone had painted a tree branch and a flight of swallows ... but the room remained dark .. It was a 'classroom of the elementary school I attended and where my mother taught .. It was called "E. Fusinato Fua", where E was about to Erminia. I think it was the wife of a poet, Mercantini, that of "The gleaner Sapri" but what had she done to deserve that is called a school, I do not know.
We were housed in a dilapidated building, a pious institution, called "Mondragone Institute, located in the 'homonymous square in the center of Naples, where, among intricate alleys, down from CorsoVittorio Emanuele Via Chiaia: two routes among men with a maze of narrow little poor.
The school was unsafe, which means that everything could collapse at any moment to 'another, but it was said with resignation mixed with a sort of indifference that is typical of the Neapolitan people. How to say "What we putimm 'is?" I 've ever heard: When I was a pupil and later, until my mother retired in '73. The' establishment 'Mondragone "housed holy women, the sisters nearly but not quite: between those ce n' was one that prepared me for the First Communion. C 'was also a guest there was a child, a deaf-mute, survived the earthquake of Messina, I, terrified of any type of malformation, I was afraid and ran away when I saw this poor woman who spoke with moans .. The elementary school had with the 'institute a kind of convention, so, after school, once a week, we girls went to a canteen where we were given lessons in sewing ... I hated those hours: point-to-day , stem stitch, cross stitch .... crap that came out of my reluctant fingers!
's building was an overlap of buildings: c' was a close-up, then a second that is illuminated by a corridor which overlooked the dining hall where we sewed, then through a winding stairway all (I think the current rules security), access to third floor where light c 'was my class.
That's my mother, however, was the first floor: she was the TEACHER .. It was many years in that school to be able to choose the 'classroom, I do not know under what criteria: it was not the prettiest, it was in the side of the dilapidated school, but she liked it. My mother gave the "you" to the Director, because they were related, but not called by name, only the Director and you.
My mother cried when he was teaching, she was good, very, its classes were winning so many competitions, the 'Knight also have made for their academic merits, he loved the students and their' loved it, but cried, I too, in later years I would separate the stentorian tone ... but I remember that as soon as you entered the school, felt the voice of my mother.
I did the first grade three, four and five years, the first two, simply for failing to leave me and where I had refused, rolling on the floor, to attend the 'asylum, took me with him and made me sit in a bench in four years ... ... read and write at five, always dragging me, forced me to take the first set. In Naples, all make the first five years, only now you can, always. If you knew you were a teacher admitted as a listener (I shudder even thinking about the safety standards), then at the end of the first you take an exam and went to second on right.
When I made the 'first examination, as well as when I gave the elementary school, my mother, to be fair, he left the school ...
's use of the school was mixed: c' were sons of gentlemen and children who came from San Jib Lucia, a warren of alleys and stairways that by 'the Egyptian led to a Pizzofalcone S. Lucia, the most intelligent of an intelligent people: so they called my mother, because, he said, had grown up over the sea.
My teacher was called Carolina Bruno Rossi, great lady, good teacher: he did not know when someone slaps drew the lesson that left the 'imprint of the fingers (not me because good daughter and colleague). Nobody dreamed of challenging, even the parents say, "Sign vattitele" asked the teacher to beat their children. I had a friend who called me "Quatt'uocchie" because I wear glasses, but I never felt like an 'offense, was a way to define me.
poor children were given the meal, that is, free snack: sandwiches roses, yellow American cheese and quince jam it was a quince, but tough. The teacher shared the meal and also gave to children who could be poor but not enough to have their rights. I envied very poor children because 'I wanted but it was not me.
We had a voice teacher, and crippled old lady named Chair: in 'now taught us singing the national anthem and "Va pensiero" ... I do not remember other songs.
Mine was a mixed class: it was the 'only one of my life because I have attended middle and high schools by nuns, but this is a' different story.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Brands Names Of Bbq Potato Chips

What bad luck!

Sauté half of fulminant Barincorsa cause low back pain the day before, last Sunday (after healing just as lightning) is touched to the absence of my name in the charts ViviBarletta of Sunday, May 9
But us proceed in order.
after 10 consecutive stakes to the classic half-marathon of Bari, This year I spent all my energy to get prepared and focused the race, convinced that the podium and upgrade the performance of last year (1:33:44). In hindsight, looking at the standings of the race, with the same time I would have placed 3rd. But, guess who was hiding behind the corner? A witch who cursed with his infamous blow me matched the day before. So all I have to attend as a spectator at the event, basking in the wings like a poor little canary in a cage.
A Barletta, however, happened to the absurd. What an athlete participant's could never happen: to disappear from the final standings!
Better not comment on the organizational inefficiency the event. Pectoral with chip ... but non-existent electronic surveys (departure, arrival and during): How did they then publish the list with the times on the site TDS ... remains a mystery. The fact is that the judges wrote down the number of my chest on arrival, but what happened to that record ... remains another mystery.
Not to mention the traffic that hindered the way! Even without car parked with the engine running ... and even a tunnel! Not to mention that the tractor and wanted to cross at all costs! A little 'there was peace on the waterfront. The
last but not least was the mess that you created the withdrawal of the goody bag upon arrival!
Organizers apologized for the inconvenience by giving all this to the massive and unexpected participation of athletes.
That the undersigned is ... I joined the race to test the site thoroughly in the right chest on the tank top (you might think of a number upside down ... why not?). That he arrived at the finish line I could not put into question in the most absolute way. Whether in a case in the other ... you want a proof? .. Here it is --->

Quell'atleta that passes under the banner of the arrival, I assure you, it's me. As you can see ... TDS of the pad is missing the compiling of the chip.
Another irrefutable evidence to the participation in the race I could give thanks to video recordings made during the entire race uninterrupted with my mini video camera I brought with me (you can see in the picture that the string between the fingers of his left hand).
For the record: 9 km and 700 meters in 41 minutes and 50 seconds, an average of 4 'and 20-km. Not bad right? Considering the 5 days of forced rest due to injury.
What bad luck!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Hpv Throat Cancer Natural Cures

Clouds and sheets

Negramaro - Nuvole e sheets

slow and inexorable

through the silence of my sky for

then hides behind clouds suddenly

that rend the peaceful
I remembered

when everything seems to have found the right weight

have the desire to steal at the time

to give him a whole new meaning
careless, stupid and
stubborn as always I try to do so I decided to stop

to be able
still have not said a word
hoping it does not notice
I ripped away the last half hour
thinking it's the only way to feel you here

even more stupid and stubborn as ever I get

and do it again to stop
and still be able to tell

between clouds and sheets
not do it for ONE HOUR
never do for now and hold me then

between clouds and sheets do not say a word

not say a word

that lens and stainless

through the silence of my sky
and hide behind clouds suddenly

that rend the peaceful feeling the

all resurface when everything seems to have found the right weight
have the desire to steal at the time
to give him yet another way to hold me Then again

between clouds and sheets

not say a word never to do so for now just hold still

between clouds and sheets

not say a word do not say a word

that lens and stainless

through the silence of my sky
and hide behind clouds suddenly

that rend the peaceful feeling the

resurface when everything seems to have found the right weight
have the desire to steal at the time
to give him yet another way to still

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Women Playing Themselves


Negramaro - Estate

Poised between saints and false gods
supported by
senseless desire

equilibrium and rest on the thread here
a razor to dry

words that I have stretched now, and never tell

do not feel that I shudder while singing this stupid

joy when I look

do not feel that I shudder while singing is the sign

of a summer that I could never finish

of all I would like my
not feel like

that leaves me here on the edge of a razor to draw

somersaults in midair that I will never

do not feel that I shudder while singing
hide this
joy when I look stupid

do not feel that I shudder while singing

is the sign of a summer that I wish would never end

poised between saints

and do not pay much time passes and

spend as you know
and meanwhile time passes and you'll never go

hide this stupid fun when
I do not feel that you look

hand tremble as it is the sign of a summer

that I could not go on forever!